
时间:2015-12-28 22:47:03

标签: javascript jquery


   <ul id="mainList">
        <li><span class="date">2012 05 01</span><p>Text...</p></li>
        <li><span class="date">2011 05 02</span><p>Text...</p></li>
        <li><span class="date">2011 05 01</span><p>Text...</p></li>
        <li><span class="date">2011 04 01</span><p>Text...</p></li>
        <li><span class="date">2011 04 01</span><p>Text...</p></li>
        <li><span class="date">2010 03 01</span><p>Text...</p></li>
        <li><span class="date">2009 02 01</span><p>Text...</p></li>


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.js"></script>

<script type='text/javascript'>
// Month number to string
        var months = ['Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni','Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember'];

// Sorting the <li> by year
$("#mainList li").sort(function(a,b) {
    var yearA = $(a).children("span").text().split(" ")[0],
        yearB = $(b).children("span").text().split(" ")[0];
    return yearA < yearB;

// Grouping the <li> by year
$("#mainList li").each(function() {
    var year = $(this).children("span").text().split(" ")[0];
    // If the grouping <li> doesn't exist, create it
    if ($("#mainList li.year." + year).length === 0) {
        $("#mainList").append($('<li class="year ' + year + '">' + year + '<ul></ul></li>'));
    // Add the current <li> to the corresponding grouping <li>
    $(this).appendTo($("#mainList li.year." + year + " ul"));

// Sorting the <li> by month inside each grouping <li>
$("#mainList li.year ul").each(function() {
    $(this).children("li").sort(function(a,b) {
        var monthA = $(a).children("span").text().split(" ")[1],
            monthB = $(b).children("span").text().split(" ")[1];
        return monthA < monthB;

// Grouping the <li> by month inside each grouping <li>
$("#mainList li.year ul").each(function() {
    $this = $(this);
    $this.children("li").each(function() {
        var month = $(this).children("span").text().split(" ")[1];
        // If the grouping <li> doesn't exist, create it
        if ($this.find("li.month." + month).length === 0) {
            $this.append($('<li class="month ' + month + '">' + months[month-1] + '<ul></ul></li>'));
        // Add the current <li> to the corresponding grouping <li>
        $(this).appendTo($this.find("li.month." + month + " ul")).addClass("item");




  • 2012
      • 2012 05 01
      • 文本...
  • 2011

      • 2011 05 02
      • ...文本

      • 2011 05 02

      • 文本...
    • 四月

      • 2011 04 01
      • ...文本

      • 2011 04 01

      • 文本...
  • 2010

    • 马兹
      • 2010 03 01
      • 文本...
  • 2009

    • Februar
      • 2009 02 01
      • 文本...


  • Mai 2012

    • 2012 05 01
    • 文本...
  • Mai 2011

    • 2011 05 02
    • ...文本

    • 2011 05 02

    • 文本...
  • 2011年4月

    • 2011 04 01
    • ...文本

    • 2011 04 01

    • 文本...
  • März2010

    • 2010 03 01
    • 文本...
  • Februar 2009

    • 2009 02 01
    • 文本...


 $this.append($('<li class="month ' + month + '">' + months[month-1] + year +'<ul></ul></li>'));


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


    var months = ['Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni','Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember'];

$('#mainList li').each(function()
  var yearAppended = false;
  $('#mainList li').each(function()
     var current = $(this);
     var next = $(this).next('li');
     if(next != undefined)
        var currArr = current.find('span').text().split(' ');
        var nextArr = next.find('span').text().split(' ');  
        if(nextArr[0] > currArr[0]) // year comparison
        else if(nextArr[0] >= currArr[0] && nextArr[1] > currArr[1]) // month comparison
        else if(nextArr[0] >= currArr[0] && nextArr[1] >= currArr[1] && nextArr[2] > currArr[2]) // day comparison

var currentYear = "";
var currentMonth = "";
$('#mainList li').each(function()

        var current = $(this);
        var currArr = current.find('span').text().split(' ');
        var monthIndex = currArr[1].length > 2 ? currArr[1] : currArr[1].substring(1,2);
        if(currentYear == "" || currentYear != currArr[0])
            currentYear = currArr[0];
            currentMonth = currArr[1];
            current.wrap('<li>' + months[monthIndex] + " " + currArr[0] + '</li>');
        else if(currentMonth == "" || currentMonth != currArr[1])
            currentMonth = currArr[1];            
            current.wrap('<li>' + months[monthIndex] + " " + currArr[0] + '</li>');

