# New Input File Format is as follows
# <ParameterName> = <ParameterValue> # Comment
# See configfile.h for a list of supported ParameterNames
# For bug reporting and known issues see:
# https://ipbt.hhi.fraunhofer.de
# Files
InputFile = "foreman_cif.yuv" #Input sequence###Changed by me
InputHeaderLength = 0 # If the inputfile has a header, state it's length in byte here
StartFrame = 0 # Start frame for encoding. (0-N)
FramesToBeEncoded = 50 # Number of frames to be coded ##Changed by me
FrameRate = 30.0 # Frame Rate per second (0.1-100.0)
Enable32Pulldown = 0 # Enable 'hard' 3:2 pulldown (modifying the inpur data)
# 0 = disabled
# 1 = A, B, Bt|Cb, Ct|Db, D
# 2 = A, B, C, Ct|Db, D
SEIVUI32Pulldown = 0 # Enable 3:2 pulldown through VUI and SEI metadata signaling. Five methods are supported:
# 0 = disabled
# 1 = A, Bt|Bb, Bt|Cb, Ct|Cb, D
# 2 = A, B, C, C, D
# 3 = At|Ab, Bt|Bb, Bt|Cb, Ct|Cb, Dt|Db
# 4 = A, Bt|Bb, Bt|Cb, Ct|Db, Dt|Db
# 5 = At|Ab, Bt|Bb, Bt|Cb, Ct|Db, Dt|Db
SourceWidth = 352 # Source frame width
SourceHeight = 288 # Source frame height
SourceResize = 0 # Resize source size for output
OutputWidth = 352 # Output frame width
OutputHeight = 288 # Output frame height
ProcessInput = 0 # Filter Input Sequence
Interleaved = 0 # 0: Planar input, 1: Packed input
PixelFormat = 0 # Pixel Format for 422 packed inputs
# 0: UYVY
# 1: YUY2/YUYV
# 2: YVYU
# 3: BGR (Unsupported)
# 4: V210 (Video Clarity)
StandardRange = 0 # 0: Standard range 1: Full range (RGB input)
VideoCode = 1 # Video codes for RGB ==> YUV conversions
# 0 = NULL,
# 1 = ITU_REC709,
# 2 = CCIR_601,
# 3 = FCC,
# 4 = ITU_REC624BG,
# 5 = SMPTE_170M,
# 6 = SMPTE_240M,
# 7 = SMPTE_260M,
# 8 = ITU_REC709_EXACT
TraceFile = "trace_enc.txt" # Trace file
ReconFile = "test_rec.yuv" # Reconstruction YUV file
OutputFile = "test.264" # Bitstream
StatsFile = "stats.dat" # Coding statistics file
NumberOfViews = 1 # Number of views to encode (1=1 view, 2=2 views)
View1ConfigFile = "encoder_view1.cfg" # Config file name for second view
# Encoder Control
Grayscale = 0 # Encode in grayscale (Currently only works for 8 bit YUV 420 input)
ProfileIDC = 100 # Profile IDC (66=baseline, 77=main, 88=extended; FREXT Profiles: 100=High, 110=High 10, 122=High 4:2:2, 244=High 4:4:4, 44=CAVLC 4:4:4 Intra, 118=Multiview High Profile, 128=Stereo High Profile)
IntraProfile = 0 # Activate Intra Profile for FRExt (0: false, 1: true)
# (e.g. ProfileIDC=110, IntraProfile=1 => High 10 Intra Profile)
LevelIDC = 40 # Level IDC (e.g. 20 = level 2.0)
IntraPeriod = 0 # Period of I-pictures (0=only first)
IDRPeriod = 0 # Period of IDR pictures (0=only first)
AdaptiveIntraPeriod = 1 # Adaptive intra period
AdaptiveIDRPeriod = 0 # Adaptive IDR period
IntraDelay = 0 # Intra (IDR) picture delay (i.e. coding structure of PPIPPP... )
EnableIDRGOP = 0 # Support for IDR closed GOPs (0: disabled, 1: enabled)
EnableOpenGOP = 0 # Support for open GOPs (0: disabled, 1: enabled)
QPISlice = 28 # Quant. param for I Slices (0-51)
QPPSlice = 28 # Quant. param for P Slices (0-51)
FrameSkip = 0 # Number of frames to be skipped in input (e.g 2 will code every third frame).
# Note that this now excludes intermediate (i.e. B) coded pictures
ChromaQPOffset = 0 # Chroma QP offset (-51..51)
DisableSubpelME = 0 # Disable Subpixel Motion Estimation (0=off/default, 1=on)
SearchRange = 32 # Max search range
MESoftenSSEMetric = 0 # soften lambda criterion for SSE ME
MEDistortionFPel = 0 # Select error metric for Full-Pel ME (0: SAD, 1: SSE, 2: Hadamard SAD)
MEDistortionHPel = 2 # Select error metric for Half-Pel ME (0: SAD, 1: SSE, 2: Hadamard SAD)
MEDistortionQPel = 2 # Select error metric for Quarter-Pel ME (0: SAD, 1: SSE, 2: Hadamard SAD)
MDDistortion = 2 # Select error metric for Mode Decision (0: SAD, 1: SSE, 2: Hadamard SAD)
SkipDeBlockNonRef = 0 # Skip Deblocking (regardless of DFParametersFlag) for non-reference frames (0: off, 1: on)
OnTheFlyFractMCP = 0 # Perform on-the-fly fractional pixel interpolation for Motion Compensation and Motion Estimation
# 0: Disable, interpolate & store all positions
# 1: Store full pel & interpolated 1/2 pel positions; 1/4 pel positions interpolate on-the-fly
# 2: Store only full pell positions; 1/2 & 1/4 pel positions interpolate on-the-fly
ChromaMCBuffer = 1 # Calculate Color component interpolated values in advance and store them.
# Provides a trade-off between memory and computational complexity
# (0: disabled/default, 1: enabled)
ChromaMEEnable = 0 # Take into account Color component information during ME
# (0: only first component/default,
# 1: All Color components - Integer refinement only
# 2: All Color components - All refinements)
ChromaMEWeight = 0 # Weighting for chroma components. This parameter should have a relationship with color format.
NumberReferenceFrames = 5 # Number of previous frames used for inter motion search (0-16)
PList0References = 0 # P slice List 0 reference override (0 disable, N <= NumberReferenceFrames)
Log2MaxFNumMinus4 = 0 # Sets log2_max_frame_num_minus4 (-1 : based on FramesToBeEncoded/Auto, >=0 : Log2MaxFNumMinus4)
Log2MaxPOCLsbMinus4 = -1 # Sets log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 (-1 : Auto, >=0 : Log2MaxPOCLsbMinus4)
GenerateMultiplePPS = 1 # Transmit multiple parameter sets. Currently parameters basically enable all WP modes (0: diabled, 1: enabled)
SendAUD = 0 # Send Access Delimiter Unit NALU (for every access unit)
ResendSPS = 2 # Resend SPS (0: disabled, 1: all Intra pictures, 2: only for IDR, 3: for IDR and OpenGOP I)
ResendPPS = 0 # Resend PPS (with pic_parameter_set_id 0) for every coded Frame/Field pair (0: disabled, 1: enabled)
MbLineIntraUpdate = 0 # Error robustness(extra intra macro block updates)(0=off, N: One GOB every N frames are intra coded)
RandomIntraMBRefresh = 0 # Forced intra MBs per picture
# PSlice Mode types
PSliceSkip = 1 # P-Slice Skip mode consideration (0=disable, 1=enable)
PSliceSearch16x16 = 1 # P-Slice Inter block search 16x16 (0=disable, 1=enable)
PSliceSearch16x8 = 1 # P-Slice Inter block search 16x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
PSliceSearch8x16 = 1 # P-Slice Inter block search 8x16 (0=disable, 1=enable)
PSliceSearch8x8 = 1 # P-Slice Inter block search 8x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
PSliceSearch8x4 = 1 # P-Slice Inter block search 8x4 (0=disable, 1=enable)
PSliceSearch4x8 = 1 # P-Slice Inter block search 4x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
PSliceSearch4x4 = 1 # P-Slice Inter block search 4x4 (0=disable, 1=enable)
# BSlice Mode types
BSliceDirect = 1 # B-Slice Skip mode consideration (0=disable, 1=enable)
BSliceSearch16x16 = 1 # B-Slice Inter block search 16x16 (0=disable, 1=enable)
BSliceSearch16x8 = 1 # B-Slice Inter block search 16x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
BSliceSearch8x16 = 1 # B-Slice Inter block search 8x16 (0=disable, 1=enable)
BSliceSearch8x8 = 1 # B-Slice Inter block search 8x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
BSliceSearch8x4 = 1 # B-Slice Inter block search 8x4 (0=disable, 1=enable)
BSliceSearch4x8 = 1 # B-Slice Inter block search 4x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
BSliceSearch4x4 = 1 # B-Slice Inter block search 4x4 (0=disable, 1=enable)
BiPredSearch16x16 = 1 # B-Slice Bi-prediction block search 16x16 (0=disable, 1=enable)
BiPredSearch16x8 = 1 # B-Slice Bi-prediction block search 16x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
BiPredSearch8x16 = 1 # B-Slice Bi-prediction block search 8x16 (0=disable, 1=enable)
BiPredSearch8x8 = 0 # B-Slice Bi-prediction block search 8x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
DisableIntra4x4 = 0 # Disable Intra 4x4 modes
DisableIntra16x16 = 0 # Disable Intra 16x16 modes
DisableIntraInInter = 0 # Disable Intra modes for inter slices
IntraDisableInterOnly = 0 # Apply Disabling Intra conditions only to Inter Slices (0:disable/default,1: enable)
Intra4x4ParDisable = 0 # Disable Vertical & Horizontal 4x4
Intra4x4DiagDisable = 0 # Disable Diagonal 45degree 4x4
Intra4x4DirDisable = 0 # Disable Other Diagonal 4x4
Intra16x16ParDisable = 0 # Disable Vertical & Horizontal 16x16
Intra16x16PlaneDisable = 0 # Disable Planar 16x16
ChromaIntraDisable = 0 # Disable Intra Chroma modes other than DC
EnableIPCM = 1 # Enable IPCM macroblock mode
DisposableP = 0 # Enable Disposable P slices in the primary layer (0: disable/default, 1: enable)
DispPQPOffset = 0 # Quantizer offset for disposable P slices (0: default)
PreferDispOrder = 1 # Prefer display order when building the prediction structure as opposed to coding order (affects intra and IDR periodic insertion, among others)
PreferPowerOfTwo = 0 # Prefer prediction structures that have lengths expressed as powers of two
FrmStructBufferLength = 16 # Length of the frame structure unit buffer; it can be overriden for certain cases
ChangeQPFrame = 0 # Frame in display order from which to apply the Change QP offsets
ChangeQPI = 0 # Change QP offset value for I_SLICE
ChangeQPP = 0 # Change QP offset value for P_SLICE
ChangeQPB = 0 # Change QP offset value for B_SLICE
ChangeQPSI = 0 # Change QP offset value for SI_SLICE
ChangeQPSP = 0 # Change QP offset value for SP_SLICE
# B Slices
NumberBFrames = 7 # Number of B coded frames inserted (0=not used)
PReplaceBSlice = 0 # Replace B-coded slices with P-coded slices when NumberBFrames>0
QPBSlice = 30 # Quant. param for B slices (0-51)
BRefPicQPOffset = -1 # Quantization offset for reference B coded pictures (-51..51)
DirectModeType = 1 # Direct Mode Type (0:Temporal 1:Spatial)
DirectInferenceFlag = 1 # Direct Inference Flag (0: Disable 1: Enable)
BList0References = 0 # B slice List 0 reference override (0 disable, N <= NumberReferenceFrames)
BList1References = 1 # B slice List 1 reference override (0 disable, N <= NumberReferenceFrames)
# 1 List1 reference is usually recommended for normal GOP Structures.
# A larger value is usually more appropriate if a more flexible
# structure is used (i.e. using HierarchicalCoding)
BReferencePictures = 0 # Referenced B coded pictures (0=off, 1=B references for secondary layer, 2=B references for primary layer)
HierarchicalCoding = 3 # B hierarchical coding (0= off, 1= 2 layers, 2= 2 full hierarchy, 3 = explicit)
HierarchyLevelQPEnable = 1 # Adjust QP based on hierarchy level (in increments of 1). Overrides BRefPicQPOffset behavior.(0=off, 1=on)
ExplicitHierarchyFormat = "b3r0b1r1b0e2b2e2b5r1b4e2b6e2" # Explicit Enhancement GOP. Format is {FrameDisplay_orderReferenceQP}.
# Valid values for reference type is r:reference, e:non reference.
ExplicitSeqCoding = 0 # Enable support for explicit sequence coding
ExplicitSeqFile = "explicit_seq.cfg"
LowDelay = 0 # Apply HierarchicalCoding without delay (i.e., encode in the captured/display order)
ReferenceReorder = 1 # Reorder References according to Poc distance for HierarchicalCoding (0=off, 1=enable, 2=use when LowDelay is set)
UseDistortionReorder = 0 # Enable Distortion based reordering, when ReferenceReorder is set to 1
PocMemoryManagement = 1 # Memory management based on Poc Distances for HierarchicalCoding (0=off, 1=on, 2=use when LowDelay is set)
SetFirstAsLongTerm = 0 # Set first frame as long term
BiPredMotionEstimation = 1 # Enable Bipredictive based Motion Estimation (0:disabled, 1:enabled)
BiPredMERefinements = 3 # Bipredictive ME extra refinements (0: single, N: N extra refinements (1 default)
BiPredMESearchRange = 16 # Bipredictive ME Search range (8 default). Note that range is halved for every extra refinement.
BiPredMESubPel = 2 # Bipredictive ME Subpixel Consideration (0: disabled, 1: single level, 2: dual level)
# HM like coding structures
BLevel0MoreRef = 0 # 0: Use the same number of reference pictures as the other B pictures
# 1: Use more reference frame pictures for B pictures at level 0
BIdenticalList = 0 # 0: not used; 1: used for B pictures at level 0; 2: used for all B pictures
# 1 and 2 need to set ReferenceReorder to 1
CRA = 0 # 0: do not use CRA like random access support; 1 use CRA like random access support
# only used for random access cases, LowDelay != 1
HM50RefStructure = 0 # 0: do not use HM-5.0 like referencing structure; 1 use HM-5.0 like referencing structure for random access
LDRefSetting = 0 # 0: use nearest pictures as reference frames
# 1: use one nearest + POC%4==0 pictures as reference frames, as JCTVC-F701
# Only low delay is supported, please do not use it for a different coding structure
# SP Frames
SPPicturePeriodicity = 0 # SP-Picture Periodicity (0=not used)
SPSwitchPeriod = 0 # Switch period (in terms of switching SP/SI frames) between bitstream 1 and bitstream 2
QPSPSlice = 36 # Quant. param of SP-Slices for Prediction Error (0-51)
QPSISlice = 36 # Quant. param of SI-Slices for Prediction Error (0-51)
QPSP2Slice = 35 # Quant. param of SP/SI-Slices for Predicted Blocks (0-51)
SI_FRAMES = 0 # SI frame encoding flag (0=not used, 1=used)
SP_output = 0 # Controls whether coefficients will be output to encode switching SP frames (0=no, 1=yes)
SP_output_name = "low_quality.dat" # Filename for SP output coefficients
SP2_FRAMES = 0 # switching SP frame encoding flag (0=not used, 1=used)
SP2_input_name1 = "high_quality.dat" # Filename for the first swithed bitstream coefficients
SP2_input_name2 = "low_quality.dat" # Filename for the second switched bitstream coefficients
# Output Control, NALs
SymbolMode = 1 # Symbol mode (Entropy coding method: 0=UVLC, 1=CABAC)
OutFileMode = 1 # Output file mode, 0:Annex B, 1:RTP##Changed by me
PartitionMode = 0 # Partition Mode, 0: no DP, 1: 3 Partitions per Slice
我刚刚加入,直到我改变了。注释 “由我更改 的行是我更改的行。
应用数据包丢失模型rtp_loss.exe test.264 test_loss.264 1
之后我尝试解码错误文件,但它给了我错误 slice_qp_delta使slice_qp_y超出范围
# This is a file containing input parameters to the JVT H.264/AVC decoder.
# The text line following each parameter is discarded by the decoder.
# For bug reporting and known issues see:
# https://ipbt.hhi.fraunhofer.de
# New Input File Format is as follows
# <ParameterName> = <ParameterValue> # Comment
# Files
InputFile = "test_loss.264" # H.264/AVC coded bitstream ## Changed by me
OutputFile = "test_dec.yuv" # Output file, YUV/RGB
RefFile = "test_rec.yuv" # Ref sequence (for SNR)
WriteUV = 1 # Write 4:2:0 chroma components for monochrome streams
FileFormat = 1 # NAL mode (0=Annex B, 1: RTP packets)## Changed by me
RefOffset = 0 # SNR computation offset
POCScale = 2 # Poc Scale (1 or 2)
# HRD parameters
#R_decoder = 500000 # Rate_Decoder
#B_decoder = 104000 # B_decoder
#F_decoder = 73000 # F_decoder
#LeakyBucketParamFile = "leakybucketparam.cfg" # LeakyBucket Params
# decoder control parameters
DisplayDecParams = 0 # 1: Display parameters;
ConcealMode = 0 # Err Concealment(0:Off,1:Frame Copy,2:Motion Copy)
RefPOCGap = 2 # Reference POC gap (2: IPP (Default), 4: IbP / IpP)
POCGap = 2 # POC gap (2: IPP /IbP/IpP (Default), 4: IPP with frame skip = 1 etc.)
Silent = 0 # Silent decode
IntraProfileDeblocking = 1 # Enable Deblocking filter in intra only profiles (0=disable, 1=filter according to SPS parameters)
DecFrmNum = 0 # Number of frames to be decoded (-n)
# MVC decoding parameters
DecodeAllLayers = 0 # Decode all views (-mpr)