目前我有一个NSObject Expense
enum Function: String{
case Personal, Social, Work, Family
enum Category: String{
case General, Personal, House, Food, Transport, Clothes, Fun, Misc
enum Subcategory: String{
case /*General*/ None,
/*Personal*/ Mobile, Medical, Taxes, Insurance, PersonalCare, Gadgets, Pets, Education, Laundry, Fitness, Loan, Vouchers, Subscriptions,
/*House*/ Groceries, Rent, Phone, Electricity, Internet, Cable, Water, Repairs, Plants, Mortgage, Electronics, Furniture, Heating,
/*Food*/ Takeout, Fastfood, DiningOut, Cafe, Drinks,
/*Transport*/ Gas, Maintenance, PublicTransport, Taxi, CarLoan, Penalty, Flight, Parking, CarRentals,
/*Clothes*/ Shoes, Clothes, Accessories, Underwear, Bags,
/*Fun*/ Events, Movies, Recreation, Cultural, Sports, Books, Magazines, Music, Apps, Software, TVShows,
/*Misc*/ Gift, Office, Charity, Lodging, Service, Toy
class Expense: NSObject {
var cost: Double
var date: NSDateComponents
var function: Function
var category: Category
var subcategory: Subcategory
var note: String
var location: String
var receipt: UIImage
init(amountSpent: Double, date: NSDate){
self.cost = amountSpent
//set date
let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
self.date = calendar.components([NSCalendarUnit.Day, NSCalendarUnit.Month, NSCalendarUnit.Year, NSCalendarUnit.WeekOfYear, NSCalendarUnit.Hour, NSCalendarUnit.Minute, NSCalendarUnit.Second, NSCalendarUnit.Nanosecond], fromDate: date)
//set organization
self.function = .Personal
self.category = .General
self.subcategory = .None
//set rest of attributes blank
self.note = nil
self.location = nil
self.receipt = nil
convenience init(amountSpent: Double){
self.init(amountSpent: amountSpent, date: NSDate()) //set to today's date
init(amountSpent: Double, date: NSDate, function: Function, category: Category, subcategory: Subcategory){
self.cost = amountSpent
//set date
let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
self.date = calendar.components([NSCalendarUnit.Day, NSCalendarUnit.Month, NSCalendarUnit.Year, NSCalendarUnit.WeekOfYear, NSCalendarUnit.Hour, NSCalendarUnit.Minute, NSCalendarUnit.Second, NSCalendarUnit.Nanosecond], fromDate: date)
//set organization
self.function = function
self.category = category
self.subcategory = subcategory
//set rest of attributes blank
self.note = nil
self.location = nil
self.receipt = nil
然而,如果我保留所有费用的数组,这不是一个理想的结构b / c,每次我想对数据进行排序时,我都必须查看所有数据。