
时间:2008-12-06 23:58:09

标签: python arrays scheme




def swap(p, (r1, c1), (r2, c2)):  
    # Swaps *any* two locations and returns new configuration  
    # Does not concern itself with zero location, etc  
    # Not sure how to do this functionally  
    p_p = p[:]  
    temp = p_p[r1][c1]  
    p_p[r1][c1] = p_p[r2][c2]  
    p_p[r2][c2] = temp  
    return p_p  


但这提出了一个问题。我在SICP中读到的所有东西都是通过递归循环。在常量时间访问数组/向量/列表时没有看到任何内容。我可以想象一种循环/递归方式来读取一个元素,但我发现很难想象一种方法来创建一个新的列表,其中某个元素被更改,而不会调用副作用产生像set!这样的东西,而不是诉诸于疯狂如果/ then / else有关应该更改哪个元素的子句。当考虑二维阵列时,这当然会变得更加混乱。在这种情况下,使用python的解决方案是显而易见的,因为它对多维数组的本机支持。

在C / C ++ / Python / Matlab / Lua /其他任何地方,通过[i]语法访问列表/数组很容易,直接转换为下面某处的面向硬件的指针查找。考虑到SICP版本的方案中定义的原子操作,我看不出方案如何做到这一点,这些操作看起来都非常以循环和搜索为导向。向量和列表数组访问函数如何工作以获得恒定的时间访问? (我在这里总是新手,所以我不确定我会谈论什么功能)。在秘密访问的某个地方是否有C或汇编库?在方案中是否有任何固有的常量时间语义可用于列表/数组/向量访问,这将允许我在Python中使用该成语的无罪方式?


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



答案 1 :(得分:2)


无论如何,如果你真的对这个功能感兴趣(Scheme不需要你),最简单的方法是创建一些辅助函数,它们将获得给定row / col的特定值并'set'一个值给定行/列。设置操作不是修改原始数据结构,而是基于旧状态构造新状态。

然后,您可以根据这些get和set操作编写交换操作。这是我一年前在Common Lisp中写的内容,但它很容易转换为Scheme:

; getval
; This function takes a position (r . c) where and returns the corresponding
; number in the 8-puzzle state. For example, if you wanted (1 . 2) from
; ((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9)), the value would be 6. The r and c values begin
; at 0.
; parameters:  pos    The position to get
;              state  The 8-puzzle state
; returns:     The value at pos in state
(defun getval (pos state)
  (if (null state) 'no-value
      (if (= 0 (car pos))
      (if (= 0 (cdr pos))
          (caar state)
          (getval (cons (car pos) (- (cdr pos) 1)) (list (cdar state))))
      (getval (cons (- (car pos) 1) (cdr pos)) (cdr state)))))

; setval
; This function returns a state where the value at pos is replaced by val.
; Like getval, this function is zero-based. Accessing beyond the size of
; the state is undefined (and probably broken)
; parameters:  pos    Position to set
;              val    Value to set
;              state  State to modify
; returns:     New state where pos is val
(defun setval (pos val state)
  (if (null state) '()
      (if (= 0 (car pos))
      (if (= 0 (cdr pos))
          (cons (cons val (cdar state)) (cdr state))
          (let ((temp (setval (cons (car pos) (- (cdr pos) 1)) val
                  (cons (cdar state) (cdr state)))))
        (cons (cons (caar state) (car temp)) (cdr temp))))
      (cons (car state) (setval (cons (- (car pos) 1) (cdr pos)) val (cdr state))))))

; state-swap
; This function takes a state and two positions and returns a new state with
; the values in those two positions swapped.
; parameters:  state  State to swap within
;              a      Position to swap with b
;              b      Position to swap with a
; return:      State with a swapped with b
(defun state-swap (state a b)
  (let ((olda (getval a state)) (oldb (getval b state)))
    (setval a oldb (setval b olda state))))

答案 2 :(得分:1)


def swap(p, (r1,c1), (r2,c2)):
    def getitem(r,c):
        if (r,c) == (r1,c1): return p[r2][c2]
        elif (r,c) == (r2,c2): return p[r1][c1]
        return p[r][c]
    return [ [getitem(r,c) for c in range(len(p[0]))] for r in range(len(p)) ]


def swap(f, (r1,c1), (r2,c2)):
    def getitem(r,c):
        if (r,c) == (r1,c1): return f(r2,c2)
        elif (r,c) == (r2,c2): return f(r1,c1)
        return f(r,c)
   return getitem

l=[ [1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,0]]
f=lambda r,c: l[r][c]    # Initial accessor function
f=swap(f, (2,1), (2,2))  # 8 right
f=swap(f, (1,1), (2,1))  # 5 down
print [[f(x,y) for y in range(3)] for x in range(3)]
# Gives: [[1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 6], [7, 5, 8]]

答案 3 :(得分:0)

