使用java中的流缓冲类从字符串中删除子串。 输出出错:
查看我的输出并解释该程序的内容? 什么必须是所需的输出以及必须在程序中进行哪些更改以获得corrct输出?
$arr[$i+1]['Descricao'] = $dados_atividades[$i]['Descricao'];
$arr[$i+1]['DataInicioPrevista'] = $dados_atividades[$i]['DataInicioPrevista'];
$arr[$i+1]['DataConclusaoPrevista'] = $dados_atividades[$i]['DataConclusaoPrevista'];
if(count($arr) == 0) {
$arr = array();
$arr[]['Descricao'] = 'N/A';
$json_string = json_encode($arr,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
if ( json_last_error() > 0 ) {
file_put_contents('json_debug.txt', json_last_error_msg() );
} else {
echo $json_string;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
// Open a BufferReader InputStream and establish it as variable 'in'...
BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
// Declare a String variable named 'str'. This string is not originally
//initialized so I'm going to do that now with a Null String...
String str = "";
// Establish a try/catch block to trap a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
// should it ever occur. This exception is thrown by String methods to
// indicate that an index is either negative or greater than the size of
// the string. For some methods such as the charAt method, this exception
// also is thrown when the index is equal to the size of the string. We
// want to catch this exception so it doesn't crash our program...
try {
// Print to the display console for User to enter his/her name...
System.out.println("Enter your name");
// Read what the User supplied and place the text into our 'str'
// String variable...
// Add (append) the string "\nThis is example for string Buffer class
// and its function" to the 'str' string variable. The '\n' is a output
// string tag for establishing a new line within the displayed output.
// the '+=' attached to our 'str' variable is a Assignment Operator. It
// tells the compiler to adds the right operand to the left operand and
// assign the result to left operand. It is the same as writing:
// str = str + "\nThis is example for string Buffer class and its function";
str+="\nThis is example for string Buffer class and its function";
// Establish a String Buffer and name it 'strbuf. A StringBuffer is a
// thread-safe, mutable sequence of characters. A string buffer is like a
// String, but can be modified...
StringBuffer strbuf=new StringBuffer();
// Place our current string held within the 'str' string variable into our
// new String Buffer (strbuf). The StringBuffer.append() method is used for
// this...
// Print the contents within out string buffer (strbuf) to the display
// console...
// Now Delete (clear) everything within our String Buffer variable (strbuf).
// This is done using the StringBuffer.delete() method. 0 indicates the starting
// point index for the number of characters within the string we want to delete.
// The 'str.length()' portion indicates the ending index point to delete. The
// 'str.length()' method always returns the length of (number of characters) within
// the string variable (str). So, we know our string variable 'str' contains:
// the User provided name, let's say: "Vikraman" plus "\nThis is example for string
// Buffer class and its function" which in total is 66 characters in length but
// because indexing always starts from 0 the length of the string (str) is 65. Our
// line below could be written strbuff.delete(0, 65). Delete characters within the
// string buffer variable (strbuf) starting from index 0 (the first character) to
// index 65 (the last character).
........ You Do The Rest .........
catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// Display the exception message to console.
是的......这些评论过于陈旧,但是当你完成它时,你将成为一名专业人士。 ;)