
时间:2016-01-08 13:20:32

标签: assembly x86 intel


tfile1 db "text.txt", 0
read   db "rb", 0
write  db "wb",0
format db "%c", 0
buffer db 0
push offset read          ;put read binary operation on stack
push offset tfile1        ;put text.txt on stack
call fopen                ;open text.txt
add ESP, 8                ;clear stack
mov esi, eax              ;save pointer to the stack
push esi                  ;stream
push 1                    ;count
push 1                    ;size
push offset buffer
call fread  
test eax,eax              ;check if eax=0
jz close_tfile
xor eax, eax              ;clear eax 
mov al, buffer            ; copy buffer in al
push eax                  ; put eax on stack
push offset format        ; put format on stack
call printf               ; print from text.txt
add esp, 8                ;clear stack
jmp read_loop
add esp, 16               ; clear stack from fread
push esi                  ;stream   
call fclose
add esp,4 
push 0
call exit
end start

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