
时间:2016-01-05 12:21:59

标签: f# quotations

F#引用是一个很棒的功能,它允许我们将F#表达式视为正常的F#值。在我的上下文中,我使用F#引用来编写Gpu内核,并将其编译为Gpu bitcode模块。

有一个问题。我不想每次都编译Gpu内核,我想缓存已编译的Gpu bitcode模块。因此,我需要一个F#引用值的密钥或标识。我想有一个像以下的缓存系统:

let compile : Expr -> GpuModule

let cache = ConcurrentDictionary<Key, GpuModule>()

let jitCompile (expr:Expr) =
    let key = getQuotationKey(expr)
    cache.GetOrAdd(key, fun key -> compile expr)


open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations

let foo (expr:Expr) =
    printfn "%O" expr

let main argv = 

    for i = 1 to 10 do
        foo <@ fun x y -> x + y @>



IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldc.i4.1
IL_0002: stloc.0
IL_0003: br IL_00a2
// loop start (head: IL_00a2)
    IL_0008: ldtoken '<StartupCode$ConsoleApplication2>.$Program'
    IL_000d: call class [mscorlib]System.Type [mscorlib]System.Type::GetTypeFromHandle(valuetype [mscorlib]System.RuntimeTypeHandle)
    IL_0012: ldc.i4.5
    IL_0013: newarr [mscorlib]System.Type
    IL_0018: dup
    IL_0019: ldc.i4.0
    IL_001a: ldtoken [mscorlib]System.Int32
    IL_001f: call class [mscorlib]System.Type [mscorlib]System.Type::GetTypeFromHandle(valuetype [mscorlib]System.RuntimeTypeHandle)
    IL_0024: stelem.any [mscorlib]System.Type
    IL_0029: dup
    IL_002a: ldc.i4.1
    IL_002b: ldtoken [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators
    IL_0030: call class [mscorlib]System.Type [mscorlib]System.Type::GetTypeFromHandle(valuetype [mscorlib]System.RuntimeTypeHandle)
    IL_0035: stelem.any [mscorlib]System.Type
    IL_003a: dup
    IL_003b: ldc.i4.2
    IL_003c: ldtoken [mscorlib]System.Tuple`2
    IL_0041: call class [mscorlib]System.Type [mscorlib]System.Type::GetTypeFromHandle(valuetype [mscorlib]System.RuntimeTypeHandle)
    IL_0046: stelem.any [mscorlib]System.Type
    IL_004b: dup
    IL_004c: ldc.i4.3
    IL_004d: ldtoken [mscorlib]System.String
    IL_0052: call class [mscorlib]System.Type [mscorlib]System.Type::GetTypeFromHandle(valuetype [mscorlib]System.RuntimeTypeHandle)
    IL_0057: stelem.any [mscorlib]System.Type
    IL_005c: dup
    IL_005d: ldc.i4.4
    IL_005e: ldtoken [mscorlib]System.Tuple`5
    IL_0063: call class [mscorlib]System.Type [mscorlib]System.Type::GetTypeFromHandle(valuetype [mscorlib]System.RuntimeTypeHandle)
    IL_0068: stelem.any [mscorlib]System.Type
    IL_006d: ldc.i4.0
    IL_006e: newarr [mscorlib]System.Type
    IL_0073: ldc.i4.0
    IL_0074: newarr [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.FSharpExpr
    IL_0079: ldc.i4 372
    IL_007e: newarr [mscorlib]System.Byte
    IL_0083: dup
    IL_0084: ldtoken field valuetype '<PrivateImplementationDetails$ConsoleApplication2>'/T1805_372Bytes@ Program::field1806@
    IL_0089: call void [mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers::InitializeArray(class [mscorlib]System.Array, valuetype [mscorlib]System.RuntimeFieldHandle)
    IL_008e: call class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.FSharpExpr [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.FSharpExpr::Deserialize40(class [mscorlib]System.Type, class [mscorlib]System.Type[], class [mscorlib]System.Type[], class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.FSharpExpr[], uint8[])
    IL_0093: call class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.FSharpExpr`1<!!0> [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.FSharpExpr::Cast<class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc`2<int32, class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc`2<int32, int32>>>(class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.FSharpExpr)
    IL_0098: call void Program::foo(class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.FSharpExpr)
    IL_009d: nop
    IL_009e: ldloc.0
    IL_009f: ldc.i4.1
    IL_00a0: add
    IL_00a1: stloc.0

    IL_00a2: ldloc.0
    IL_00a3: ldc.i4.s 11
    IL_00a5: blt IL_0008
// end loop

IL_00aa: ldc.i4.0
IL_00ab: ret


  • 从某个静态字段
  • 加载引用的字节数组
  • 设置类型信息
  • 调用FSharp.Quotations.FSharpExpr::Deserialize40重新创建引用对象;


  1. 虽然引用存储在一个静态字段中,但每次我们编写<@ ... @>时,即使静态字段相同,它们也会创建一个新的Expr实例。所以我不能使用Expr实例作为密钥,最好获取静态字段标记并将其用作密钥。但我不知道如何获取这些信息;
  2. 我们看到有很多IL指令只是重新创建一个引用实例,即使它们是相同的引用。这可能有一些性能问题,可以在这里优化F#编译器吗?
  3. 此致 项。


    let comparer =
        let rec compareQuots vs = function
            | ShapeLambda(v,e), ShapeLambda(v',e') ->
                compareQuots (vs |> Map.add v v') (e,e')
            | ShapeCombination(o,es), ShapeCombination(o',es') ->
                o = o' && (es.Length = es'.Length) && List.forall2 (fun q1 q2 -> compareQuots vs (q1, q2)) es es'
            | ShapeVar v, ShapeVar v' when Map.tryFind v vs = Some v' && v.Type = v'.Type ->
            | _ -> false
        let rec hashQuot n vs = function
            | ShapeLambda(v,e) ->
                hashQuot (n+1) (vs |> Map.add v n) e
            | ShapeCombination(o,es) ->
                es |> List.fold (fun h e -> 31 * h + hashQuot n vs e) (o.GetHashCode())
            | ExprShape.ShapeVar v ->
                Map.find v vs
        { new System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer<_> with 
            member __.Equals(q1,q2) = compareQuots Map.empty (q1,q2)
            member __.GetHashCode q = hashQuot 0 Map.empty q }
    type Module = int
    let mutable counter = 0
    let compile (expr:Expr) =
        counter <- counter + 1
        printfn "Compiling #.%d module..." counter
    let cache = ConcurrentDictionary<Expr, Module>(comparer)
    let jitCompile (expr:Expr) =
        cache.GetOrAdd(expr, compile)
    let testJITCompile() =
        Assert.AreEqual(1, jitCompile <@ fun x y -> x + y @>)
        Assert.AreEqual(1, jitCompile <@ fun x y -> x + y @>)
        Assert.AreEqual(1, jitCompile <@ fun a b -> a + b @>)
        Assert.AreEqual(2, jitCompile <@ fun a b -> a + b + 1 @>)
        let combineExpr (expr:Expr<int -> int -> int>) =
            <@ fun (a:int) (b:int) -> ((%expr) a b) + 1 @> 
        // although (combineExpr <@ (+) @>) = <@ fun a b -> a + b + 1 @>
        // but they are treated as different expr.
        Assert.AreEqual(3, jitCompile (combineExpr <@ (+) @>))
        Assert.AreEqual(3, jitCompile (combineExpr <@ (+) @>))
        Assert.AreEqual(4, jitCompile (combineExpr <@ (-) @>))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



<@ [1 + 1] @> = <@ [1 + 1] @>


<@ fun x -> x @> = <@ fun y -> y @>


<@ fun x -> x @> = <@ fun x -> x @>

也评估为false。这是因为每个报价中的变量被视为不同的变量,这些变量碰巧共享相同的名称。您将在循环中看到相同的行为 - 每个迭代的变量x被视为不同。


let comparer = 
    let rec compareQuots vs = function
    | Quotations.ExprShape.ShapeLambda(v,e), Quotations.ExprShape.ShapeLambda(v',e') ->
        compareQuots (vs |> Map.add v v') (e,e')
    | Quotations.ExprShape.ShapeCombination(o,es), Quotations.ExprShape.ShapeCombination(o',es') ->
        o = o' && (es.Length = es'.Length) && List.forall2 (fun q1 q2 -> compareQuots vs (q1, q2)) es es'
    | Quotations.ExprShape.ShapeVar v, Quotations.ExprShape.ShapeVar v' when Map.tryFind v vs = Some v' && v.Type = v'.Type -> 
    | _ -> false

    let rec hashQuot n vs = function
    | Quotations.ExprShape.ShapeLambda(v,e) -> 
        hashQuot (n+1) (vs |> Map.add v n) e
    | Quotations.ExprShape.ShapeCombination(o,es) -> 
        es |> List.fold (fun h e -> 31 * h + hashQuot n vs e) (o.GetHashCode())
    | Quotations.ExprShape.ShapeVar v -> 
        Map.find v vs

    { new System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer<_> with 
        member __.Equals(q1,q2) = compareQuots Map.empty (q1,q2)
        member __.GetHashCode q = hashQuot 0 Map.empty q }

let cache = ConcurrentDictionary<Expr, Module>(comparer)