Android - 滑动删除 - 添加撤消选项

时间:2016-01-07 23:39:40

标签: android

我使用的是RecyclerView,我已设法使用以下代码实现Swipe to Delete:

  public void onChildDraw(Canvas c, RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, float dX, float dY, int actionState, boolean isCurrentlyActive) {
                if (actionState == ItemTouchHelper.ACTION_STATE_SWIPE) {
                    // Get RecyclerView item from the ViewHolder
                    View itemView = viewHolder.itemView;
                    canvas = c;
                    Paint p = new Paint();
                    Bitmap icon;

                    if (dX > 0) {
                        icon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(
                                activity.getResources(), R.drawable.ic_delete_white_36dp);
        /* Set your color for positive displacement */
                        p.setARGB(255, 255, 0, 0);
                        // Draw Rect with varying right side, equal to displacement dX
                        c.drawRect((float) itemView.getLeft(), (float) itemView.getTop(), dX,
                                (float) itemView.getBottom(), p);
                        // Set the image icon for Right swipe
                                (float) itemView.getLeft() + HelperMethods.dpToPixel(16),
                                (float) itemView.getTop() + ((float) itemView.getBottom() - (float) itemView.getTop() - icon.getHeight()) / 2,
                    } else {
                        icon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(
                                activity.getResources(), R.drawable.ic_delete_white_36dp);

        /* Set your color for negative displacement */
                        p.setARGB(255, 255, 0, 0);

                        // Draw Rect with varying left side, equal to the item's right side
                        // plus negative displacement dX
                        c.drawRect((float) itemView.getRight() + dX, (float) itemView.getTop(),
                                (float) itemView.getRight(), (float) itemView.getBottom(), p);

                        //Set the image icon for Left swipe
                                (float) itemView.getRight() - HelperMethods.dpToPixel(16) - icon.getWidth(),
                                (float) itemView.getTop() + ((float) itemView.getBottom() - (float) itemView.getTop() - icon.getHeight()) / 2,
                    Integer ALPHA_FULL = 255;
                    // Fade out the view as it is swiped out of the parent's bounds
                    final float alpha = ALPHA_FULL - Math.abs(dX) / (float) viewHolder.itemView.getWidth();


gmail undo option

我希望它看起来与gmail app undo选项类似,我想不使用任何外部库。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我猜你有一个onSwiped方法,你从适配器中删除项目?我的建议是不要在那里删除它,只需将其标记为刷掉即可。您的适配器和视图持有者应该在onChildDraw中显示与您的绘图相同的视图。你有一个撤销按钮,所以如果用户点击它只是将swiped off flag设置为false并重绘该行(我的意思是通知适配器来做)。在onSwiped启动一个计时器,如果在x毫秒内没有任何反应,实际上从适配器中删除该项。


编辑:我对此有所了解,请参阅此blog post和此github repo