
时间:2016-01-06 17:31:58

标签: assembly x86

我试图在x86程序集中编写简单的代码来计算字符串中的单词数但不使用标准库(在GCC中使用addAll选项)。例如,如果字符串看起来像这样:-nostdlib 我的程序应该写aaa ab cccc c作为输出。这意味着检查下一个字符是否是空格是不够的,但我不知道我应该如何处理这个任务。你能帮帮我吗?




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


p = strtok(str,delimeters);
while (p != null) {
    words++; p = strtok(NULL,delimeters);

mov  words, 0
push delimeters
push str
call strtok
add  esp, 8
cmp  eax, 0
je   done

inc  words
push delimeters
push 0
call strtok
add  esp, 8
cmp  eax, 0
jne  doAgain


答案 1 :(得分:0)




.intel_syntax noprefix
.globl _start

  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, offset msg
  mov edx, 100                # maximum number of characters
  int 0x80

  xor ebx, ebx                # counter of words

  mov al, [ecx]               
  cmp al, 10                  # 10 is the end of a string
  je intToString
  cmp al, ' '                 
  jne word                    # if it's not a space, it's a beginning of the word
  inc ecx
  jmp _loop

  inc ecx
  mov al, [ecx]
  cmp al, 10                  
  je wordadd                  # case when string ends with space
  cmp al, ' '                 
  jne word                   # if the next characters is a space, it means that it's the end of a word
  inc ecx
  inc ebx                     
  jmp _loop

intToString10:                # changing the counter int to string (case when it's bigger than 10)
  mov eax, ecx                # By dividing number by 10 I split the number (the result is quotient and remainder)
  mov dl, 10                  # which I then put in the right order to buffer
  div dl
  add al, '0'                 # changing number to string by adding a 0 at the end
  mov edx, offset buffer       
  mov [edx], al               
  add ah, '0'                 
  inc edx
  mov [edx], ah
  jmp end

wordadd:                     # case when the whole string ends with space
  inc ebx                     

intToString:                 # changing int to string (case when it's smaller than 10)
  mov ecx, ebx
  cmp ecx, 10                 
  jae intToString10
  add ecx, '0'                
  mov [buffer], ecx            

  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, offset buffer
  mov edx, 5                  
  int 0x80

mov eax, 1                  
mov ebx, 0
int 0x80


  .ascii "    \n"            

  .skip 100