
时间:2016-01-08 07:28:59

标签: python-2.7


   \ is an escape character in Python

   \t gets interpreted as a tab

当我打开文件test_file=open('c:\Python27\test.txt','r')时。它给出了IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('r') or filename: 'C:\Python27\test.txt'错误。当我进行谷歌搜索时,我知道\t在python中被解释为tab。同样明智的任何其他字符由python保留用于特定用途

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来自String literals section in Python language reference建议的by @Praveen


除非存在'r''R'前缀,否则转义序列   字符串根据类似于使用的规则解释   标准C.公认的逃逸顺序是:

| Escape Sequence | Meaning                         |
| ``\newline``    | Ignored                         |
| ``\\``          | Backslash (``\``)               |
| ``\'``          | Single quote (``'``)            |
| ``\"``          | Double quote (``"``)            |
| ``\a``          | ASCII Bell (BEL)                |
| ``\b``          | ASCII Backspace (BS)            |
| ``\f``          | ASCII Formfeed (FF)             |
| ``\n``          | ASCII Linefeed (LF)             |
| ``\N{name}``    | Character named *name* in the   |
|                 | Unicode database (Unicode only) |
| ``\r``          | ASCII Carriage Return (CR)      |
| ``\t``          | ASCII Horizontal Tab (TAB)      |
| ``\uxxxx``      | Character with 16-bit hex value |
|                 | *xxxx* (Unicode only)           |
| ``\Uxxxxxxxx``  | Character with 32-bit hex value |
|                 | *xxxxxxxx* (Unicode only)       |
| ``\v``          | ASCII Vertical Tab (VT)         |
| ``\ooo``        | Character with octal value      |
|                 | *ooo*                           |
| ``\xhh``        | Character with hex value *hh*   |