.model flat, stdcall
includelib msvcrt.lib
extern printf: proc
extern scanf: proc
extern fscanf: proc
extern fprintf: proc
extern fopen: proc
extern fclose: proc
extern exit: proc
public start
;data section
scanf_format db "%d",0
printf_format db "%c",0
ascii db 0
type_read db "r",0
type_write db "w", 0
destination db "destinatie.txt",0
fscanf_format db "%c",0
fprintf_format db "%c",0
start_msg db "The path to the source file :",0
source dd 0
source_format db "%s", 0
pointer_source dd 0
pointer_destination dd 0
buffer db 8 dup(0)
buffer_l equ 7
step_nr dd 0
step dd 0
end_of_file dd 0
;the code section
xor eax,eax
; The path to the source file
push offset start_msg
add esp,4
; read the source file name
push offset source
push offset source_format
call scanf
add esp,8
; open source file
push offset type_read
push offset source
call fopen
add esp,8
mov pointer_source,eax
; create the destination file
push offset type_write
push offset destination
call fopen
mov pointer_destination,eax
add esp,8
lea esi,buffer
mov step,esi
mov esi,step
xor edi,edi
mov edi,esi
add edi,7
dec esi
push offset ascii
push offset fscanf_format
push pointer_source
call fscanf
add esp,12
mov end_of_file,eax
cmp end_of_file,0ffffffffH
je write_file
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,ascii
inc esi
mov [esi],ebx
cmp esi,edi
jb for_0_7
;display the blocks
mov end_of_file,eax
mov step,esi
inc step
xor edi,edi
xor esi,esi
lea ESI, buffer
mov ecx,8
dec esi
inc esi
xor edx,edx
mov dl,[esi]
;push [esi]
push edx
push offset fprintf_format
push pointer_destination
call fprintf
add esp,12
cmp [esi],ecx
jne write_file
cmp end_of_file,0ffffffffH
jne read_file
jmp next
final :
push 0
call exit
next: push pointer_source
call fclose
add esp,4
push pointer_destination
call fclose
add esp,4
jmp final
end start