Apple Watch Complication不在后台更新

时间:2015-12-31 19:58:38

标签: watch-os-2 apple-watch-complication clockkit

我有一个Apple Watch复杂功能,可以正确初始化并显示我期待的数据。但是,当我的getNextRequestedUpdateDateWithHandler方法返回的NSDate触发刷新时,我的委托中唯一再次调用的方法是getNextRequestedUpdateDateWithHandler方法(我在每个方法中设置断点来确定这一点)。我希望在请求的更新日期发生时调用requestedUpdateDidBegin,但似乎并非如此。有谁知道是什么原因引起的?这是我的代码:

class ComplicationController: NSObject, CLKComplicationDataSource {

/// Provide the time travel directions your complication supports (forward, backward, both, or none).
func getSupportedTimeTravelDirectionsForComplication(complication: CLKComplication, withHandler handler: (CLKComplicationTimeTravelDirections) -> Void) {

/// Depending on which time travel directions you support, you will be asked for the start/end dates of your timeline (or both, or neither).
/// The start/end dates will determine at what point during time travel we dim out your data to indicate that the timeline does not continue in this direction.
/// Timeline entries after the timeline end date or before the timeline start date will not be displayed.
func getTimelineStartDateForComplication(complication: CLKComplication, withHandler handler: (NSDate?) -> Void) {
    let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
    let now = NSDate()
    var startDate: NSDate? = nil
    var interval: NSTimeInterval = 0

    calendar.rangeOfUnit(NSCalendarUnit.WeekOfMonth, startDate: &startDate, interval: &interval, forDate: now)

func getTimelineEndDateForComplication(complication: CLKComplication, withHandler handler: (NSDate?) -> Void) {

/// Indicate whether your complication's data should be hidden when the watch is locked.
func getPrivacyBehaviorForComplication(complication: CLKComplication, withHandler handler: (CLKComplicationPrivacyBehavior) -> Void) {
    // Since this is showing health data, we want to secure this when the device is locked.

/// Indicate your complication's animation behavior when transitioning between timeline entries.
func getTimelineAnimationBehaviorForComplication(complication: CLKComplication, withHandler handler: (CLKComplicationTimelineAnimationBehavior) -> Void) {

/// Provide the entry that should currently be displayed.
/// If you pass back nil, we will conclude you have no content loaded and will stop talking to you until you next call -reloadTimelineForComplication:.
func getCurrentTimelineEntryForComplication(complication: CLKComplication, withHandler handler: (CLKComplicationTimelineEntry?) -> Void) {
    // ... custom entry code

/// The owning complication will use these methods to extend its timeline backwards or forwards.
/// @param date The date of the first/last entry we already have. Return the batch of entries before/after this date.
/// @param limit Maximum number of entries to return.
func getTimelineEntriesForComplication(complication: CLKComplication, beforeDate date: NSDate, limit: Int, withHandler handler: ([CLKComplicationTimelineEntry]?) -> Void) {

    //... custom entry code

func getTimelineEntriesForComplication(complication: CLKComplication, afterDate date: NSDate, limit: Int, withHandler handler: ([CLKComplicationTimelineEntry]?) -> Void) {


/// Return the date when you would next like to be given the opportunity to update your complication content.
/// We will make an effort to launch you at or around that date, subject to power and budget limitations.
func getNextRequestedUpdateDateWithHandler(handler: (NSDate?) -> Void) {
    // Refresh in 30 minutes
    let refreshDate = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(60*30)

/// This method will be called when you are woken due to a requested update. If your complication data has changed you can
/// then call -reloadTimelineForComplication: or -extendTimelineForComplication: to trigger an update.
func requestedUpdateDidBegin() {
    let complicationServer = CLKComplicationServer.sharedInstance()
    for complication in complicationServer.activeComplications {

/// This method will be called when we would normally wake you for a requested update but you are out of budget. You can can
/// trigger one more update at this point (by calling -reloadTimelineForComplication: or -extendTimelineForComplication:) but
/// this will be the last time you will be woken until your budget is replenished.
func requestedUpdateBudgetExhausted() {
    let complicationServer = CLKComplicationServer.sharedInstance()
    for complication in complicationServer.activeComplications {

/// When your extension is installed, this method will be called once per supported complication, and the results will be cached.
/// If you pass back nil, we will use the default placeholder template (which is a combination of your icon and app name).
func getPlaceholderTemplateForComplication(complication: CLKComplication, withHandler handler: (CLKComplicationTemplate?) -> Void) {
    //... custom template code


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

setup' from /Users/vbaker/.rbenv/versions/2.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/rspec-core-3.4.0/lib/rspec/core/runner.rb:88:in是您的并发症数据源准备提供数据的最新日期。如果你的结束日期已经过去,这意味着两件事:

  • 随着时间表的结束,最新的时间表输入将变暗。

  • 并发症服务器会意识到,通过endDate请求条目是没有意义的,因为可能不存在将来的条目。在这种情况下,正如您所注意到的那样,并发症服务器只会要求新的更新日期。


即使你不支持前进时间旅行,你也应该确保未来run' from /Users/vbaker/.rbenv/versions/2.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/rspec-core-3.4.0/lib/rspec/core/runner.rb:41:in有几个原因。

  • 如果您不希望当前条目变暗,则在重新加载时间轴之前不得达到结束日期。

  • 并发症服务器必须知道您的数据源可能会被要求提供其他条目,因为您的时间表仍然是最新的。


顺便说一下,the complication server会考虑时间旅行边界日期,以确定是否应将条目添加到时间轴。


<top (required)>' from /Users/vbaker/.rbenv/versions/2.2.2/bin/rspec:23:in


