
时间:2016-01-09 19:51:37

标签: assembly encryption x86 intel

我试图在汇编中制作加密/解密程序。它工作正常,但我必须手动输入ror和rol的位数。我想知道我是否可以做一些像ror eax,n,其中n是我的变量,介于1和7之间,从键盘读取。我怎样才能做到这一点 ?谢谢。这是我的代码。

 tfile1 db "text.txt", 0
 read db "rb", 0
 write db "wb",0
 format db "%c", 0
  msg1 DB "n=",0
 n DD 0
 formatd DB "%d",0
 buffer db 0

 push offset msg1           ; put msg1 on stack
 call printf            ; print msg1
 add esp,4           ; clear stack
 push offset n           ; put n on stack
 push offset formatd           ; put n format on stack
 call scanf           ; write n value
 add esp,8           ; clear stack
 mov ebx,n           ; copy n in ebx
 push ebx           ; put n on stack
 push offset formatd           ; put n format on stack 
 add esp,8           ; clear stack
 push offset read           ;put read binary operation on stack
 push offset tfile1           ;put text.txt on stack
 call fopen           ;open text.txt
 add ESP, 8           ;clear stack
 mov esi, eax           ;save pointer to the stack
 push esi           ;stream
 push 1           ;count
 push 1           ;size
 push offset buffer
 call fread  
 test eax,eax           ;check if eax=0
 jz close_tfile
 xor eax, eax           ;clear eax 
 mov al, buffer           ; copy buffer in al
 not eax            ;1's complement
 add eax,1           ; 2's complement
 ror eax,3 ; ror eax with 3 ! Here's my problem I wana imput the bytes value
 rol eax,3 ; rol eax with 3 ! Here's my problem I wana imput the bytes value
 not eax           ;  2's complement
 add eax,1           ; 1's complement
 push eax           ; put eax on stack
 push offset format           ; put format on stack
 call printf           ; print from text.txt
 add esp, 8           ;clear stack
 jmp read_loop
 add esp, 16           ; clear stack from fread
 push esi ;stream    
 call fclose
 add esp,4 
 push 0
 call exit


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