我正在制作一个琐事游戏。我有以下问题/答案/分数的示例数组,并且不确定如何仅总结正确猜测的答案的分数,例如在问题1中,如果该人猜到“否”他们得到27分,那么如果他们猜测“坐”,他们总共获得50分(27 + 23)分,依此类推。我想在id为“#family1-score”的文本区域中输入总数。
var currentQuestion = null;
var qData = [
{question: 'Name a word that most people yell at their dogs', answers: ['no', 'sit', 'stay', 'down', 'fetch', 'jump'], scores: [27,23,14,7,6,5]},
{question: 'Name a fruit you can eat with one bite.',
answers: ['strawberry', 'grape', 'blueberry', 'raspberry', 'cherry', 'blackberry'],
scores: [56,17,9,3,2,1]
{question: 'Name a holiday when people have parties.',
answers: ['christmas', 'thanksgiving', 'halloween', '4th of july', 'labor day', 'new years eve'],
scores: [35,21,11,3,2,1]
var answerData = $(".answerInput").val()
//check if answer inputted is in the array of correct answers
var isInArray = ($.inArray(answerData, qData[currentQuestion].answers) !== -1)
//get the index of the correct answer from the array
var indexOfAnswer = qData[currentQuestion].answers.indexOf(answerData)
//get the score of the answer based on location of index of answer
var answerScore = qData[currentQuestion].scores[indexOfAnswer]
//the text of the answer tile when the answer is right
var corrAnswer = answerData + " " + answerScore
// console log the answer from the input field
console.log(currPlayer + " your answer is ", answerData)
if(isInArray) {
if (currPlayer === player1Name) {
console.log(currPlayer + ". You got " + answerCount + " answers right")
//check if winner
if (answerCount === 6) {
gameMsg(currPlayer + " has won this round! " + currPlayer + ", get ready to start the next round")
//reset board to next question
//tally points in scorebox
else if (currPlayer === player2Name) {
console.log(currPlayer + ". You got " + answerCount + " answers right")
//check if winner
if (answerCount === 6) {
gameMsg(currPlayer + " has won this round! " + currPlayer + ", get ready to start the next round")
//reset board to next question
//tally points in scorebox
//console.log the score that corresponds to the index of the answer
console.log("you received ", answerScore," points")
// show green checkmark
//flip corresponding answer tile with the answer and score
if (indexOfAnswer === 0) {
} else if (indexOfAnswer === 1) {
} else if (indexOfAnswer === 2) {
} else if (indexOfAnswer === 3) {
} else if (indexOfAnswer === 4) {
} else if (indexOfAnswer === 5)
} else {
if (currPlayer === player1Name) {
strikeCount ++
console.log ('Try again')
if (strikeCount === 1) {
} else if (strikeCount === 2) {
} else if (strikeCount === 3) {
//switch turns after a player gets 3 strikes
currPlayer = player2Name
//reset strike count to 0 for player 2
console.log(currPlayer + "'s turn now.")
//show message to next player that they can steal points for guessing any answer correctly in 5 seconds
gameMsg(currPlayer + ", you have 5 seconds to guess any remaining answer correctly and steal all the points. Get ready!")
else if (currPlayer === player2Name) {
strikeCount ++
console.log ('Try again')
if (strikeCount === 1) {
} else if (strikeCount === 2) {
} else if (strikeCount === 3) {
//switch turns after a player gets 3 strikes
currPlayer = player1Name
//reset strike count to 0 for player 1
console.log(currPlayer + "'s turn now.")
//show message to next player that they can steal points for guessing any answer correctly in 5 seconds
gameMsg(currPlayer + ", you have 5 seconds to guess any remaining answer correctly and steal all the points. Get ready!")
console.log("number of strikes is ", strikeCount)