#define HASHSIZE 101
unsigned hash_function(char *s) {
unsigned hashval;
for (hashval = 0; *s != '\0'; s++)
hashval = *s + 31 * hashval;
return hashval % HASHSIZE;
hashval = *s + 31 * hashval
答案 0 :(得分:2)
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 + // 1x
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 + // + 2x = 3x
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 0 + // + 4x = 7x
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 0 0 + // + 8x = 15x
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 0 0 0 + // + 16x = 31x
许多单独的输出位受到许多输入 的值的影响,无论是直接还是来自"携带"从不太重要的列;例如如果b1 = 1且b0 = 1,则第二个最低有效输出位(" 10" s列)将为0,但是在左边的" 100" s列中为1。
尽管如此,它可能比乘以17(16 + 1)或12(8 + 4)更好,因为它们只添加原始值的几个位移副本而不是五个,它是' sa 非常弱哈希与哈希函数相比,哈希函数执行多个运行乘法,并且我将使用一些统计分析来说明...
作为散列质量的一个示例,我对 四个 可打印ASCII字符的所有组合进行了散列,并查看了相同散列值产生的次数。我选择了四个,因为它在合理的时间范围内(数十秒)是最可行的。可用的代码here(不确定它是否会在那里超时 - 只在本地运行)和本帖的底部。
81450625 4-character printable ASCII combinations
#collisions 1 with #times 62 0.000076% 0.000076%
#collisions 2 with #times 62 0.000152% 0.000228%
#collisions 3 with #times 1686 0.006210% 0.006438%
#collisions 4 with #times 170 0.000835% 0.007273%
#collisions 5 with #times 62 0.000381% 0.007654%
#collisions 6 with #times 1686 0.012420% 0.020074%
#collisions 7 with #times 62 0.000533% 0.020606%
#collisions 8 with #times 170 0.001670% 0.022276%
#collisions 9 with #times 45534 0.503134% 0.525410%
#collisions 10 with #times 3252 0.039926% 0.565336%
#collisions 11 with #times 3310 0.044702% 0.610038%
#collisions 12 with #times 4590 0.067624% 0.677662%
#collisions 13 with #times 340 0.005427% 0.683089%
#collisions 14 with #times 456 0.007838% 0.690927%
#collisions 15 with #times 1566 0.028840% 0.719766%
#collisions 16 with #times 224 0.004400% 0.724166%
#collisions 17 with #times 124 0.002588% 0.726754%
#collisions 18 with #times 45422 1.003793% 1.730548%
#collisions 19 with #times 116 0.002706% 1.733254%
#collisions 20 with #times 3414 0.083830% 1.817084%
#collisions 21 with #times 1632 0.042077% 1.859161%
#collisions 22 with #times 3256 0.087945% 1.947106%
#collisions 23 with #times 58 0.001638% 1.948744%
#collisions 24 with #times 4702 0.138548% 2.087292%
#collisions 25 with #times 66 0.002026% 2.089317%
#collisions 26 with #times 286 0.009129% 2.098447%
#collisions 27 with #times 1969365 65.282317% 67.380763%
#collisions 28 with #times 498 0.017120% 67.397883%
#collisions 29 with #times 58 0.002065% 67.399948%
#collisions 30 with #times 284614 10.482940% 77.882888%
#collisions 31 with #times 5402 0.205599% 78.088487%
#collisions 32 with #times 108 0.004243% 78.092730%
#collisions 33 with #times 289884 11.744750% 89.837480%
#collisions 34 with #times 5344 0.223075% 90.060555%
#collisions 35 with #times 5344 0.229636% 90.290191%
#collisions 36 with #times 146792 6.487994% 96.778186%
#collisions 38 with #times 5344 0.249319% 97.027505%
#collisions 39 with #times 20364 0.975064% 98.002569%
#collisions 40 with #times 9940 0.488148% 98.490718%
#collisions 42 with #times 14532 0.749342% 99.240060%
#collisions 43 with #times 368 0.019428% 99.259488%
#collisions 44 with #times 10304 0.556627% 99.816114%
#collisions 45 with #times 368 0.020331% 99.836446%
#collisions 46 with #times 368 0.020783% 99.857229%
#collisions 47 with #times 736 0.042470% 99.899699%
#collisions 48 with #times 368 0.021687% 99.921386%
#collisions 49 with #times 368 0.022139% 99.943524%
#collisions 50 with #times 920 0.056476% 100.000000%
尽管输入仅占散列空间的1.9%(在2 ^ 32中计算为81450625,因为我们将散列到32位值)。这很糟糕。
的GCC std::hash<std::string>
进行比较,我认为它来自内存使用MURMUR32哈希:< / p>
81450625 4-character printable ASCII combinations
#collisions 1 with #times 79921222 98.122294% 98.122294%
#collisions 2 with #times 757434 1.859860% 99.982155%
#collisions 3 with #times 4809 0.017713% 99.999867%
#collisions 4 with #times 27 0.000133% 100.000000%
那么 - 回到为什么+ 31 * previous
的问题 - 您必须与其他同样简单的散列函数进行比较,看看这是否比生成散列的CPU工作的平均值更好,这是尽管它在绝对意义上是如此糟糕,但仍然很模糊,但考虑到大量更好的哈希的额外成本相当小,我建议使用一个并忘记&#34; * 31&#34 ;完全。
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
int main()
std::map<unsigned, unsigned> histogram;
for (int i = ' '; i <= '~'; ++i)
for (int j = ' '; j <= '~'; ++j)
for (int k = ' '; k <= '~'; ++k)
for (int l = ' '; l <= '~'; ++l)
unsigned hv = ((i * 31 + j) * 31 + k) * 31 + l;
// use "31*" hash above OR std::hash<std::string> below...
char c[] = { i, j, k, l, '\0' };
unsigned hv = std::hash<std::string>()(c); */
std::map<unsigned, unsigned> histohisto;
for (auto& hv_freq : histogram)
unsigned n = '~' - ' ' + 1; n *= n; n *= n;
std::cout << n << " 4-character printable ASCII combinations\n";
double cumulative_percentage = 0;
for (auto& freq_n : histohisto)
double percent = (double)freq_n.first * freq_n.second / n * 100;
cumulative_percentage += percent;
std::cout << "#collisions " << freq_n.first << " with #times " << freq_n.second << "\t\t" << std::fixed << percent << "% " << cumulative_percentage << "%\n";