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你应该使用" jquery-clockpicker.min.css"和" jquery-clockpicker.min.js",它会工作。在示例部分,他们有try it on fiddle,如果您检查来源,他们会使用这些文件。
xor r9d, r9d //xor on r9d (clears the register)
mov [rsp+arg_10], 6D697250h //moves 6D697250 to the address pointed at by rsp + arg_10
mov [rsp+arg_14], 5365h //moves 5365 to the adress pointed at by rsp+arg_14
mov [rsp+arg_16], 6Fh //moves 6F to the adress pointed at by rsp+arg_16
movsxd r8, ecx //moves ecx, to r8 and sign extends it since exc is 32 bit and r8 is 64 bit
test ecx, ecx //tests exc and sets the labels
jle short locret_140001342 //jumps to ret if ecx is zero or less
mov ecx, r9d //moves the lower 32 bits or r9 into ecx
loc_140001329: //label used by jump commands
cmp rcx, 7 //moves 7(decimal) into rcx
cmovge rcx, r9 //don't know
inc rcx //increases rcx by 1
mov al, [rsp + rcx + arg_F] //moves the the value at adress [rsp + rcx + arg_F] into al,
//this is probably the key step as al is 1 byte and each character is also one byte, it is also the rax register so it holds the value to be returned
xor [rdx], al //xor on the value at address [rdx] and al, stores the result at the address of [rdx]
inc rdx //increase rdx by 1
dec r8 //decrease r8 by 1
jnz short loc_140001329 //if r8 is not zero jump back to loc_140...
//this essentially is a while loop until r8 reaches 0 (assuming it starts as positive)