
时间:2015-12-29 01:44:40

标签: c# parse-platform unity3d

我有一对派生自ParseObject,DbRound和DbLocation的类。 DbRound有一个名为" Location"指向DbLocation。我创建一个查询并包含("位置")希望在我获取DbRound时获取引用的DbLocation;没有快乐。但是,我可以在后续的提取操作中获取位置。



IEnumerator CheckRound( string roundId )
    // DbRound.Location is a pointer to DbLocation (a ParseObject derivative)
    var query = new ParseQuery< DbRound >();
    query.Include( "Location" );

    var task = query.GetAsync( roundId );

    while( !task.IsCompleted ) yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

    if( ! task.IsFaulted )
        // task.Result.Location contains a default-constructed DbLocation
        Debug.Log( "task.Result.Location.IsDataAvailable: " + 
                    task.Result.Location.IsDataAvailable );

        var rel = new List< ParseObject > { task.Result.Location };
        var t = ParseObject.FetchAllIfNeededAsync( rel );
        while( ! t.IsCompleted ) yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

        // now task.Result.Location has a value of the referenced DbLocation
        Debug.Log( "task.Result.Location.IsDataAvailable: " + 
                    task.Result.Location.IsDataAvailable );

        DisplayRound( task.Result );


12/28/2015 18:30:00.4214 task.Result.Location.IsDataAvailable: False
12/28/2015 18:30:10.7530 task.Result.Location.IsDataAvailable: True

TIA, --Joshua



    IEnumerator SetUpBugDemo()
        var location = new DbLocation( "A desolate place" );
        yield return StartCoroutine( Store( location ) );

        var round = new DbRound( location );
        yield return StartCoroutine( Store( round ) );

        yield return StartCoroutine( CheckRound( round.ObjectId ) );

    IEnumerator Store( DbLocation location )
        var task = location.SaveAsync();

        while( !task.IsCompleted ) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); }

    IEnumerator Store( DbBogusRound round )
        var task = round.SaveAsync();

        while( !task.IsCompleted ) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); }


[ParseClassName( "Location" )]
public class DbLocation : ParseObject
    [ParseFieldName( "Text" )]
    public string Text
        get { return GetProperty< string >( "Text" ); }
        set { SetProperty< string >( value, "Text" ); }

    [ParseFieldName( "HashTag" )]
    public string HashTag
        get { return GetProperty< string >( "HashTag" ); }
        set { SetProperty< string >( value, "HashTag" ); }

    [ParseFieldName( "BreakdownValue" )]
    public int BreakdownValue
        get { return GetProperty< int >( "BreakdownValue" ); }
        set { SetProperty< int >( value, "BreakdownValue" ); }

    [ParseFieldName( "CreationValue" )]
    public int CreationValue
        get { return GetProperty< int >( "CreationValue" ); }
        set { SetProperty< int >( value, "CreationValue" ); }

    public DbLocation( string text )
        Text = text;
        HashTag = "<none>";
        BreakdownValue = 0;
        CreationValue = 0;

    public DbLocation()
    { /* required for Parse */}

[ParseClassName( "Round" )]
public class DbRound : ParseObject
    [ParseFieldName( "Location" )]
    public DbLocation Location
        get { return GetProperty< DbLocation >( "Location" ); }
            var locationRef = 
                ParseObject.CreateWithoutData<DbLocation>( value.ObjectId );
            SetProperty( locationRef, "Location" );

    public DbRound( DbLocation location )
        Location = location;

    public DbRound()
    { /* required for Parse */ }

[编辑:添加Parse API控制台输出]


GET classes/Round
    "results": [
            "Location": {
                "__type": "Pointer",
                "className": "Location",
                "objectId": "YuJlyxhRSe"
            "createdAt": "2015-12-29T22:53:59.966Z",
            "objectId": "ugg61jLPN6",
            "updatedAt": "2015-12-29T22:53:59.966Z"

GET classes/Location
    "results": [
            "BreakdownValue": 0,
            "CreationValue": 0,
            "HashTag": "<none>",
            "Text": "A desolate place",
            "createdAt": "2015-12-29T22:53:59.319Z",
            "objectId": "YuJlyxhRSe",
            "updatedAt": "2015-12-29T22:53:59.319Z"

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

嘿,我弄明白了这个问题。 ParseQuery.Include()不会改变查询对象;它创建一个添加Include()的新实例。所以我需要的是:

setx /m path %PATH%%~dp0
