
时间:2016-01-01 02:43:43

标签: scala functional-programming scala-cats

我想要实现的是可序列化和可组合的过程描述符。基本上我将创建一些原始CREATE TABLE tbl_Customer_Vehicle ( customer_id NUMBER(4) CONSTRAINT fk_customer_id references tbl_Customer(customer_id), vehicle_id NUMBER(4), PlateNo VARCHAR2(10), CONSTRAINT fk_vehicle_id_PlateNo FOREIGN KEY(vehicle_id,PlateNo) references tbl_Vehicle(vehicle_id,PlateNo) ); (可序列化),然后我希望能够将它们组合成更高阶Processor,然后整个事物应该保持自动序列化。这是我当前的实现,但我怀疑有一些更优雅的方式来做一些猫类型类/数据结构。我感到愚蠢,我无法想办法利用Free,Kleisli或State这些强大的工具。我的挑战是我的状态类型,即Processor中的数据字段,不断变化。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  • Since in **Carving**, edges are allowed to go to a single vertex in the grapdhparenet node as well. Processor.process
  • Kleislizip方法移至>>特征本身。
  • 介绍了一些类型别名。




import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

import cats.implicits._
import cats.data.{XorT, Kleisli}
import cats.Apply

type Cause = String
type Result[A] = XorT[Future, Cause, A]
type Process[A, B] = Kleisli[Result, DataWithContext[A], B]

case class DataWithContext[+A](data: A, context: List[String]) 

implicit class ContextOps[A](a: A) {
  def withContext(ctx: List[String]) = DataWithContext(a, ctx)

trait Processor[A, B] extends Serializable { self => 
  val process: Process[A, B]

  def andThen[C](that: Processor[B, C]): Processor[A, C] = 
    Processor.instance(Kleisli { dc => 
      (process.map(_.withContext(dc.context)) andThen that.process).run(dc)

  // alias for andThen
  def >>[C](that: Processor[B, C]) = this andThen that

  def zip[C](that: Processor[A, C]): Processor[A, (B, C)] = 
    Processor.instance(Kleisli { dc => 
      Apply[Result].tuple2(self.process.run(dc), that.process.run(dc))

object Processor {
  // create a Processor from a Process 
  def instance[A, B](p: Process[A, B]) = new Processor[A, B] {
    val process = p