
时间:2016-01-05 05:13:46

标签: javascript firefox printing

我有一个网页,我用它通过我的笔记本电脑上的firefox'打印到文件'打印机将数据的“页面”打印为PDF文件。我正在调用的代码如下: = function ()                              // Create a function that will be called when this object is clicked upon
   {if (parseInt( !== 0)                      //  If we are not on the Front Cover
    {return false;}                                                                 //   Function complete: Abnormal Termination = 'none';                            //  Lock down the controls so they cannot be interfered with
    do                                                                              //  Do...
    {window.print();                                                                //   Print this page
//   document.body.sleep(); // Removed as this does not work as expected (see below...)
    } while (                                //   ...while we are able to advance. = '';                                //  Release the controls lockout
    this.blur();                                                                    //  Blur the focus
    return true;};                                                                  // Function complete: Normal Termination



   document.body.sleep = function (delay)                                           // Create a new function
   {delay = delay || 1;                                                             //  Default to a delay of 1 second
    var timestamp = new Date();                                                     //  Get current time
    timestamp = new Date(timestamp.getTime() + (delay * 1000));                     //  Add in the delay (in seconds)
    while (new Date() < timestamp) {}                                               //  While we are waiting for the delay, do nothing
    return true;};                                                                  // Function complete: Normal Termination

基本上我需要的是一种保持循环执行足够长的方法,让'Print to File'在调用下一个window.print()之前完成。使用上面的sleep函数也会阻止window.print()运行(当我试图将它用作修复时)我在window.print()命令之后立即调用了这个函数。


就目前而言,当第二页尝试打印时,我从弹出窗口看到来自firefox的错误:“打印机错误 - 某些打印功能当前不可用。”跟踪此向下导致PERR_NOT_AVAILABLE ....可能是因为打印机(打印到文件)正忙于打印前一页....所以我只需要等待它解决才能进行下一次打印。一个错误处理程序来捕获这个PERR_NOT_AVAILABLE而不是让它反弹给用户(我)作为一个必须被点击的弹出窗口会很好,虽然这是一种垃圾邮件方式,可以像打印一样快速地打印页面到文件系统可以处理它们。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

在我的实验中,我发现了这种解决方法......它被认为是一种很好的解决方案,但在没有更优雅的解决方案的情况下,它可以正常运行。 = function ()                              // Create a function that will be called when this object is clicked upon
{if (parseInt( !== 0)                      //  If we are not on the Front Cover
 {return false;}                                                                 //   Function complete: Abnormal Termination = 'none';                            //  Lock down the controls so they cannot be interfered with
 window.onafterprint = function ()                                               //  Set up a handler for after a print operation
 {setTimeout(function ()                                                         //   Run a delayed operation
  {if (                                   //    Move to next page and if this is successful
   {window.print();                                                              //    Continue printing
    return false;}                                                               //    Function complete: Still Printing
   do                                                                            //   Do nothing...
   {} while (                         //    ...while we cycle back to the start = '';                              //   Release the controls lockout
   this.blur();                                                                  //   Blur the focus
   window.onafterprint = function () {};                                         //   Remove this handler
   return true;}, 2000);};                                                       //   Function complete: Normal Termination
 window.print();                                                                 //  Begin printing the page
 return true;};                                                                  // Function complete: Normal Termination
