data Cursor = Cursor {
position :: Int,
line :: Int,
column :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Show)
isNewline :: Char -> Bool
isNewline c = c == '\n'
onNewline :: T.Text -> Int -> Bool
onNewline buf pos
| pos >= T.length buf = False
| otherwise = isNewline $ T.index buf pos
findIndex :: (Char -> Bool) -> T.Text -> Int -> Maybe Int
findIndex pred buf pos
| buf == T.empty = Just 0
| otherwise = rightWhile pos
where rightWhile pos
| pos > bufMax buf = Nothing
| pred $ T.index buf pos = Just pos
| otherwise = rightWhile (pos + 1)
findIndexLeft :: (Char -> Bool) -> T.Text -> Int -> Maybe Int
findIndexLeft pred buf pos = leftWhile pos
where leftWhile pos
| pos < 0 = Nothing
| pred $ T.index buf pos = Just pos
| otherwise = leftWhile (pos - 1)
startOfLine :: T.Text -> Int -> Int
startOfLine buf pos = case findIndexLeft isNewline buf (pos - 1) of
Nothing -> 0
Just p -> p + 1
endOfLine :: T.Text -> Int -> Int
endOfLine buf pos = case findIndex isNewline buf pos of
Nothing -> 1 + bufMax buf
Just p -> p
lineOffset :: T.Text -> Int -> Int
lineOffset buf pos = pos - startOfLine buf pos
lineLength :: T.Text -> Int -> Int
lineLength buf pos = endOfLine buf pos - startOfLine buf pos
bufMax :: T.Text -> Int
bufMax buf = max 0 $ T.length buf - 1
bufLines :: T.Text -> Int
bufLines = T.foldl (\acc c -> if isNewline c then (acc+1) else acc) 0
moveCursorRight :: T.Text -> Cursor -> Cursor
moveCursorRight buf c@(Cursor pos line col)
| buf == T.empty = c
| otherwise = Cursor newPos newLine newCol
where end = 1 + bufMax buf
onEnd = pos == end
newPos = clip (pos + 1) 0 end
newLine = if onNewline buf pos && not onEnd
then line + 1
else line
newCol = lineOffset buf newPos
moveCursorLeft :: T.Text -> Cursor -> Cursor
moveCursorLeft buf (Cursor pos line col) =
Cursor newPos newLine newCol
where onStart = pos == 0
newPos = clipLow (pos - 1) 0
newLine = if onNewline buf newPos && not onStart
then line - 1
else line
newCol = lineOffset buf newPos
-- More movement functions follow...
经验丰富的Haskeller如何接近这个?什么是一种合理有效的方式来实施&#34;运动&#34;在Haskell中的字符串?该运动也应该是可组合的,也就是说,我希望能够实现&#34; Page down&#34;根据&#34;向下移动一行&#34;等等。
type Line = T.Text
data BufferContext = BufferContext {
before :: [Line],
at :: Line,
after :: [Line]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
moveCursorRight :: Cursor -> Cursor
moveCursorRight c@(Cursor pos line col bc@(BufferContext before at after))
| col >= T.length at = moveCursorDown c
| otherwise = Cursor (pos+1) line (col+1) bc
moveCursorLeft :: Cursor -> Cursor
moveCursorLeft c@(Cursor pos line col bc@(BufferContext before at after))
| col <= 0 = upCursor { column = if null before then 0 else T.length $ head before }
| otherwise = Cursor (pos-1) line (col-1) bc
where upCursor = moveCursorUp c
moveCursorDown :: Cursor -> Cursor
moveCursorDown c@(Cursor _ _ _ (BufferContext _ _ [])) = c
moveCursorDown c@(Cursor _ cLine _ (BufferContext before at (l:ls))) =
c { line = cLine+1,
column = 0,
context = BufferContext (at:before) l ls
moveCursorUp c@(Cursor _ _ _ (BufferContext [] _ _)) = c
moveCursorUp c@(Cursor _ cLine _ (BufferContext (l:ls) at after)) =
c { line = cLine-1,
column = 0,
context = BufferContext ls l (at:after)
data BufferContext = BufferContext {
before :: T.Text,
at :: Char,
after :: T.Text
} deriving (Eq, Show)
但这并没有太大的帮助,因为&#34; at&#34;必须与&#34;&#34;之前#34;根据文档,T.cons
答案 0 :(得分:3)
type Line = T.Text
data TextZipper = TextZipper {
textBefore :: [Line],
currentLine :: Line,
textAfter :: [Line]
moveDown :: TextZipper -> Maybe TextZipper
moveDown tzip = case textAfter tzip of
[] -> Nothing -- Already at the bottom of the file.
t:ts -> TextZipper {
textBefore = currentLine tzip : textBefore tzip,
currentLine = t,
textAfter = ts