
时间:2015-12-30 02:04:08

标签: r dataframe


示例:cols< - c(“A:Ike(N = 428)”,“F:Mike(N = 691)”,“G:Bike(N = 380)”,“总计(N = 1499) )“,”p值“)



[[1]] [[1]]$Female [[1]]$Female[[1]] [1] "151"   "35.3%"

[[1]]$`Age in Years` [[1]]$`Age in Years`[[1]] NULL

[[1]]$`Mean (SD)` [[1]]$`Mean (SD)`[[1]] [1] "59.7" "11.4"

[[2]] [[2]]$Female [[2]]$Female[[1]] [1] "280"   "40.5%"

[[2]]$`Age in Years` [[2]]$`Age in Years`[[1]] NULL

[[2]]$`Mean (SD)` [[2]]$`Mean (SD)`[[1]] [1] "60.3" "11.6"

[[3]] [[3]]$Female [[3]]$Female[[1]] [1] "152" "40%"

[[3]]$`Age in Years` [[3]]$`Age in Years`[[1]] NULL

[[3]]$`Mean (SD)` [[3]]$`Mean (SD)`[[1]] [1] "59.8" "11.5"

[[4]] [[4]]$Female [[4]]$Female[[1]] [1] "583"   "38.9%"

[[4]]$`Age in Years` [[4]]$`Age in Years`[[1]] NULL

[[4]]$`Mean (SD)` [[4]]$`Mean (SD)`[[1]] [1] "60"   "11.5"

[[5]] [[5]]$Female [[5]]$Female[[1]] [1] "0.190"

[[5]]$`Age in Years` [[5]]$`Age in Years`[[1]] [1] "0.614"

IOW,我想要一个数据框,其中第1列称为名称[1],由frameLists [[1]]组成。


outFrame <- do.call(data.frame, c(frameLists, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
colnames(outFrame) <- cols


  A: Ike (N=428) F: Mike (N=691) G: Bike (N=380) Total (N=1499) p value   NA     NA   NA    NA    NA 
1            151            59.7             280           60.3     152 59.8    583   60 0.190 0.614 
2          35.3%            11.4           40.5%           11.6     40%  1.5  38.9% 11.5 0.190 0.614


  A: Ike (N=428) F: Mike (N=691) G: Bike (N=380) Total (N=1499) p value
1     151, 35.3%      280, 40.5%        152, 40%     583, 38.9%   0.190
2                                                                 0.614
3     59.7, 11.4      60.3, 11.6      59.8, 11.5       60, 11.5        

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


result <- do.call(data.frame, c(lapply(frameLists, unlist), stringsAsFactors=F))
names(result) <- name


frameLists <- list(list(c("asd", "faf"), NULL, c("3", "2")), list(c("aaa", "zzz"),NULL, c("1", "3")), list(c("qw", "gs"), NULL, c("3", "2")))
name <- c("a", "b", "c")


> result
    a   b  c
1 asd aaa qw
2 faf zzz gs
3   3   1  3
4   2   3  2
> str(result)
'data.frame':   4 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ a: chr  "asd" "faf" "3" "2"
 $ b: chr  "aaa" "zzz" "1" "3"
 $ c: chr  "qw" "gs" "3" "2"


res <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, lapply(frameLists, function(x) do.call(cbind, x))), stringsAsFactors=F)


> res
   V1 V2  V3 V4 V5 V6
1 asd  3 aaa  1 qw  3
2 faf  2 zzz  3 gs  2
> str(res)
'data.frame':   2 obs. of  6 variables:
 $ V1: chr  "asd" "faf"
 $ V2: chr  "3" "2"
 $ V3: chr  "aaa" "zzz"
 $ V4: chr  "1" "3"
 $ V5: chr  "qw" "gs"
 $ V6: chr  "3" "2"

答案 1 :(得分:2)

您的代码无法正常工作,因为您将results初始化为空数据帧,其中R将成为0行0列的数据帧。向数据框添加列时,其行数必须与现有帧匹配。这就是您收到错误消息replacement has 2 rows, data has 0







colList <- list(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,6),c(34,1,1))
col_names <- c('a','b','c')
df <- do.call(data.frame,colList)
colnames(df) <- col_names


> df
  a b  c
1 1 4 34
2 2 5  1
3 3 6  1

如果colList是字符串向量列表,则同样适用,但您可能希望使用stringsAsFactors = F来避免data.frame之间的因子转换。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


> myDF
             A: Ike (N=428)   F: Mike (N=691) G: Bike (N=380) Total (N=1499) p value
Female           151, 35.3%        280, 40.5%        152, 40%     583, 38.9%   0.190
Age in Years                                                                   0.614
Mean (SD)        59.7, 11.4        60.3, 11.6      59.8, 11.5       60, 11.5        
Q1, Q3               53, 68            52, 69          52, 68         52, 68        
Range                27, 88            19, 88          26, 85         19, 88        


#' Make a data.frame given the column headers and data to fill the data.frame
#' @param cols          Vector of text holding the column names
#' @param frameLists    List of lists holding the data for the data frame.  First list element 
#' must have all the names used in frameLists. Must be as many lists in frameLists as there are 
#' Strings in cols
#' @returnType  Data Frame
#' @return  Data Frame with all the elements set up and filled in
buildFrame <- function (cols, frameLists) {
    outList <- list()
    for (col in cols) {
        outList[[col]] <- NA

    outFrame = data.frame(outList, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(outFrame) <- cols

    outList <- list()
    for (col in cols) {
        outList[[col]] <- list()

    theNames <- names(frameLists[[1]])
    whichCol <- 1
    for (topList in frameLists) {
        colList <- outList[[whichCol]]
        for (aName in theNames) {
            data <- topList[[aName]]
            if (is.null(data)) {
                colList[[aName]] <- ""
            else {
                colList[[aName]] <- data
        outList[[whichCol]] <- colList
        whichCol <- whichCol + 1

    outFrame <- rbind(outList, outFrame)
    outFrame <- outFrame[-1 - length(theNames), ]
    rownames(outFrame) <- theNames
