目前,每按一次W,A,S或D键,蛇就会移动1个方格/ 20个像素。问题是我希望这个动作是连续的,并且按下其他按键。例如,当我按下' S'钥匙,蛇将向下移动(直到撞到墙壁),除非我按下W,A或D.在这种情况下,蛇应该将其移动到相应的方向。我有一个小小的想法,我将不得不使用一个循环来继续移动蛇(这个循环我思考将位于方法的一个分支(如果/ else)内:移动)。
这是我开发的当前源代码。这段代码在"准备编程"对于Java。如果不是编写" System.out.println();",那么你也可以写一些#34; c.println()"这是因为我使用的是C控制台。
我已导入KeyAdapter和KeyEvent。这就是一个名为SnakeGame的公共类。 keyPressed存在,因为我试图更早地解决这个问题。我相信它仍然有用。
// STORAGE ---- Setting up the variables
public static int life = 1; // Sets how many lives the snake has: 1
public static int appleX; // The X coordinate of the apple
public static int appleY; // The Y coordinate of the apple
public static int[] jointPosX = new int[400]; // X coordinates of the snake's joints. Stores as an array
public static int[] jointPosY = new int[400]; // Y coordinates of the snake's joints. Stores as an array
public static int jointNum = 3; // How many joints the snake starts out with: 3
public static int key;
public static boolean goLeft;
public static boolean goRight;
public static boolean goUp;
public static boolean goDown;
public static char moveInput; // The character (w, a, s, d) pressed for direction of movement
public static void board() // The game board
c.drawRect(19, 19, 401, 401); // These 3 lines make the border thick
c.drawRect(18, 18, 403, 403);
c.drawRect(17, 17, 405, 405);
c.setColor(new Color(72, 232, 75)); // Color: Medium - Dark Green
c.fillRect(20, 20, 400, 400); // The actual area where the snake moves
for (int y = 20; y < 420; y+=20) // Moving the position of the square across the Y axis
for (int x = 20; x < 420; x+=20) // Moving the position of the square across the X axis
c.drawRect(x, y, 20, 20); // Drawing the individual squares of the grid
public static void apple() // Where the apple will spawn
Random generator = new Random(); // Setting up the randum number generator
appleX = generator.nextInt(380 - 0 + 1) + 1; // X coordinate for apple (0 - 380)
if (appleX % 20 == 0) // Divisible perfectly by 20. Each square is 20 pixels wide
appleX = appleX; // The number is perfect
int rem = appleX % 20; // The remainder is assigned a variable
appleX = appleX - rem; // The X coordinate is now divisible by 20 (Subtracts the remainder from the indivisible X coordinate)
appleX = appleX + 21; // Adds 21 since board starts 21 pixels to the right
appleY = generator.nextInt(380 - 0 + 1) + 1; // Y coordinate for apple (0 - 380)
if (appleY % 20 == 0) // Divisible perfectly by 20. Each square is 20 pixels tall
appleY = appleY; // The number is perfect
int rem = appleY % 20; // The remainder is assigned a variable
appleY = appleY - rem; // The Y coordinate is now divisible by 20 (Subtracts the remainder from the indivisible Y coordinate)
appleY = appleY + 21; // Adds 21 since board starts 21 pixels downwards
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
key = e.getKeyCode();
if (key == KeyEvent.VK_W)
goLeft = false;
goRight = false;
goUp = true;
goDown = false;
if (key == KeyEvent.VK_A)
goLeft = true;
goRight = false;
goUp = false;
goDown = false;
if (key == KeyEvent.VK_S)
goLeft = false;
goRight = false;
goUp = false;
goDown = true;
if (key == KeyEvent.VK_D)
goLeft = false;
goRight = true;
goUp = false;
goDown = false;
public static void selfDeath() // If the snake hits itself
for (int i = jointNum - 1; i > 0; i--) // Variable i stands for index number
if (jointPosX[0] == jointPosX[i] && jointPosY[0] == jointPosY[i]) // Checks if X and Y coordinates of head of snake matches any other part of snake
life--; // Loses a life
public static void wallDeath() // If the snake hits the wall
if (jointPosX[0] < 20 || jointPosX[0] > 420 || jointPosY[0] < 20 || jointPosY[0] > 420) // Checks if X and Y coordinates of head of snake is outside border coordinates
life--; // Loses a life
public static void movement() // How the snake moves
c.setColor(new Color(23, 156, 26)); // Color: Dark green
c.fillRect(jointPosX[0], jointPosY[0], 19, 19); // Initial point of snake
while(life == 1) {
moveInput = c.getChar(); // Getting W, A, S, or D from user
board(); // Redrawing the board
c.setColor(Color.red); // Color: Red
c.fillOval(appleX, appleY, 19, 19); // Drawing the apple
if (moveInput == 'w')
for (int i = jointNum - 1; i > 0; i--) { // Variable i stands for index number
jointPosY[i] = jointPosY[i - 1]; // Changing the Y coordinates of the joints to follow
jointPosX[i] = jointPosX[i - 1]; // Changing the X ooordinates of the joints to follow
jointPosY[0] = jointPosY[0] - 20; // Changing the vertical position of snake head (User pressed W)
c.setColor(new Color(23, 156, 26));
for (int z = 0; z < jointNum; z++) { // Moving along the index numbers
c.fillRect(jointPosX[z], jointPosY[z], 19, 19); // Drawing each joint
if (moveInput == 'a')
for (int i = jointNum - 1; i > 0; i--) { // Variable i stands for index number
jointPosX[i] = jointPosX[i - 1]; // Changing the X ooordinates of the joints to follow
jointPosY[i] = jointPosY[i - 1]; // Changing the Y coordinates of the joints to follow
jointPosX[0] = jointPosX[0] - 20; // Changing the horizontal position of snake head (User pressed S)
c.setColor(new Color(23, 156, 26));
for (int z = 0; z < jointNum; z++) { // Moving along the index numbers
c.fillRect(jointPosX[z], jointPosY[z], 19, 19); // Drawing each joint
if (moveInput == 's')
for (int i = jointNum - 1; i > 0; i--) { // Variable i stands for index number
jointPosY[i] = jointPosY[i - 1]; // Changing the Y coordinates of the joints to follow
jointPosX[i] = jointPosX[i - 1]; // Changing the X ooordinates of the joints to follow
jointPosY[0] = jointPosY[0] + 20; // Changing the vertical position of snake head (User pressed A)
c.setColor(new Color(23, 156, 26));
for (int z = 0; z < jointNum; z++) { // Moving along the index numbers
c.fillRect(jointPosX[z], jointPosY[z], 19, 19); // Drawing each joint
if (moveInput == 'd')
for (int i = jointNum - 1; i > 0; i--) { // Variable i stands for index number
jointPosX[i] = jointPosX[i - 1]; // Changing the X ooordinates of the joints to follow
jointPosY[i] = jointPosY[i - 1]; // Changing the Y coordinates of the joints to follow
jointPosX[0] = jointPosX[0] + 20; // Changing the horizontal position of snake head (User pressed D)
c.setColor(new Color(23, 156, 26));
for (int z = 0; z < jointNum; z++) { // Moving along the index numbers
c.fillRect(jointPosX[z], jointPosY[z], 19, 19); // Drawing each joint
public static void addJoint() // Checks to add a joint to the snake
if (jointPosX[0] == appleX && jointPosY[0] == appleY) // If X and Y coordinates of head of snake match X and Y coordinates of apple
jointNum++; // Adds a joint
apple(); // Adds another place for the apple to spawn
public static void main(String[] args)
c = new Console(25, 75);
jointPosX[0] = 101;
jointPosY[0] = 101;
jointPosX[1] = 101;
jointPosY[1] = 101;
jointPosX[2] = 101;
jointPosY[2] = 101;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
1)The game is in the current Position
x x 2) User presses the Right Arrow (=>)
x 76 x
x 543 x 3) Direction is adjusted
x 2 x Var Direction_X = 1
x 1 x Var Direction_Y = 0
x x
4) Head node moves per Direction_X and Direction_Y
x x
x 76 x
x 543 x
x 2 x
x 1 x
x x
5) Node 2 moves to where node 1 was
x x
x 76 x
x 543 x
x x
x 21 x
x x
6) Node 3 moves to where node 2 was
x x
x 76 x
x 54 x
x 3 x
x 21 x
x x
7) Nodes 4 to 7 follow the same pattern
x x
x 7 x
x 654 x
x 3 x
x 21 x
x x
8) The frame is repainted with everything in the new position.
上面的图表是我能想到的最佳方式,可以明确表示算法的意图,但在实际编码时,您可能希望从后面开始,而不是在替换节点时(在6处放置7, 6,5,5 at 4,...,2 at 1,每当前方向变量移动1)。这是因为下一个位置已经存储在您的列表中。