我在这里做的是通过第35行的C列中的单元格循环并复制活动的值并将其粘贴到M9中,然后我循环另一个并使用“& Chr”粘贴到同一单元格中( 10)&“。 这基本上就像这个“A”& Chr(10)& “B”并将在同一单元格中显示另一个条目下方的一个条目 - M9。
这基本上是一个提醒程序,它将收集所有未完成的任务并仅收集一个单元格 - M9。 宏将在workbook_open事件上执行。
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim Activity As String ' Variables for: Activity Name
Dim RowNrNumeric As Integer ' Number of Row as Numeric with Activity
Dim RowNrString As String ' Number of Row as String with Activity
Dim CloumnNameActivity As String ' column name of cell with Activity
Dim CloumnNameDate As String ' column name of cell with due date
Dim CloumnNameRemStatus As String ' column name of cell with status
Dim DueDate As Date ' Due Day value
Dim RemStatus As String ' Status
Dim TextDay As String ' string for due date day
Dim TextMonth As String ' string for due date month
Dim TextYear As String ' string for due date year
Dim ActCopy, ActPas As Range
CloumnNameActivity = "C" ' ----ENTER name of cloumn with full Activity
CloumnNameDate = "D" ' ----ENTER name of cloumn with full due date
CloumnNameRemStatus = "F" ' ----ENTER name of cloumn with reminder status
RowNrNumeric = 4 ' ----ENTER first row number with Activity
RowNrString = RowNrNumeric ' assigning numeric type to string
Activity = Range(CloumnNameActivity + RowNrString).Value ' reading and assigning Activity from the cell
DueDate = Range(CloumnNameDate + RowNrString).Value ' reading and assigning due date from the cell
RemStatus = Range(CloumnNameRemStatus + RowNrString).Value ' reading and assigning reminder status from the cell
Do While Activity <> "" ' loop till the issue is not empty
Range(CloumnNameDate + RowNrString).Interior.Color = vbWhite 'changing fill for ever for white
If (RemStatus <> "Done" And DateDiff("d", DueDate, Date) >= -2) Then ' if reminder status is ON and (system day - DueDate) is >= than.... . Additionl note : You can put -30 instead 0 when it should reminde 30 days before due date
TextDay = Day(DueDate) ' to text
TextMonth = Month(DueDate) ' to text
TextYear = Year(DueDate) ' to text
MsgBox "ACTIVITY: " + Activity + " DUE DATE is : " + TextMonth + "-" + TextDay + "-" + TextYear ' gluing message
Range(CloumnNameDate + RowNrString).Interior.Color = vbRed ' for those wiht reminder changing fill for red
Range(CloumnNameActivity, 0).Select
' ActPas = Range(CloumnNameDate).Offset(0, 9).Value.PasteSpecial
End If
RowNrNumeric = RowNrNumeric + 1 ' row down
RowNrString = RowNrNumeric ' to string
Activity = Range(CloumnNameActivity + RowNrString).Value ' reading and assigning Activity from the cell
If ((IsDate(Range(CloumnNameDate + RowNrString).Value)) = True And (IsEmpty(Range(CloumnNameDate + RowNrString).Value)) = False) Then
DueDate = Range(CloumnNameDate + RowNrString).Value ' reading and assigning due date from the cell
RemStatus = Range(CloumnNameRemStatus + RowNrString).Value ' reading and assigning reminder status from the cell
RemStatus = ""
End If
' DueDate = "12-30-2016"
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Range(CloumnNameActivity, 0).Select
Range(CloumnNameActivity + RowNrString).Select
Range(CloumnNameDate + RowNrString).Offset(0, 9).Select
Range("your_destination_cell").value = Range("your_destination_cell").value & _
Range(CloumnNameActivity + RowNrString).value