
时间:2016-01-04 16:20:53

标签: openstreetmap openlayers-3 layer

我正在寻找实施此平铺提供程序https://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview/的详细步骤 或http://mapstyle.petschge.de/


<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Simple map</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://openlayers.org/en/v3.0.0/css/ol.css" type="text/css">

<!--html element which contains the map-->
<div id="map" class="map"></div>

<script src="http://openlayers.org/en/v3.0.0/build/ol.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!--our app code-->
    var map = new ol.Map({
        target: 'map',  // The DOM element that will contains the map
        renderer: 'canvas', // Force the renderer to be used
        layers: [
            // Add a new Tile layer getting tiles from OpenStreetMap source
            new ol.layer.Tile({
                source: new ol.source.OSM()
        // Create a view centered on the specified location and zoom level
        view: new ol.View({
            center: ol.proj.transform([103.986908, 1.353199], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'),
            zoom: 18,
            rotation: 68*Math.PI/180



1 个答案:

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var map = new ol.Map({
    target: 'map',  // The DOM element that will contains the map
    renderer: 'canvas', // Force the renderer to be used
    layers: [
        // Add a new Tile layer getting tiles from OpenStreetMap source
        new ol.layer.Tile({
            source: new ol.source.XYZ(
                        urls : ["http://a.tile2.opencyclemap.org/transport/{z}/{x}/{y}.png","http://b.tile2.opencyclemap.org/transport/{z}/{x}/{y}.png","http://c.tile2.opencyclemap.org/transport/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"]
    // Create a view centered on the specified location and zoom level
    view: new ol.View({
        center: ol.proj.transform([103.986908, 1.353199], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'),
        zoom: 10,
        rotation: 68*Math.PI/180
