
时间:2016-01-11 10:42:12

标签: eclipse model grammar xtext

我正在使用Xtext来指定语法,并且在编写可能以相同关键字开头且既没有相同语法也没有相同语义的2条规则时遇到问题。但在发电时,发电机表示这两条规则的超级规则没有LLF决定。 当我从一个规则中抑制含糊不清的关键字时,它会正确生成。 我怎样才能确定它?



enum QuantifiedComplexExpressionQuantifier returns QuantifiedComplexExpressionQuantifier:
            all = 'all' | sum = 'sum' | no = 'no' | one = 'one' | lone = 'lone'  | some = 'some';

enum QuantifiedTerminalExpressionQuantifier returns QuantifiedTerminalExpressionQuantifier:
            seq = 'seq' | set = 'set' | no = 'no' | one = 'one' | lone = 'lone'  | some = 'some';


QuantifiedExpression returns QuantifiedExpression:
QuantifiedComplexExpression |

QuantifiedComplexExpression returns QuantifiedComplexExpression :   
quantifier=QuantifiedComplexExpressionQuantifier =>varDeclaration+=VarDeclaration ( =>"," =>varDeclaration+=VarDeclaration)* =>blockOrBar=BlockOrBar;

QuantifiedTerminalExpression returns QuantifiedTerminalExpression:  
quantifier=QuantifiedTerminalExpressionQuantifier =>expr=TerminalExpression;



enum QuantifiedComplexExpressionQuantifier returns QuantifiedComplexExpressionQuantifier:
            all = 'all' | sum = 'sum' ;

enum QuantifiedTerminalExpressionQuantifier returns QuantifiedTerminalExpressionQuantifier:
            seq = 'seq' | set = 'set' | no = 'no' | one = 'one' | lone = 'lone'  | some = 'some';


// automatically generated by Xtext
grammar org.xtext.alloy.Alloy with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals

import "http://fr.cuauh.als/1.0" 
import "http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" as ecore

//specification ::= [module] open* paragraph* 
Specification returns Specification:
(opens+=Library (opens+=Library)*)?
(paragraphs+=Paragraph (paragraphs+=Paragraph)*)?;

//module ::= "module" name  [ "["  ["exactly"] name  ("," ["exactly"] num)*    "]" ]
//module ::= "module" name?  [ "["  ["exactly"] name  ("," ExactlyNum )* "]" ]
Module returns Module:
'module' (name=IDName)? ('['(exactly?='exactly')? extensionName=[Ref] (nums+=ExactlyNums ( "," nums+=ExactlyNums)*)?']')?

terminal ID         : '^'?('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9'|'/')*;
//open ::= ["private"]  "open"  name  [ "[" ref,+ "]" ]  [ "as" name ]
//open ::= ["private"]  "open"  path  [ "[" ref,+ "]" ]  [ "as" name ]
Library returns Library:
(private?='private')? 'open' path=EString ('['references+=Reference (',' references+=Reference)*']')? ('as' alias=Alias)? 
//a path 
//terminal PATH returns ecore::EString :
//  ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'.')+('/'('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'.')+)*

//paragraph ::= factDecl | assertDecl | funDecl | cmdDecl | enumDecl | sigDecl
//paragraph ::= factDecl | assertDecl | funDecl | predDecl | cmdDecl | enumDecl | sigDecl
Paragraph returns Paragraph:
FactDeclaration | AssertDeclaration | FunctionDeclaration | PredicatDeclaration | CmdDeclaration | EnumerationDeclaration | SignatureDeclaration;

//cmdDecl ::= [name ":"] ("run"|"check") (name|block) scope
//cmdDecl ::= [name ":"] command (ref|block) scope ["expect (0|1)"]
CmdDeclaration returns CmdDeclaration:
(name=IDName ':')? operation=cmdOp referenceOrBlock=ReferenceOrBlock (scope=Scope)? (expect?='expect' expectValue=EInt)?;

ReferenceOrBlock returns ReferenceOrBlock:
BlockExpr | ReferenceName;  

//sigDecl ::= sigQual* "sig" name,+ [sigExt] "{" decl,* "}" [block]
//sigDecl ::= ["private"] ["abstract"] [quant] "sig" name [sigExt] "{" relDecl,* "}" [block]
SignatureDeclaration returns SignatureDeclaration:
(isPrivate?='private')? (isAbstract?='abstract')? (quantifier=SignatureQuantifier)? 'sig' name=IDName (extension=SignatureExtension)? '{'
(relations+=RelationDeclaration ( ',' =>relations+=RelationDeclaration)* )? 

SignatureExtension returns SignatureExtension:
SignatureinInheritance | SignatureInclusion;

TypeScopeTarget returns TypeScopeTarget:
Int0 | Seq | ReferenceName;

//EBoolean returns ecore::EBoolean:
//  'true' | 'false';

//["exactly"] num
ExactlyNums returns ExactlyNums:
exactly?='exactly' num=Number;

//ok do not need to be part of the concrete syntax
//  IDName | IDref;

Ref returns Ref : 
This | IDRef

IDRef returns IDRef:
namedElement=[IDName] ("/"refs=IDRef)?

IDName returns IDName:

This returns This:
'this' ("/"refs=IDRef)?

EString returns ecore::EString:

EInt returns ecore::EInt:
'-'? INT;

Alias returns Alias:

//factDecl ::= "fact" [name] block
FactDeclaration returns FactDeclaration:
'fact' (name=IDName)? block=Block;

//assertDecl ::= "assert" [name] block
AssertDeclaration returns AssertDeclaration:
'assert' (name=IDName)? block=Block ;

//funDecl ::= ["private"] "fun" [ref "."] name "(" decl,* ")" ":" expr block
//funDecl ::= ["private"] "fun" [ref "."] name "[" decl,* "]" ":" expr block
//funDecl ::= ["private"] "fun" [ref "."] name                ":" expr block
//funDecl ::= ["private"] "fun" [ref "."] name ["(" paramDecl,* ")" | "[" paramDecl,* "]" ] ":" expr block
FunctionDeclaration returns FunctionDeclaration:
(private?='private')? 'fun' (reference=[Reference] ".")?    name=IDName
    ('(' (parameters+=ParameterDeclaration ( "," parameters+=ParameterDeclaration)*)? ')'|
     '[' (parameters+=ParameterDeclaration ( "," parameters+=ParameterDeclaration)*)? ']')?
    ':' ^returns=Expression

//funDecl ::= ["private"] "pred" [ref "."] name "(" decl,* ")" block
//funDecl ::= ["private"] "pred" [ref "."] name "[" decl,* "]" block
//funDecl ::= ["private"] "pred" [ref "."] name                block
//predDecl ::= ["private"] "pred" [ref "."] name ["(" paramDecl,* ")" | "[" paramDecl,* "]" ] ":" block
PredicatDeclaration returns PredicatDeclaration:
(private?='private')? 'pred' (reference=[Reference|EString] ".")? name=IDName
    ('(' (parameters+=ParameterDeclaration ( "," parameters+=ParameterDeclaration)*)? ')'|
     '[' (parameters+=ParameterDeclaration ( "," parameters+=ParameterDeclaration)*)? ']')?

//enumDecl ::= "enum" name "{" name  ("," name)*  "}"
//enumDecl ::= "enum" name "{" enumEl  ("," enumEl)*  "}"
EnumerationDeclaration returns EnumerationDeclaration:
'enum' name=IDName '{' enumeration+=EnumerationElement ( "," enumeration+=EnumerationElement)* '}';

EnumerationElement returns EnumerationElement:

//"lone" | "one" | "some" 
enum SignatureQuantifier returns SignatureQuantifier:
lone = 'lone' | one = 'one' | some = 'some';

//decl ::= ["private"] ["disj"] name,+ ":" ["disj"] expr
//decl ::= ["private"] ["disj"] name,+ ":" ["disj"] expr
RelationDeclaration returns RelationDeclaration:
(isPrivate?='private')? (varsAreDisjoint?='disj')? names+=VarDecl (',' names+=VarDecl)* ':' (expressionIsDisjoint?='disj')? expression=Expression;

//sigExt ::= "extends" ref
SignatureinInheritance returns SignatureinInheritance:
'extends' extends=Reference;
//sigExt ::= "in" ref ["+" ref]*
SignatureInclusion returns SignatureInclusion:
'in' includes+=Reference ( "+" includes+=Reference)* ;

VarDecl returns VarDecl:

//decl ::= ["private"] ["disj"] name,+ ":" ["disj"] expr
ParameterDeclaration returns ParameterDeclaration:
(isPrivate?='private')? (varsAreDisjoint?='disj')? names+=VarDecl ( "," names+=VarDecl)* ':' (expressionIsDisjoint?='disj')? expression=Expression;

enum cmdOp returns cmdOp:
run = 'run' | check = 'check';

//expr ::= 
//1)          "let" letDecl,+ blockOrBar
//2)        | quant decl,+    blockOrBar
//3)        | unOp expr
//4)        | expr binOp   expr
//5)        | expr arrowOp expr
//6)        | expr ["!"|"not"] compareOp expr
//7)        | expr ("=>"|"implies") expr "else" expr
//8)        | expr "[" expr,* "]"
//9)        |     number
//10)       | "-" number
//11)       | "none"
//12)       | "iden"
//13)       | "univ"
//14)       | "Int"
//15)       | "seq/Int"
//16)       | "(" expr ")"
//17)       | ["@"] Name
//18)       | block
//19)       | "{" decl,+ blockOrBar "}" 

//  expr ::= leftPart [rightPart]
Expression returns Expression:
lhs=NonLeftRecursiveExpression (=>parts=NaryPart)?;     

//4)        | expr binOp   expr
//5)        | expr arrowOp expr
//6)        | expr ["!"|"not"] compareOp expr
//7)        | expr ("=>"|"implies") expr "else" expr
//8)        | expr "[" expr,* "]"
NaryPart returns NaryPart:
BinaryOrElsePart | CallPart;

//4)        | expr binOp   expr
//5)        | expr arrowOp expr
//6)        | expr ["!"|"not"] compareOp expr
//7)        | expr ("=>"|"implies") expr "else" expr
//7)        | expr ("=>"|"implies") expr "else" expr
//4)5)6)    | expr binaryOperator expr*
BinaryOrElsePart returns BinaryOrElsePart:
=>('=>'|'implies') rhs=Expression (=>'else' else=Expression)? |
operator=BinaryOperator rhs=Expression ;

//8)        | expr "[" expr,* "]"
//it is just the right part
CallPart returns CallPart:
'['(params+=Expression ( "," params+=Expression)*)?']';

//1)          "let" letDecl,+ blockOrBar
//2)        | quant decl,+    blockOrBar
//19)       | "{" decl,+ blockOrBar "}" 
//18)       | block
//          | terminalExpression
NonLeftRecursiveExpression returns NonLeftRecursiveExpression:
 TerminalExpression | 
 LetExpression | CurlyBracketsExpression | BlockExpr  | 
 QuantifiedExpression  ;

//1)          "let" letDecl,+ blockOrBar
LetExpression returns LetExpression:
'let' letDeclarations+=LetDeclaration ( ","     letDeclarations+=LetDeclaration)* blockOrBar=BlockOrBar;

//binOp ::= "||" | "or" | "&&" | "and" | "&" | "<=>" | "iff" | "=>" |     "implies" | "+" | "-" | "++" | "<:" | ":>" | "." | "<<" | ">>" | ">>>"
//compareOp ::= "=" | "in" | "<" | ">" | "=<" | ">="
//arrowOp ::= ["some"|"one"|"lone"|"set"] "->" ["some"|"one"|"lone"|"set"]
BinaryOperator returns BinaryOperator:
RelationalOperator | CompareOperator | ArrowOperator;

RelationalOperator returns RelationalOperator:

//binOp ::= "||" | "or" | "&&" | "and" | "&" | "<=>" | "iff" | "=>" | "implies" | "+" | "-" | "++" | "<:" | ":>" | "." | "<<" | ">>" | ">>>"
enum RelationalOp returns RelationalOp:
            or = '||' | and = '&&' | union = '+' | intersection = '&' |     difference = '-' | equivalence = '<=>' | override = '++' 
            | domain = '<:' | range = ':>' | join = '.' ; // | lshift = '<<' | rshift = '>>' | rrshift = '>>>'; 

//["!"|"not"] compareOp
CompareOperator returns CompareOperator:
(negated?='!' | negated?='not')? operator=CompareOp;

//compareOp ::= "=" | "in" | "<" | ">" | "=<" | ">="
enum CompareOp returns CompareOp:
            equal = '=' | inclusion = 'in' | lesser = '<' | greater = '>' | lesserOrEq = '<=' | greaterOrEq = '>=';

//arrowOp ::= ["some"|"one"|"lone"|"set"] "->" ["some"|"one"|"lone"|"set"]
ArrowOperator returns ArrowOperator:
(leftQuantifier=ArrowQuantifier)? '->' (=>rightQuantifier=ArrowQuantifier)?;

enum ArrowQuantifier returns ArrowQuantifier: 
            lone = 'lone' | one = 'one' | some = 'some' | set = 'set' ; 

//19)       | "{" decl,+ blockOrBar "}" 
CurlyBracketsExpression returns CurlyBracketsExpression:
'{' varDeclarations+=VarDeclaration ( ","     varDeclarations+=VarDeclaration)* blockOrBar=BlockOrBar '}';

//blockOrBar ::= block
//blockOrBar ::= "|" expr
BlockOrBar returns BlockOrBar:
BlockExpr | Bar;    

//blockOrBar ::= "|" expr
Bar returns Bar:
'|' expression=Expression;

//block ::= "{" expr* "}"
BlockExpr returns BlockExpr:
'{' (expressions+=Expression ( "," expressions+=Expression)*)?'}';

//3)         unOp expr
//         | finalExpression    
TerminalExpression returns TerminalExpression:
finalExpression  | 
UnaryExpr   ;   

//2)        | quant decl,+    blockOrBar
QuantifiedExpression returns QuantifiedExpression:
QuantifiedComplexExpression |

QuantifiedComplexExpression returns QuantifiedComplexExpression :   
quantifier=QuantifiedComplexExpressionQuantifier =>varDeclaration+=VarDeclaration ( =>"," =>varDeclaration+=VarDeclaration)* =>blockOrBar=BlockOrBar;

QuantifiedTerminalExpression returns QuantifiedTerminalExpression:  
quantifier=QuantifiedTerminalExpressionQuantifier =>expr=TerminalExpression;

//3)         unOp expr
UnaryExpr returns UnaryExpr:
unOp=UnaryOperator  =>expression=finalExpression;

//unOp ::= "!" | "not" | "no" | "some" | "lone" | "one" | "set" | "seq" | "#" | "~" | "*" | "^"
//unOp ::= "!" | "not" |"#" | "~" | "*" | "^"
enum UnaryOperator returns UnaryOperator:
            not = 'not' | card = '#' | transpose = '~' | reflexiveClosure = '*' | closure = '^' | not2 = '!' ;//|

//16)       | "(" expr ")"
//9)        |     number
//10)       | "-" number
//17)       | ["@"] Name
//11)       | "none"
//12)       | "iden"
//13)       | "univ"
//14)       | "Int"
//15)       | "seq/Int"

//16)       | "(" expr ")"
//10)       | ["-"] number
//17)       | "@" Name
//17)       | reference
//12)13)    | constante
finalExpression returns TerminalExpression: 
BracketExpression | NumberExpression | NotExpandedExpression |     ConstantExpression | ReferenceExpression ;   

//16)       | "(" expr ")"
BracketExpression returns BracketExpression:

//9)        |     number
//10)       | "-" number
Number returns Number:

NumberExpression returns NumberExpression:

//17)       | ["@"] Name
//17)       | "@" Name
NotExpandedExpression returns NotExpandedExpression:
'@' name=[IDRef];

ReferenceExpression returns ReferenceExpression:

//ref ::= name | "univ" | "Int" | "seq/Int"
Reference returns Reference:
ConstanteReference | ReferenceName ;

ConstanteReference returns ConstanteReference:

//13)       | "univ"
//14)       | "Int"
//15)       | "seq/Int"
enum constanteRef returns constanteRef:
            int = 'Int' | seqint = 'seq/Int' | univ = 'univ';

ReferenceName returns ReferenceName:

ConstantExpression returns ConstantExpression:

//11)       | "none"
//12)       | "iden"
enum Constant returns Constant:
            none = 'none' | iden = 'iden';

Block returns Block:

//letDecl ::= name "=" expr
LetDeclaration returns LetDeclaration:
varName=VarDecl '=' expression=Expression;

//quant ::= "all" | "no" | "some" | "lone" | "one" | "sum"
//quant ::= "all" | "no" | "some" | "lone" | "one" | "null"
enum QuantifiedComplexExpressionQuantifier returns QuantifiedComplexExpressionQuantifier:
            all = 'all' | sum = 'sum' | no = 'no' | one = 'one' | lone = 'lone'  | some = 'some';

enum QuantifiedTerminalExpressionQuantifier returns QuantifiedTerminalExpressionQuantifier:
            seq = 'seq' | set = 'set' | no = 'no' | one = 'one' | lone = 'lone'  | some = 'some';

//enum QuantifiedAmbigusExpressionQuantifier returns     QuantifiedAmbigusExpressionQuantifier:
//              no = 'no' | one = 'one' | lone = 'lone'  | some = 'some';               

//decl ::= ["private"] ["disj"] name,+ ":" ["disj"] expr
VarDeclaration returns VarDeclaration:
(=>isPrivate?='private')? (=>varsAreDisjoint?='disj')? =>names+=VarDecl ( =>"," =>names+=VarDecl)* ":" (=>expressionIsDisjoint?='disj') expression=Expression; 

//scope ::= "for" number                   ["expect" (0|1)]
//scope ::= "for" number "but" typescope,+ ["expect" (0|1)]
//scope ::= "for"              typescope,+ ["expect" (0|1)]
//scope ::=                                ["expect" (0|1)]
//scope ::= "for" [number] ["but"] typescope,* 
Scope returns Scope:
    'for' (number=Number)? (but?='but')? (typeScope+=TypeScope ( ","     typeScope+=TypeScope)*)?;

//typescope ::= ["exactly"] number [name|"int"|"seq"]
//typescope ::= ExactlyNumber target
TypeScope returns TypeScope:
num=ExactlyNums target=[TypeScopeTarget];

TypeScopeTarget_Impl returns TypeScopeTarget:

Int0 returns Int:

Seq returns Seq:


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


=>(quantifier=QuantifiedComplexExpressionQuantifier varDeclaration+=VarDeclaration)

但是使用长时间的脚趾会使错误恢复和内容辅助更糟糕。您应该修改并尝试摆脱许多其他谓词'=&gt;'。另请注意,在许多情况下,替代的第一组谓词(' - &gt;')足够好并且更可取。



QuantifiedExpression returns QuantifiedExpression:
  quantifier=QuantifiedExpressionQuantifier (varDeclaration+=VarDeclaration ( "," varDeclaration+=VarDeclaration)* blockOrBar=BlockOrBar | expr=TerminalExpression);