
时间:2016-01-02 13:43:52

标签: javascript swift


例如,假设存在一个名为x的给定变量,其给定值为let,即8。 用户看到x = 8并且有一个按钮来添加if语句。他单击按钮并可以插入触发事件的条件(假设它打印“Hello World”)。所以他将“x <100”输入到该字段中,这是真的。因此打印“Hello World”。 再次点击按钮后,他可以添加其他条件,让我们说“x <7”也是如此。因为两个条件都是真的,所以仍然会打印“Hello World”。 我觉得你的问题很明确,尽管我缺乏词汇量。 那么我怎么能设法让用户添加一个未定义的条件,在打印“Hello World”之前将检查这些条件? 我所知道的唯一解决方案是限制可能的条件数量,并检查每个条件是否为空/条件说明。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



/* your X variable, might be var if you desire to change */
let x = 12

/* the array of conditions the user entered */
var conditions : [(((Int, Int) -> Bool), Int)] = []

/* some user input - read as e.g. "x > 2"*/
conditions.append((<, 100))
conditions.append((>, 2))
conditions.append((==, 12))

/* you evaluate all conditions in the following way */
let eval = conditions.map { $0(x, $1) }
let allTrue = !eval.contains(false)
/* allTrue would be true in this case because 12 < 100 && 12 > 2 && 12 == 12 */

你的&#34;硬&#34; job现在是将用户输入解释为某些condition。但这并不太难,您只需要将"<"的文本输入映射到实际的运算符<

您可以调整上述代码,以便轻松处理Double而不是Int,如果您需要的话。 但是你必须意识到浮点不准确以及检查平等时出现的问题(感谢@dfri指出这一点)。



func getOperator(str: String) -> ((Int, Int) -> Bool)? {
    switch str {
    case "<":
        return (<)
    case ">":
        return (>)
    case "==":
        return (==)
    case "<=":
        return (<=)
    case ">=":
        return (>=)
        return nil

func parseUserInput(str:String) -> (((Int, Int) -> Bool), Int) {
    var input = str as NSString
    input = input.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(" ", withString: "")
    //let variable = input.substringToIndex(1) // in case you want more than one variable, but that will have to change the entire setup a bit
    // this has to be this "ugly" to incorporate both 1 char and 2 char long operators
    let operato = input.substringFromIndex(1).stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.alphanumericCharacterSet())
    let number = input.substringFromIndex(operato.lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(NSASCIIStringEncoding) + 1)

    if let number = Int(number), op = getOperator(operato) {
        return (op, number)

    return ((<, 999999)) // need some error handling here

conditions.append(parseUserInput("x > 123"))


答案 1 :(得分:1)


enum Operator : String {

    case biggerThan = ">"
    case smallerThan = "<"
    case equal = "=="

    init?(string:String) {
        switch string {
        case ">" :
            self = .biggerThan
        case "<" :
            self = .smallerThan
        case "==" :
            self = .equal
        default :
            return nil


struct Condition {
    var value: Int
    var operation: Operator


func checkCondition(x: Int, condition: Condition) -> Bool {
    switch condition.operation {
    case .biggerThan :
        return condition.value > x
    case .smallerThan :
        return condition.value < x
    case .equal :
        return condition.value == x

这是相同的但是对于一大堆条件。在这里,您可以实现更多逻辑。如果所有都需要为真,例如添加:if !result { return false }

func checkAllConditions(x:Int, conditions: [Condition]) {
    for condition in conditions {
        let result = checkCondition(x, condition: condition)


func userCondition(operation:String, input:String) -> Condition? {

    guard let op = Operator(string: operation) else {
        return nil
    guard let doubleValue = Double(input) else {
        return nil

    return Condition(value: Int(doubleValue), operation: op)

let conditionA = userCondition("<", input: "10")! // use if let instead of !
let conditionB = userCondition(">", input: "10")! // use if let instead of !
let conditionC = userCondition("==", input: "23")! // use if let instead of !

var x : Int = 23

checkAllConditions(x, conditions: [conditionA,conditionB,conditionC])

答案 2 :(得分:1)

struct MyConditions {
    let myEps: Double = 0.001
    var x: Double
    var lessThan = [Double]()
    var equalTo = [Double]()
    var greaterThan = [Double]()

    init(x: Double) {
        self.x = x

    mutating func addConstraint(operand: Double, op: String) {
        if op == "<" {
        else if op == "==" {
        else if op == ">" {

    func checkConstraints() -> Bool {
        for op in lessThan {
            if !(x < op) {
                return false
        for op in equalTo {
            if !(x - myEps < op && x + myEps > op) {
                return false
        for op in greaterThan {
            if !(x > op) {
                return false
        return true


func feasibleHelloWorld(x: MyConditions) {
    if x.checkConstraints() {
        print("Hello world!")

var x = MyConditions(x: 8)
x.addConstraint(100, op: "<")
x.checkConstraints() // true
feasibleHelloWorld(x) // Hello world!

x.addConstraint(8, op: "==")
x.checkConstraints() // true
feasibleHelloWorld(x) // Hello world!

x.addConstraint(7, op: "<")
x.checkConstraints() // false
feasibleHelloWorld(x) // ... nothing