我有一个包含6个数组的表单,每个数组包含15个元素。我以一种方式编写它们,如果我搜索自己(作为string [] name数组中的第一个元素),表单将加载每个数组的第一个元素:年龄,性别,爱好,照片等。 这是我正在使用的pictureBox代码的一部分
//I have more arrays here, like: Name,Gender,Age,Hobby,Place & Talent
string[] photo=new string[] { "764.jpg", " 765.jpg", " 766.jpg", " 767.jpg"," 765.jpg", " 767.jpg", " 768.jpg", " 769.jpg", " 770.jpg", " 771.jpg", " 772.jpg", " 773.jpg", " 774.jpg", " 775.jpg", " 776.jpg"};
string name="",gender="",place="",warning=""; int age = 0; string image="";
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
if (textBox6.Text == emri[i])
//I applied every element of every array to the declared variables
image = photo[i];
if (j == 1)
//Associated the textBoxes with the variables
pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(@"C:\Users\NComputers\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\WindowsFormsApplication1\WindowsFormsApplication1\bin\Debug\Sony Xperia\" + image);
MessageBox.Show("Person not found!");