
时间:2016-01-07 13:02:51

标签: c++ arrays cuda integer-overflow


该算法适用于任何小于1 <&lt; 24。


当我使用大小为1&lt;&lt; 25的数组时,程序在“总和”中返回0,这是错误的。总和应该是2 ^ 25

编辑 cuda-memcheck compiled_code

========= Program hit cudaErrorInvalidValue (error 11) due to "invalid argument" on CUDA API call to cudaLaunch. 
=========     Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at error
=========     Host Frame:/usr/lib64/ [0x2f2d83]
=========     Host Frame:test [0x3b37e]
=========     Host Frame:test [0x2b71]
=========     Host Frame:test [0x2a18]
=========     Host Frame:test [0x2a4c]
=========     Host Frame:test [0x2600]
=========     Host Frame:test [0x2904]
=========     Host Frame:/lib64/ (__libc_start_main + 0xfd) [0x1ed5d]
=========     Host Frame:test [0x23e9]


  • 列表项
  • Nvidia Tesla K40
  • CUDA 6.5
  • Scientific Linux版本6.4(Carbon)


/* -------- KERNEL -------- */
__global__ void reduce_kernel(int * d_out, int * d_in, int size)
  // position and threadId
  int pos = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  int tid = threadIdx.x;

  // do reduction in global memory
  for (unsigned int s = blockDim.x / 2; s>0; s>>=1)
    if (tid < s)
      if (pos+s < size) // Handling out of bounds
        d_in[pos] = d_in[pos] + d_in[pos+s];

  // only thread 0 writes result, as thread
  if ((tid==0) && (pos < size))
    d_out[blockIdx.x] = d_in[pos];


/* -------- KERNEL WRAPPER -------- */
void reduce(int * d_out, int * d_in, int size, int num_threads)
  // setting up blocks and intermediate result holder

  int num_blocks;
  if(((size) % num_threads))
      num_blocks = ((size) / num_threads) + 1;    
      num_blocks = (size) / num_threads;
  int * d_intermediate;
  cudaMalloc(&d_intermediate, sizeof(int)*num_blocks);
  cudaMemset(d_intermediate, 0, sizeof(int)*num_blocks);
  int prev_num_blocks;
  int i = 1;
  int size_rest = 0;
  // recursively solving, will run approximately log base num_threads times.
    printf("Round:%.d\n", i);
    printf("NumBlocks:%.d\n", num_blocks);
    printf("NumThreads:%.d\n", num_threads);
    printf("size of array:%.d\n", size);
    reduce_kernel<<<num_blocks, num_threads>>>(d_intermediate, d_in, size);
    size_rest = size % num_threads;
    size = size / num_threads + size_rest;

    // updating input to intermediate
    cudaMemcpy(d_in, d_intermediate, sizeof(int)*num_blocks, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);

    // Updating num_blocks to reflect how many blocks we now want to compute on
    prev_num_blocks = num_blocks;
    if(size % num_threads)
      num_blocks = size / num_threads + 1;      
      num_blocks = size / num_threads;
    // updating intermediate
    cudaMalloc(&d_intermediate, sizeof(int)*num_blocks);
  while(size > num_threads); // if it is too small, compute rest.

  // computing rest
  reduce_kernel<<<1, size>>>(d_out, d_in, prev_num_blocks);


/* -------- MAIN -------- */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  printf("@@STARTING@@ \n");
  // Setting num_threads
  int num_threads = 512;
  // Making non-bogus data and setting it on the GPU
  const int size = 1<<24;
  const int size_out = 1;
  int * d_in;
  int * d_out;
  cudaMalloc(&d_in, sizeof(int)*size);
  cudaMalloc(&d_out, sizeof(int)*size_out);

  int * h_in = (int *)malloc(size*sizeof(int));
  for (int i = 0; i <  size; i++) h_in[i] = 1;
  cudaMemcpy(d_in, h_in, sizeof(int)*size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

  // Running kernel wrapper
  reduce(d_out, d_in, size, num_threads);
  int result;
  cudaMemcpy(&result, d_out, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
  printf("\nFINAL SUM IS: %d\n", result);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


nvcc -o my_reduce
在CUDA 6.5上

builds for a compute architecture cc2.0

该网格中的架构是limited to 65535 blocks(在x维度,这是您使用的唯一维度)。

<{1> size 1<<24num_threads=512,启动的块数为:

  num_blocks = (size) / num_threads;

是1 <&lt; 24/512或31250块

略高于1 <25的某个数字,您将超过cc2.0设备的数据块限制。


nvcc -o -arch=sm_35 my_reduce

这是您的K40的correct compile architecture (i.e. compute capability),并将阻止限制提高到2 ^ 31-1

如果您在使用CUDA代码时出现问题,请使用proper cuda error checking 之前请求帮助。即使您不理解错误结果,也可能会帮助那些试图帮助您的人。