func appDidBecomeActive(){
// TODO: calculate time spend in background
isInBackground = false
if let startTime = startTime{
let now = NSDate()
var timeFromBegining = now.timeIntervalSinceDate(startTime)
while timeFromBegining > userDefaultsHelper.timerAseconds(){
timeFromBegining -= userDefaultsHelper.timerAseconds()
timerType = .tiemrTypeB
let stopTimeSeconds = userDefaultsHelper.timerBseconds() - timeFromBegining
stopTime = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(stopTimeSeconds)
print("Time from Begining: \(timeFromBegining)")
if timeFromBegining > userDefaultsHelper.timerBseconds(){
timeFromBegining -= userDefaultsHelper.timerBseconds()
timerType = .timerTypeA
// TODO: do something with the remaining time ...
let stopTimeSeconds = userDefaultsHelper.timerAseconds() - timeFromBegining
stopTime = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(stopTimeSeconds)
print("Time from Begining: \(timeFromBegining)")
答案 0 :(得分:2)
就个人而言,我认为A和B的合并持续时间是一个“周期”。然后,当应用程序重新启动时,我将进行模数计算以确定(a)自第一次启动计时器A以来已经过了多少个周期; (b)计算我们在当前周期内的位置。由此您可以轻松计算每个计时器下一次出现之前剩余的时间:
let elapsed = NSDate().timeIntervalSinceDate(startTime)
let totalDuration = durationOfTimerA + durationOfTimerB
let whereInCycle = elapsed % totalDuration
let cycleCount = Int(elapsed / totalDuration)
var timeUntilNextA: Double
var timeUntilNextB: Double
if whereInCycle < durationOfTimerA {
timeUntilNextA = durationOfTimerA - whereInCycle
timeUntilNextB = timeUntilNextA + durationOfTimerB
} else {
timeUntilNextB = durationOfTimerA + durationOfTimerB - whereInCycle
timeUntilNextA = timeUntilNextB + durationOfTimerA
if cycleCount < 1 {
if whereInCycle < durationOfTimerA {
print("timer A hasn't fired yet")
} else {
print("timer A has fired, but B hasn't")
} else {
if whereInCycle < durationOfTimerA {
print("both timers A and B have fired \(cycleCount) times, and waiting for A to fire next")
} else {
print("timers A has fired \(cycleCount+1) times, but B has fired only \(cycleCount) times; we waiting for B to fire next")
print("A will fire in \(timeUntilNextA) seconds; B will fire in \(timeUntilNextB)")