错误:字段类型必须是输入类型 - 不能将qlType传递给突变

时间:2016-01-04 18:48:02

标签: reactjs relayjs graphql

我想用person突变更新UpdatePerson。我不想在inputFields中指定每个属性 - 而是想要传递完整的人物对象。

当我这样做时,我得到Error: UpdatePersonInput.person field type must be Input Type but got: Person.


如果没有,可以添加一个 - 因为较大的应用程序中具有较大对象的字段重复量会变得非常令人沮丧。

同样可能是getFatQuerystatic fragments上的问题。一遍又一遍地重复所有属性将是一场噩梦。


 * Create the GraphQL Mutation.
export default mutationWithClientMutationId({
  // Mutation name.
  name: 'UpdatePerson',
  // Fields supplied by the client.
  inputFields: {
    person: {type: qlPerson} // <========================================
  // Mutated fields returned from the server.
  outputFields: {
    person: {
      type: qlPerson,
      // Parameters are payload from mutateAndGetPayload followed by outputFields.
      resolve: (dbPerson, id, email) => {
        return dbPerson;
  // Take the input fields, process the mutation and return the output fields.
  mutateAndGetPayload: ({qlPerson}, {rootValue}) => {
    // TODO: Process Authentication {"session":{"userId":1}}
    // Convert the client id back to a database id.
    var localPersonId = fromGlobalId(qlPerson.id).id;
    // Find the person with the given id in the database.
    return db.person.findOne({where: {id: localPersonId}}).then((dbPerson)=> {
      // Mutate the person.
      dbPerson.email = qlPerson.email;
      // Save it back to the database.
      return dbPerson.save().then(()=> {
        // Return the mutated person as an output field.
        return dbPerson;


 * Create the GraphQL Mutation.
class UpdatePersonMutation extends Relay.Mutation {
  getMutation() {
    return Relay.QL`mutation {updatePerson}`;

  getVariables() {
    return {person: this.props.person};  // <========================================

  getFatQuery() {
    return Relay.QL`
      fragment on UpdatePersonPayload {
        person {
          email,    // ??????????????????????????

  getConfigs() {
    return [{
      type: 'FIELDS_CHANGE',
      fieldIDs: {
        person: this.props.person.id

  static fragments = {
    person: () => Relay.QL`
      fragment on Person {
        email     // ???????????????????????????

  getOptimisticResponse() {
    return {
      person: this.props.person

 * Exports.
export default UpdatePersonMutation;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


export default new GraphQLInputObjectType({
   name: 'qlPerson',
   description: 'Dietary preferences',
   fields: () => ({
     firstName: {type: GraphQLString},