我有一些300k的推文,每个推文都没有标签或最多四个标签。例如: -
1.] "I really sci-fi documentaries and movies" ; ["science", "movies"]
2.] "The international politics scene is getting dirty"; ["politics"]
3.] "I dont know what to say"; [null]
4.] "I dont have any interest in national political debates on tv, I'd rather watch science shows like cosmos or sports like soccer, baseball; ["sports", "science", "politics"]
现在我一直在使用NaiveBayes,并且在培训期间(而不是多标签)只为每条推文使用了一个标签: -
1.] "I really sci-fi documentaries and movies" ; ["science"]
2.] "The international politics scene is getting dirty"; ["politics"]
3.] "I dont know what to say"; [null]
4.] "I dont have any interest in national political debates on tv, I'd rather watch science shows like cosmos or sports like soccer, baseball; ["politics"]
但是你可以看到我想要“多标签”分类,虽然我是从Naive-Bayes开始的,因为我可以找到一个非常棒的教程,我可以很容易地参考这些教程以便开始,但是我无处可寻找python教程,以迎合我的实际“多标签”问题。我所能找到的只是关于算法的研究论文或建议(KNN,Multinomial NB等)。有谁可以帮帮我。
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#Initialize a weight matrix of size NxM; N is number of classes and M number of features.
#label is a set of label(s) associated with a tweet.
for tweet, label in tweets
#you have to write a feature extraction function
features = extractFeatures(tweet)
#write a simple predict function that implements arg max over dot product
predictions = perceptron.predict(features)
for each prediction in predictions:
#use simple additive procedure to move your decision boundary by -1, +1.
if prediction not in label:
subtract the weights associated with prediction
add the weights for the correct class(s) in label