public class SomeParserTest {
public void testParse() throws Exception {
final SomeParser someParser = new SomeParser();
someParser.parse("string from some file");
final List<Result> listOfResults = someParser.getResults();
assertThat(listOfResults, hasSize(5));
assertResult(listOfResults.get(0), "20151223", 2411189L, isEmptyOrNullString(), "2.71", "16.99");
assertResult(listOfResults.get(1), "20151229", 2411190L, isEmptyOrNullString(), "2.86", "17.9");
assertResult(listOfResults.get(2), "20151229", 2411191L, is("1.26"), ".75", "23.95");
assertResult(listOfResults.get(3), "20151229", 2411192L, is("2.52"), "1.5", "47.9");
assertResult(listOfResults.get(4), "20151229", 2411193L, isEmptyOrNullString(), "2.71", "16.99");
final List<SubResult> listofSubResuls = someParser.getSubResultOf(listOfResults.get(0));
assertThat(listofSubResuls, hasSize(1));
assertSubResult(listofSubResuls.get(0), 12.5D, "20151223", 1L, 14.87D, 16.99D, 0L, null, 67152L, "20151223", "2", 0L, "02411189", 56744349L);
final List<SubResult> listofSubResuls1 = someParser.getListofBBBS(listOfResults.get(1));
assertThat(listofSubResuls1, hasSize(2));
assertSubResult(listofSubResuls1.get(0), 30.0D, "20151228", 1L, 12.53D, 17.9D, 0L, null, 67156L, "20151229", "2", 0L, "02411190", 56777888L);
assertSubResult(listofSubResuls1.get(1), 33.3D, "20151228", 1L, 4.66D, 6.99D, 1L, "J", 67156L, "20151229", "2", 21L, "02411190", 56777889L);
//And 50 Lines more
// how to avoid so many parameters?
private void assertSubResult(final SubResult subResult, final double someDouble, final String bestellDatum,
final long someLong, final double someDouble2, final double someDouble3, final long someLong3,
final String someString,
final long someLong1,
final String someString4, final String someString3, final long someLong4, final String rechnungsNummer,
final long someLong2) {
assertThat(subResult.getXXX(), is(nullValue()));
assertThat(subResult.getXYX().getTag(), is(someDouble2));
assertThat(subResult.getXYX(), is("some constant"));
// and much more
// how to avoid so many parameters?
private void assertResult(final Result result, final String string1234, final long abc,
final String string1, final String string12, final String string134) {
assertThat(result.getXXX(), is(nullValue()));
assertThat(result.getXYX().getTag(), is(someDouble2));
assertThat(result.getXYX(), is("some constant"));
// and much more
答案 0 :(得分:4)
作为西西弗斯,我建议使用hamcrest matchers。
但我建议编制一个custom matcher。以下行
assertResult(listOfResults.get(0), "20151223", 2411189L, isEmptyOrNullString(), "2.71", "16.99");
assertThat(listOfResults, contains(
... // here the matchers for the other elements of the list
class ResultMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher<Result> {
Matcher<String> firstAttribute = Matchers.any(String.class);
Matcher<String> secondAttribute = Matchers.any(String.class);
ResultMatcher withFirstAttribute(String firstAttribute) {
this.firstAttribute = Matchers.equalTo(firstAttribute);
return this;
public boolean matchesSafely(Result result) {
if (!firstAttribute.matches(result.getFirstAttribute())) {
return false
return true;
答案 1 :(得分:3)
// fellowshipOfTheRing is a List<TolkienCharacter>
assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting("name", "age", "race.name")
.contains(tuple("Boromir", 37, "Man"),
tuple("Sam", 38, "Hobbit"),
tuple("Legolas", 1000, "Elf"));
答案 2 :(得分:0)
而不是长方法签名,我会做类似的事情。 (伪代码,如果不编译则免责声明):
class AssertResult {
private int xxx;
private String yyy;
public AssertResult setXXX(int xxx) {
this.xxx = xxx;
return this;
public AssertResult setYYY(String yyy) {
this.yyy = yyy;
return this;
public void check(Result result) {
assertThat(result.getXXX(), is(xxx));
assertThat(result.getYYY(), is(yyy));
new AssertResult().setXXX(123).setYYY("asdasd").check(result);
答案 3 :(得分:-1)