
时间:2015-12-28 14:51:10

标签: python list python-3.x hash


[(-5092793511388848640, 'test1', 1),
 (-5092793511388848639, 'test0', 0), 
 (-5092793511388848638, 'test3', 3), 
 (-5092793511388848637, 'test2', 2), 
 (-5092793511388848636, 'test5', 5)]

元组按照每个元组的第一个元素按升序排序 - 每个键的哈希值(例如'test0')。我想找到一种快速搜索这些元组的方法,使用二进制搜索其哈希值来查找特定键。问题是我发现使用for循环的最快方法:

def get(key, D, hasher=hash):
    Returns the value in the dictionary corresponding to the given key.

    key -- desired key to retrieve the value of.
    D -- intended dictionary to retrieve value from.
    hasher -- the hash function to be used on the key.
    for item in D:
        if item[0] == hash(key):
            return item[2]
    raise TypeError('Key not found in the dictionary.')



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


def get(key, D, hasher=hash):
    keyhash = hasher(key)
        return next(v for hsh, k, v in D if keyhash == hsh and key == k)
    except StopIteration:
        raise TypeError('Key not found in the dictionary.')

那就是说,你声称要进行二分搜索,但上面仍然是线性搜索,只是为了避免冗余工作而优化,并在找到所需的密钥时停止(它首先检查哈希,假设密钥比较是昂贵的,然后只在哈希匹配上检查密钥相等,因为你抱怨重复的问题)。如果目标是二进制搜索,并且D按哈希码排序,则您需要使用the bisect module。这样做并不简单(因为bisect不会像key那样使用sorted参数,但是如果你可以将D分成两部分,一部分就是哈希代码,以及代码,键和值的代码,您可以这样做:

import bisect

def get(key, Dhashes, D, hasher=hash):
    keyhash = hasher(key)
    # Search whole list of hashes for beginning of range with correct hash
    start = bisect.bisect_left(Dhashes, keyhash)
    # Search for end point of correct hashes (limit to entries after start for speed)
    end = bisect.bisect_right(Dhashes, keyhash, start)
        # Linear search of only start->end indices for exact key
        return next(v for hsh, k, v in D[start:end] if key == k)
    except StopIteration:
        raise TypeError('Key not found in the dictionary.')

这样可以获得真正的二分查找,但如上所述,要求在搜索之前将哈希码提前与tuple的{​​{1}}分开。在每次搜索时拆分哈希码是不值得的,因为将它们分开的循环可能只是直接找到了你想要的值(如果你一次执行多次搜索,那只会分裂)。 p>

正如Padraic在his answer中所说的那样,以放弃C加速器代码为代价,你可以复制和修改bisect.bisect_rightbisect.bisect_left的纯Python实现,改变addEventListener的每次使用{1}} hashcode, key, value a[mid]会为您提供a[mid][0]代码,不需要您维护单独的bisect哈希值。节省内存可能值得更高的查找成本。不要使用list来执行切片,因为带有itertools.islice索引的islice会迭代整个start直到那一点;真正的切片只会读取和复制您关心的内容。如果您想避免第二次list操作,您可以随时编写自己的bisect - 优化Sequence并将其与islice结合使用,以获得类似的效果,而无需预先计算itertools.takewhile索引。代码可能类似于:


注意:from itertools import takewhile # Copied from bisect.bisect_left, with unused arguments removed and only # index 0 of each tuple checked def bisect_idx0_left(a, x): lo, hi = 0, len(a) while lo < hi: mid = (lo+hi)//2 if a[mid][0] < x: lo = mid+1 else: hi = mid return lo def sequence_skipper(seq, start): return (seq[i] for i in xrange(start, len(seq))) def get(key, D, hasher=hash): keyhash = hasher(key) # Search whole list of hashes for beginning of range with correct hash start = bisect_idx0_left(D, keyhash) # Make lazy iterator that skips start values in the list # and stops producing values when the hash stops matching hashmatches = takewhile(lambda x: keyhash == x[0], sequence_skipper(D, start)) try: # Linear search of only indices with matching hashes for exact key return next(v for hsh, k, v in hashmatches if key == k) except StopIteration: raise TypeError('Key not found in the dictionary.') 实际成为Dhashes对,您可以以更多内存为代价来节省更多工作;假设唯一性,这意味着单个(hashcode, key)调用,而不是两个,并且不需要在bisect.bisect*匹配的索引之间进行扫描;你要么在二进制搜索中找到它,要么你没有找到它。例如,我生成了1000个键值对,将它们存储为key中的(hashcode, key, value) tuple(我在list上排序)或{{{ 1}}映射hashcode s-&gt; dict s。 key s都是65位value s(足够长,哈希码不是一个简单的自映射)。使用我在上面提供的线性搜索代码,找到位于索引321的值需要大约15微秒;使用二进制搜索(仅将哈希复制到单独的key),它只需要超过2微秒。在相应的int中查找~55 _nano_seconds;即使对于二进制搜索,运行时间开销也达到了~37x,线性搜索运行高出约270x。这是在我们进入增加的内存成本,增加代码复杂性以及增加维护排序顺序的开销之前(假设list被修改)。

最后:你说“我想避免使用[dict s]”,但不解释原因。 D是解决这类问题的正确方法;假设没有自我散列(即dict是一个散列到自身的dict,可能会节省散列码的代价),仅key int的内存开销s(不包括单独的list哈希码)将(大致)是值的简单tuple映射键的两倍。 list还可以防止意外存储重复项,插入费用为dict(即使使用dict,插入维护排序顺序也会有O(1)次查找和bisect内存移动成本),〜O(log n)查询成本(与O(n)对比〜O(1)),除了大O差异外,还可以使用C内置函数完成所有工作经过大量优化,真正节省的成本会更高。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


def bisect_left(a, x, lo=0, hi=None):
    if lo < 0:
        raise ValueError('lo must be non-negative')
    if hi is None:
        hi = len(a)
    while lo < hi:
        mid = (lo+hi) // 2
        if a[mid][0] < x:
            lo = mid+1
        else: hi = mid
    return lo

def get_bis(key, d):
    h = hash(key)
    ind = bisect_left(d, h)
    if ind == -1:
        raise KeyError()
    for i in xrange(ind, len(d)):
        if d[i][0] != h:
            raise KeyError()
        if d[i][1] == key:
            return d[i][2]
    raise KeyError()


In [41]: l = [(-5092793511388848640, 'test1', 1), (-5092793511388848639, 'test9', 0), (-5092793511388848639, 'test0', 3), (-5092793511388848637, 'test2', 2), (-5092793511388848636, 'test5', 5)]

In [42]: get("test0", l)
Out[42]: 3

In [43]: get("test1", l)
Out[43]: 1

In [44]: get(-5092793511388848639, l)
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-44-81e928da1ac8> in <module>()
----> 1 get(-5092793511388848639, l)

<ipython-input-30-499e71432196> in get(key, d)
      6     for sub in islice(d, ind, None):
      7         if sub[0] != h:
----> 8             raise KeyError()
      9         if sub[1] == key:
     10             return sub



In [91]: l = sorted((hash(s), s,randint(1,100000)) for s in ("".join(sample(ascii_letters,randint(10,26))) for _ in xrange(1000000)))

In [92]: l[-1]
Out[92]: (9223342880888029755, 'FocWPinpYZXjHhBqRkJxQeGMa', 43768)

In [93]: timeit get_bis(l[-1][1],l)hed 
100000 loops, best of 3: 5.29 µs per loop

In [94]: l[250000]
Out[94]: (-4616437486317828880, 'qXsybdhFPLczWwCQkm', 86136)

In [95]: timeit get_bis(l[250000][1],l)
100000 loops, best of 3: 4.4 µs per loop

In [96]: l[750000]
Out[96]: (4623630109115829672, 'dlQewhpMoBGmn', 39904)

In [97]: timeit get_bis(l[750000][1],l)
100000 loops, best of 3: 4.46 µs per loop



def cython_bisect_left(a, long x, long lo=0):
   if lo < 0:
       raise ValueError('lo must be non-negative')
   cdef long hi = len(a)
   while lo < hi:
       mid = (lo + hi) // 2
       if a[mid][0] < x:
           lo = mid + 1
           hi = mid
   return lo
def cython_get(str key, d):
   cdef long h = hash(key)
   cdef ind = cython_bisect_left(d, h)
   if ind == -1:
       raise KeyError()
   for i in xrange(ind, len(d)):
       if d[i][0] != h:
           raise KeyError()
       if d[i][1] == key:
           return d[i][2]
   raise KeyError()


In [13]: timeit cython_get(l[-1][1],l)
The slowest run took 40.77 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached 
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.44 µs per loop

In [14]: timeit cython_get(l[250000][1],l)
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.33 µs per loop

In [15]: timeit cython_get(l[750000][1],l)
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.33 µs per loop

答案 2 :(得分:0)

尝试使用列表推导。我不确定它是否是最有效的方式,但它是 pythonic 方式并且非常有效!

public static string GetMood()
    return mood;