什么" =>"在javascript中意味着什么?

时间:2016-01-10 05:20:58

标签: javascript spidermonkey

/ *显示标签和灰色叠加层或隐藏连接更改。 * /

var g_StatusMessageTypes = {
        "authenticated": msg => translate("Connection to the server has been authenticated."),
        "connected": msg => translate("Connected to the server."),
        "disconnected": msg => translate("Connection to the server has been lost.") + "\n" +
                        // Translation: States the reason why the client disconnected from the server.
                        sprintf(translate("Reason: %(reason)s."), { "reason": getDisconnectReason(msg.reason) }) + "\n" +
                        translate("The game has ended."),
        "waiting_for_players": msg => translate("Waiting for other players to connect..."),
        "join_syncing": msg => translate("Synchronising gameplay with other players..."),
        "active": msg => ""

如上所述," =>"手段?有人帮帮我吗?

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