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答案 0 :(得分:0)
这是一个很小的例子。 实际发生的事情是作为评论写的。
public class TestArray {
// A simple enum for each direction
public enum Mode {
right, down, left, up;
public static void main(String[] args) {
final int size = 4; // We set a fixed size for the square
int[][] arr = new int[size][size]; // create the array from the size
// Running vallues
// i and j to refer to the array.
// val holds the current value to be inserted
// circle holds how often we are going up. Each time we go up it´s increased by one
// In the end this should reduce the amount of steps we do to not override
// already assigned values.
int i = 0,j = 0, val = 1, circle = 0;
Mode runningMode = Mode.right; // We start by going to the right.
while(size*size >= val) { // loop until we reached the last value
arr[j][i] = val++; // Assign the value and increase the value by one afterwards.
// We go right.
if(runningMode == Mode.right) {
// we reached the last assignable item.
// subtract one to not get an index out of bound,
// subract the variable trips that is used to get the last item for the inner circle
if(i==arr.length-1-circle) {
// We are going down now and increase j
runningMode = Mode.down;
} else {
// go on going right.
} else if(runningMode == Mode.down){
// we reached the last assignable item.
// subtract one to not get an index out of bound,
// subract the variable trips that is used to get the last item for the inner circle
if(j==arr.length-1-circle) {
// We are going left now and decrease i
runningMode = Mode.left;
} else {
// go on going down.
} else if(runningMode == Mode.left){
// we reached the last assignable item.
// add the variable trips that is used to get the last item for the inner circle
if(i==0+circle) {
// We are going up now and decrease j
// Simultaniosly we are about to end our next circle, so we increase circle
runningMode = Mode.up;
} else {
// go on going left.
} else if(runningMode == Mode.up){
// we reached the last assignable item.
// add the variable trips that is used to get the last item for the inner circle
if(j==0+circle) {
// We are going right now and increase i
runningMode = Mode.right;
} else {
// go on going up.
// Print the result
for(int[] a : arr) {
for(int b : a) {
System.out.print(b + "\t" );
答案 1 :(得分:0)
public static void main(String args[]) {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
System.out.print("Enter the dimension of the matrix : ");
int dimension = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
System.out.print("Enter the number of elements : ");
int n = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); // total number of elements to be filled
n = n/dimension; // Get the number of rows and columns
if(n % dimension != 0){
// Not a Square matrix
int circularArray[][] = new int[n][n];
int k = 1, c1 = 0, c2 = n - 1, r1 = 0, r2 = n - 1;
while (k <= n * n) {
for (int i = c1; i <= c2; i++) {
circularArray[r1][i] = k++;
for (int j = r1 + 1; j <= r2; j++) {
circularArray[j][c2] = k++;
for (int i = c2 - 1; i >= c1; i--) {
circularArray[r2][i] = k++;
for (int j = r2 - 1; j >= r1 + 1; j--) {
circularArray[j][c1] = k++;
/* Printing the Circular matrix */
System.out.println("The Circular Matrix is:");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
System.out.print(circularArray[i][j] + "\t");