我有我的php和javascript代码如下 我在地图上得到了结果以及所有标记,但是如果找到多个标记,我想要群组标记与组
<div class="locator_right">
<div class="mCustomScrollbar" id="content_4">
<ul class="locator_list">
<?php $locations = array();
while($data=mysql_fetch_array($arr)){ ?>
<?php //echo $data['Listing_Latitude'];
$locations[] = array(
'google_map' => array(
'lat' => $data['Listing_Latitude'],
'lng' => $data['Listing_Longitude'],
'location_name' => str_replace("'","",$data['ProperDisplayName']),
'listing_slug' => '<a href="http://www.pigeonforgechamber.com/listing/'.$data['listing_slug'].'">View now</a>',
<?php $i++ ;?>
<?php } ?>
<?php /* === THIS IS WHERE WE WILL ADD OUR MAP USING JS ==== */ ?>
<?php /* === MAP DATA === */ ?>
<div class="map_div" itemscope itemprop="hasMap" itemtype="http://schema.org/Map">
<div id="google-map" class="google-map">
</div><!-- #google-map -->
<?php /* === PRINT THE JAVASCRIPT === */ ?>
/* Set Default Map Area Using First Location */
$map_area_lat = isset( $locations[0]['google_map']['lat'] ) ? $locations[0]['google_map']['lat'] : '';
$map_area_lng = isset( $locations[0]['google_map']['lng'] ) ? $locations[0]['google_map']['lng'] : '';
<?php //echo"<pre>";print_r($locations);die;?>
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp"></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='../wp-content/themes/Aktina/js/gmaps.js'></script>
jQuery( document ).ready( function($) {
/* Do not drag on mobile. */
var is_touch_device = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement;
<?php if($map_area_lat!=''){ ?>
var map = new GMaps({
el: '#google-map',
lat: '<?php echo $map_area_lat; ?>',
lng: '<?php echo $map_area_lng; ?>',
scrollwheel: true,
draggable: ! is_touch_device
<?php } else { ?>
var map = new GMaps({
el: '#google-map',
lat: '37.8833',
lng: '-95.712891',
scrollwheel: true,
zoom: 3,
draggable: ! is_touch_device
<?php } ?>
/* Map Bound */
var bounds = [];
<?php /* For Each Location Create a Marker. */
foreach( $locations as $location ){
if($location['google_map']['lat'] != '' && $location['google_map']['lng'] != ''){
$name = $location['location_name'];
$slug = $location['listing_slug'];
$map_lat = $location['google_map']['lat'];
$map_lng = $location['google_map']['lng'];
/* Set Bound Marker */
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo $map_lat; ?>, <?php echo $map_lng; ?>);
/* Add Marker */
lat: <?php echo $map_lat; ?>,
lng: <?php echo $map_lng; ?>,
title: '<?php echo $name; ?>',
infoWindow: {
content: '<p><?php echo $name; ?></br><?php echo $slug; ?></p>'
<?php } } //end foreach locations ?>
/* Fit All Marker to map */
/* Make Map Responsive */
var $window = $(window);
function mapWidth() {
var size = $('.google-map-wrap').width();
$('.google-map').css({width: '120%', height: '400px'});
我只想在地图上制作我的标记组。 请帮我.. 谢谢..