create or replace TRIGGER "CARAVAN"
before insert or update ON caravan
FOR EACH ROW DECLARE cara_no number;
if inserting then
if :new.caravan_no is null then
select caravan.nextval into cara_no from dual; := cara_no;
end if;
if :new.tags is not null then
:new.tags := caravan_new.tags_cleaner(:new.tags);
end if;
end if;
p_new_tags => :new.tags,
p_old_tags => :old.tags,
p_content_type => 'CUSTOMER',
p_content_id => :new.caravan_no );
ORA-24344: success with compilation error
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "CREATE" when expecting one of the following:
( begin case declare exit for goto if loop mod null pragma
raise return select update while with <an identifier>