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getCurrentRoutes() - returns the current list of routes
jumpBack() - Jump backward without unmounting the current scene
jumpForward() - Jump forward to the next scene in the route stack
jumpTo(route) - Transition to an existing scene without unmounting
push(route) - Navigate forward to a new scene, squashing any scenes that you could jumpForward to
pop() - Transition back and unmount the current scene
replace(route) - Replace the current scene with a new route
replaceAtIndex(route, index) - Replace a scene as specified by an index
replacePrevious(route) - Replace the previous scene
immediatelyResetRouteStack(routeStack) - Reset every scene with an array of routes
popToRoute(route) - Pop to a particular scene, as specified by its route. All scenes after it will be unmounted
popToTop() - Pop to the first scene in the stack, unmounting every other scene