
时间:2016-01-06 19:02:18

标签: r plot labels


  png( file=fn,units='in', width=7,height=7,pointsize=10, res=350,type='cairo')
  pts = c(19, 22, 24)
  lns = c(1, 3, 1)
  cols = c("grey10", "grey10",  "grey20")
  yrange = c(0, 12760)
  xrange = c(1978, 2015)
  xrange[1] = xrange[1]
  xrange[2] = xrange[2]
  xlabels = seq(xrange[1]+1, xrange[2], 2)

  m=1; plot( uyrs, l[,m],  type="b", ylab="Landings (t)", xlab="Year", col=cols[m], lwd=4, lty=lns[m], pch=pts[m], xaxt="n", xlim=xrange, ylim=yrange)
  m=2; points(uyrs, l[,m], type="b", col=cols[m], lwd=3, lty=lns[m], pch=pts[m])
  m=3; points(uyrs, l[,m], type="b", col=cols[m], lwd=3, lty=lns[m], pch=pts[m])
  axis(1, at=xlabels, labels=FALSE)
  text(x=xlabels, labels=xlabels, srt=45, adj=1, xpd=TRUE)
  legend(x=1980, y=8500, c("N-ENS", "S-ENS", "4X"), bty="n", lty=lns, lwd=3, pch=pts, col=cols, cex=1.4 )


Here is the plot I am trying to add labels to. The tic marks show up at the proper locations

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