"readme_1" : "loklak.org is the framework for a message search system, not the portal, read: http://loklak.org/about.html#notasearchportal",
"readme_2" : "This is supposed to be the back-end of a search portal. For the api, see http://loklak.org/api.html",
"readme_3" : "Parameters q=(query), source=(cache|backend|twitter|all), callback=p for jsonp, maximumRecords=(message count), minified=(true|false)",
"search_metadata" : {
"itemsPerPage" : "100",
"count" : "100",
"count_twitter_all" : 0,
"count_twitter_new" : 100,
"count_backend" : 0,
"count_cache" : 78780,
"hits" : 78780,
"period" : 3066,
"query" : "apple",
"client" : "",
"time" : 5219,
"servicereduction" : "false",
"scraperInfo" : ",local"
"statuses" : [ {
"created_at" : "2016-01-09T12:11:38.000Z",
"screen_name" : "arifazmi92",
"text" : "Perhaps I shouldn't have eaten that pisang goreng cheese perisa green apple. <img class=\"Emoji Emoji--forText\" src=\"https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f605.png\" draggable=\"false\" alt=\"\" title=\"Smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat\" aria-label=\"Emoji: Smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat\"><img class=\"Emoji Emoji--forText\" src=\"https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f605.png\" draggable=\"false\" alt=\"\" title=\"Smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat\" aria-label=\"Emoji: Smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat\"><img class=\"Emoji Emoji--forText\" src=\"https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f605.png\" draggable=\"false\" alt=\"\" title=\"Smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat\" aria-label=\"Emoji: Smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat\">",
"link" : "https://twitter.com/arifazmi92/status/685796067082813440",
"id_str" : "685796067082813440",
"source_type" : "TWITTER",
"provider_type" : "SCRAPED",
"retweet_count" : 0,
"favourites_count" : 0,
"images" : [ ],
"images_count" : 0,
"audio" : [ ],
"audio_count" : 0,
"videos" : [ ],
"videos_count" : 0,
"place_name" : "Bandar Shah Alam, Selangor",
"place_id" : "9be3b0eca6c21f6c",
"place_context" : "FROM",
"place_country" : "Malaysia",
"place_country_code" : "MY",
"place_country_center" : [ -59.30559537806809, 3.4418498787292435 ],
"location_point" : [ 101.53280621465888, 3.0850698533863863 ],
"location_radius" : 0,
"location_mark" : [ 101.52542227271437, 3.0911033774188725 ],
"location_source" : "PLACE",
"hosts" : [ "abs.twimg.com" ],
"hosts_count" : 1,
"links" : [ "https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f605.png\"", "https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f605.png\"", "https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f605.png\"" ],
"links_count" : 3,
"mentions" : [ ],
"mentions_count" : 0,
"hashtags" : [ ],
"hashtags_count" : 0,
"without_l_len" : 626,
"without_lu_len" : 626,
"without_luh_len" : 626,
"user" : {
"screen_name" : "arifazmi92",
"user_id" : "44503967",
"name" : "Arif Azmi",
"profile_image_url_https" : "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/685788990004301824/NbFnnLuO_bigger.jpg",
"appearance_first" : "2016-01-09T12:11:57.933Z",
"appearance_latest" : "2016-01-09T12:11:57.933Z"
} ],
"aggregations" : { }
public class MainPojo
private String readme0;
private String readme1;
private String readme2;
private String readme3;
private SearchMetadata searchMetadata;
private List<Status> statuses = new ArrayList<Status>();
private Aggregations aggregations;
public String getReadme0() {
return readme0;
public void setReadme0(String readme0) {
this.readme0 = readme0;
public String getReadme1() {
return readme1;
public void setReadme1(String readme1) {
this.readme1 = readme1;
public String getReadme2() {
return readme2;
public void setReadme2(String readme2) {
this.readme2 = readme2;
public String getReadme3() {
return readme3;
public void setReadme3(String readme3) {
this.readme3 = readme3;
public SearchMetadata getSearchMetadata() {
return searchMetadata;
public void setSearchMetadata(SearchMetadata searchMetadata) {
this.searchMetadata = searchMetadata;
public List<Status> getStatuses() {
return statuses;
public void setStatuses(List<Status> statuses) {
this.statuses = statuses;
public Aggregations getAggregations() {
return aggregations;
public void setAggregations(Aggregations aggregations) {
this.aggregations = aggregations;
public class Status
private String createdAt;
private String screenName;
private String text;
private String link;
private String idStr;
private String sourceType;
private String providerType;
private Integer retweetCount;
private Integer favouritesCount;
private List<Object> images = new ArrayList<Object>();
private Integer imagesCount;
private List<Object> audio = new ArrayList<Object>();
private Integer audioCount;
private List<Object> videos = new ArrayList<Object>();
private Integer videosCount;
private String placeName;
private String placeId;
private String placeContext;
private List<Double> locationPoint = new ArrayList<Double>();
private Integer locationRadius;
private List<Double> locationMark = new ArrayList<Double>();
private String locationSource;
private List<String> hosts = new ArrayList<String>();
private Integer hostsCount;
private List<String> links = new ArrayList<String>();
private Integer linksCount;
private List<Object> mentions = new ArrayList<Object>();
private Integer mentionsCount;
private List<Object> hashtags = new ArrayList<Object>();
private Integer hashtagsCount;
private Integer withoutLLen;
private Integer withoutLuLen;
private Integer withoutLuhLen;
private User user;
private String providerHash;
private String classifierLanguage;
private Double classifierLanguageProbability;
public String getCreatedAt() {
return createdAt;
public void setCreatedAt(String createdAt) {
this.createdAt = createdAt;
public String getScreenName() {
return screenName;
public void setScreenName(String screenName) {
this.screenName = screenName;
public String getText() {
return text;
public void setText(String text) {
this.text = text;
public String getLink() {
return link;
public void setLink(String link) {
this.link = link;
public String getIdStr() {
return idStr;
public void setIdStr(String idStr) {
this.idStr = idStr;
public String getSourceType() {
return sourceType;
public void setSourceType(String sourceType) {
this.sourceType = sourceType;
public String getProviderType() {
return providerType;
public void setProviderType(String providerType) {
this.providerType = providerType;
public Integer getRetweetCount() {
return retweetCount;
public void setRetweetCount(Integer retweetCount) {
this.retweetCount = retweetCount;
public Integer getFavouritesCount() {
return favouritesCount;
public void setFavouritesCount(Integer favouritesCount) {
this.favouritesCount = favouritesCount;
public List<Object> getImages() {
return images;
public void setImages(List<Object> images) {
this.images = images;
public Integer getImagesCount() {
return imagesCount;
public void setImagesCount(Integer imagesCount) {
this.imagesCount = imagesCount;
public List<Object> getAudio() {
return audio;
public void setAudio(List<Object> audio) {
this.audio = audio;
public Integer getAudioCount() {
return audioCount;
public void setAudioCount(Integer audioCount) {
this.audioCount = audioCount;
public List<Object> getVideos() {
return videos;
public void setVideos(List<Object> videos) {
this.videos = videos;
public Integer getVideosCount() {
return videosCount;
public void setVideosCount(Integer videosCount) {
this.videosCount = videosCount;
public String getPlaceName() {
return placeName;
public void setPlaceName(String placeName) {
this.placeName = placeName;
public String getPlaceId() {
return placeId;
public void setPlaceId(String placeId) {
this.placeId = placeId;
public String getPlaceContext() {
return placeContext;
public void setPlaceContext(String placeContext) {
this.placeContext = placeContext;
public List<Double> getLocationPoint() {
return locationPoint;
public void setLocationPoint(List<Double> locationPoint) {
this.locationPoint = locationPoint;
public Integer getLocationRadius() {
return locationRadius;
public void setLocationRadius(Integer locationRadius) {
this.locationRadius = locationRadius;
public List<Double> getLocationMark() {
return locationMark;
public void setLocationMark(List<Double> locationMark) {
this.locationMark = locationMark;
public String getLocationSource() {
return locationSource;
public void setLocationSource(String locationSource) {
this.locationSource = locationSource;
public List<String> getHosts() {
return hosts;
public void setHosts(List<String> hosts) {
this.hosts = hosts;
public Integer getHostsCount() {
return hostsCount;
public void setHostsCount(Integer hostsCount) {
this.hostsCount = hostsCount;
public List<String> getLinks() {
return links;
public void setLinks(List<String> links) {
this.links = links;
public Integer getLinksCount() {
return linksCount;
public void setLinksCount(Integer linksCount) {
this.linksCount = linksCount;
public List<Object> getMentions() {
return mentions;
public void setMentions(List<Object> mentions) {
this.mentions = mentions;
public Integer getMentionsCount() {
return mentionsCount;
public void setMentionsCount(Integer mentionsCount) {
this.mentionsCount = mentionsCount;
public List<Object> getHashtags() {
return hashtags;
public void setHashtags(List<Object> hashtags) {
this.hashtags = hashtags;
public Integer getHashtagsCount() {
return hashtagsCount;
public void setHashtagsCount(Integer hashtagsCount) {
this.hashtagsCount = hashtagsCount;
public Integer getWithoutLLen() {
return withoutLLen;
public void setWithoutLLen(Integer withoutLLen) {
this.withoutLLen = withoutLLen;
public Integer getWithoutLuLen() {
return withoutLuLen;
public void setWithoutLuLen(Integer withoutLuLen) {
this.withoutLuLen = withoutLuLen;
public Integer getWithoutLuhLen() {
return withoutLuhLen;
public void setWithoutLuhLen(Integer withoutLuhLen) {
this.withoutLuhLen = withoutLuhLen;
public User getUser() {
return user;
public void setUser(User user) {
this.user = user;
public String getProviderHash() {
return providerHash;
public void setProviderHash(String providerHash) {
this.providerHash = providerHash;
public String getClassifierLanguage() {
return classifierLanguage;
public void setClassifierLanguage(String classifierLanguage) {
this.classifierLanguage = classifierLanguage;
public Double getClassifierLanguageProbability() {
return classifierLanguageProbability;
public void setClassifierLanguageProbability(Double classifierLanguageProbability) {
this.classifierLanguageProbability = classifierLanguageProbability;
public class User {
private String screenName;
private String userId;
private String name;
private String profileImageUrlHttps;
private String appearanceFirst;
private String appearanceLatest;
public String getScreenName() {
return screenName;
public void setScreenName(String screenName) {
this.screenName = screenName;
public String getUserId() {
return userId;
public void setUserId(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getProfileImageUrlHttps() {
return profileImageUrlHttps;
public void setProfileImageUrlHttps(String profileImageUrlHttps) {
this.profileImageUrlHttps = profileImageUrlHttps;
public String getAppearanceFirst() {
return appearanceFirst;
public void setAppearanceFirst(String appearanceFirst) {
this.appearanceFirst = appearanceFirst;
public String getAppearanceLatest() {
return appearanceLatest;
public void setAppearanceLatest(String appearanceLatest) {
this.appearanceLatest = appearanceLatest;
public class Aggregations {
SharedPreferences Tempx = getSharedPreferences("ActivitySession", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor edx = Tempx.edit();
edx.putString("GSON_FEED", response.toString());
Gson gson = new Gson();
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonArray jArray = parser.parse(Tempx.getString("GSON_FEED","")).getAsJsonArray();
for(JsonElement obj : jArray )
MainPojo cse = gson.fromJson( obj , MainPojo.class);
}catch(Throwable e) {
JsonElement obj = parser.parse(Tempx.getString("GSON_FEED","")).getAsJsonObject();
MainPojo cse = gson.fromJson( obj , MainPojo.class);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
您可以定义自定义反序列化器并使用GSON注册类型适配器。也 你为什么用这个:
JsonArray jArray = parser.parse(Tempx.getString("GSON_FEED","")).getAsJsonArray();
public class FooDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<Foos>
@Override public Foos deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException
JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject();
JsonArray statusArray = jsonObject.get("statuses").getAsJsonArray();
Foos result = new Foos();
ArrayList fooArray = new ArrayList<>;
for (JsonElement e : statusArray) {
fooArray.add(new Foo());
return result;