
时间:2016-01-09 01:04:37

标签: f# mutability


这是Karger MinCut算法的一种实现,用于计算非有向图组件的最小割。我不会在这里讨论算法是如何工作的, 了解更多信息https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karger%27s_algorithm 重要的是它是一个随机算法,运行确定数量的试运行,并采取“最佳”运行。


我在这个简单的图表上运行代码(当我们剪切图表时,mincut为2 分为2个分量(1,2,3,4)和(5,6,7,8),在这2个分量之间只有2个边缘)

|\/|     |\/|
|/\|     |/\|

文件simplegraph.txt应对此图表进行编码,如下所示 (第1列=节点号,其他列=链接)

1 2 3 4 7
2 1 3 4
3 1 2 4
4 1 2 3 5
5 4 6 7 8
6 5 7 8
7 1 5 6 8
8 5 6 7


所以有一个主要的i循环调用每个试验。 第一次执行,(当i = 1时)看起来光滑而完美, 但是当i = 2时,我有运行时错误执行,因为它看起来有些变量, 像WG没有正确重新初始化,导致出界错误。

WG,WG1和WGmin是type wgraphobj,它们是对象对象的记录 WG1在主循环外部定义,我不对WG1进行新的分配。 [但它的类型是可变的,唉]


let mutable WG = WG1

然后在for i循环的开头, 我写了

WG <- WG1

然后,我修改每个试验中的WG对象进行一些计算。 当试验结束并且我们进入下一次试验(我增加)时,我想将WG重置为其初始状态,如WG1。 但它似乎不起作用,我不明白为什么......


MyModule.fs [执行时不需要的一些功能]

namespace MyModule

   module Dict =
      open System.Collections.Generic
      let toSeq d = d |> Seq.map (fun (KeyValue(k,v)) -> (k,v))
      let toArray (d:IDictionary<_,_>) = d |> toSeq |> Seq.toArray
      let toList (d:IDictionary<_,_>) = d |> toSeq |> Seq.toList
      let ofMap (m:Map<'k,'v>) = new Dictionary<'k,'v>(m) :> IDictionary<'k,'v>
      let ofList (l:('k * 'v) list) = new Dictionary<'k,'v>(l |> Map.ofList) :> IDictionary<'k,'v>
      let ofSeq (s:('k * 'v) seq) = new Dictionary<'k,'v>(s |> Map.ofSeq) :> IDictionary<'k,'v>
      let ofArray (a:('k * 'v) []) = new Dictionary<'k,'v>(a |> Map.ofArray) :> IDictionary<'k,'v>


open MyModule.Dict

open System.IO

let x = File.ReadAllLines "\..\simplegraph.txt";;
// val x : string [] =

let splitAtTab (text:string)=
    text.Split [|'\t';' '|]

let splitIntoKeyValue (s:seq<'T>) = 
    (Seq.head s, Seq.tail s)

let parseLine (line:string)=
    |> splitAtTab
    |> Array.filter (fun s -> not(s=""))
    |> Array.map (fun s-> (int s))
    |> Array.toSeq
    |> splitIntoKeyValue

let y =
    x |> Array.map parseLine

open System.Collections.Generic
// let graph = new Map <int, int array>
let graphD = new Dictionary<int,int seq>()
y |> Array.iter graphD.Add
let graphM = y |> Map.ofArray //immutable 

let N = y.Length // number of nodes
let Nruns = 2 

let remove_table = new Dictionary<int,bool>()
[for i in 1..N do yield (i,false)] |> List.iter remove_table.Add

// let remove_table = seq [|for a in 1 ..N -> false|] // plus court

let label_head_table = new Dictionary<int,int>()
[for i in 1..N do yield (i,i)] |> List.iter label_head_table.Add

let label = new Dictionary<int,int seq>()
[for i in 1..N do yield (i,[i])] |> List.iter label.Add

let mutable min_cut = 1000000

type wgraphobj =
     { Graph : Dictionary<int,int seq>
       RemoveTable : Dictionary<int,bool>
       Label : Dictionary<int,int seq>
       LabelHead : Dictionary<int,int> }

let WG1 = {Graph = graphD;
          RemoveTable = remove_table;
          Label = label;
          LabelHead = label_head_table}

let mutable WGmin = WG1

let IsNotRemoved x = // 
    match x with 
    | (i,false) -> true
    | (i,true)  -> false

let IsNotRemoved1 WG i = //
    (i,WG.RemoveTable.[i]) |>IsNotRemoved

let GetLiveNode d = 
    let myfun x =
        match x with
        | (i,b) -> i
    d |> toList |> List.filter IsNotRemoved |> List.map myfun

let rand = System.Random()
// subsets a dictionary given a sub_list of keys
let D_Subset (dict:Dictionary<'T,'U>) (sub_list:list<'T>) = 
    let z = Dictionary<'T,'U>() // create new empty dictionary
    sub_list |> List.filter (fun k -> dict.ContainsKey k)
             |> List.map (fun k -> (k, dict.[k]))
             |> List.iter (fun s -> z.Add s)

// subsets a dictionary given a sub_list of keys to remove
let D_SubsetC (dict:Dictionary<'T,'U>) (sub_list:list<'T>) =
    let z = dict
    sub_list |> List.filter (fun k -> dict.ContainsKey k)
                          |> List.map (fun k -> (dict.Remove k)) |>ignore

// subsets a sequence by values in a sequence
let S_Subset (S:seq<'T>)(sub_list:seq<'T>) =
    S |> Seq.filter (fun s-> Seq.exists (fun elem -> elem = s) sub_list)

let S_SubsetC (S:seq<'T>)(sub_list:seq<'T>) =
    S |> Seq.filter (fun s-> not(Seq.exists (fun elem -> elem = s) sub_list))

let main argv = 
    let mutable u = 0
    let mutable v = 0
    let mutable r = 0
    let mutable N_cut = 1000000
    let mutable cluster_A_min = seq [0]
    let mutable cluster_B_min = seq [0]
    let mutable WG = WG1
    let mutable LiveNodeList = [0]

    // when i = 2, i encounter problems with mutability

    for i in 1 .. Nruns do
         WG <- WG1
         printfn "%d" i
         for k in 1..(N-2) do
             LiveNodeList <- GetLiveNode WG.RemoveTable
             r <- rand.Next(0,N-k)
             u <- LiveNodeList.[r] //selecting a live node
             let uuu  = WG.Graph.[u] |> Seq.map (fun s -> WG.LabelHead.[s] )
                                     |> Seq.filter (IsNotRemoved1 WG)
                                     |> Seq.distinct
             let n_edge =  uuu |> Seq.length
             let x = rand.Next(1,n_edge)
             let mutable ok = false //maybe we can take this out
             while not(ok) do
                  // selecting the edge from node u
                  v <- WG.LabelHead.[Array.get (uuu |> Seq.toArray) (x-1)]

                  let vvv = WG.Graph.[v]  |> Seq.map (fun s -> WG.LabelHead.[s] )
                                          |> Seq.filter (IsNotRemoved1 WG)
                                          |> Seq.distinct
                  let zzz = S_SubsetC (Seq.concat [uuu;vvv] |> Seq.distinct) [u;v]
                  WG.Graph.[u] <- zzz

                  let lab_u = WG.Label.[u]
                  let lab_v = WG.Label.[v]
                  WG.Label.[u] <- Seq.concat [lab_u;lab_v] |> Seq.distinct

                  if (k<N-1) then 
                      //updating Label_head for all members of Label.[v]
                      WG.LabelHead.[v]<- u
                      for j in WG.Label.[v] do
                          WG.LabelHead.[j]<- u

                  ok <- true
                  printfn "u= %d v=%d" u v
             // end of for k in 1..(N-2)
         // counting cuts
         // u,v contain the 2 indexes of groupings
         let cluster_A = WG.Label.[u]
         let cluster_B = S_SubsetC (seq[for i in 1..N do yield i]) cluster_A // defined as complementary of A
         // let WG2 = {Graph = D_Subset WG1.Graph (cluster_A |> Seq.toList)
         //          RemoveTable = remove_table
         //           Label = D_Subset WG1.Graph (cluster_A |> Seq.toList)
         //          LabelHead = label_head_table}
         let cross_edge = // returns keyvalue pair (k,S')
             let IsInCluster cluster (k,S) =
                 (k,S_Subset S cluster)                    
             graphM |> toSeq |> Seq.map (IsInCluster cluster_B)

         N_cut <-
             cross_edge |> Seq.map (fun (k:int,v:int seq)-> Seq.length v)
                        |> Seq.sum
         if (N_cut<min_cut) then
             min_cut <- N_cut
             WGmin <- WG
             cluster_A_min <- cluster_A
             cluster_B_min <- cluster_B
    // end of for i in 1..Nruns

    0 // return an integer exit code


在每次试验中,有几个步骤。在每一步,我们将2个节点合并为1,(有效地删除1)更新图形。我们这样做了6次,直到只剩下2个节点,我们将其定义为2个集群,然后我们查看这2个集群之间的交叉边数。如果我们“幸运”那么这两个集群将是(1,2,3,4)和(5,6,7,8),并找到正确的削减数量。 在每个步骤中,使用合并2个节点的效果更新对象WG 只有LiveNodes(由于合并2个节点而未被淘汰的那些)完全保持最新。







1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




WG.Graph <- GraphD是可变的,但WG不是(但WG.Graph内容也是可变的)。有一点不同,让我试着解释一下。



wgraphobj WG.Graph内的字段。它指向WG类型的某个对象。你不能使它指向另一个对象。您可以创建不同的Dictionary<_,_>,其中字段wgraphobj指向不同的字典,但您无法更改原始Graph字段Graph的位置。




  type wgraphobj = { 
    mutable Graph: Dictionary<int, int seq>

请注意,在这种情况下,需要将值 WG.Graph <- GraphD 本身声明为WG

但是,在我看来,为了您的目的,您实际上可以创建一个更改字段mutable的新实例wgraphobj,并将其分配给可变引用{{1} }:
