
时间:2015-12-23 11:05:01

标签: c string memcpy memcmp strchr


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

char mystring[]="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
char word1[]="The";
char * posb,pose;
char * word2;
int b,e,n;

n=memcmp(mystring, word1, sizeof(word1)-1);
if (n==0) printf("the first word is found!\n");
posb=strchr(mystring,' ');   // posb will be a pointer to the first character
printf("posb -> %d\n",posb);
printf("b -> %d\n",b);
pose=strchr(mystring+b+1,' ');   // pose will be a pointer to the second character
printf("calc e\n");
printf("pose -> %s\n",pose);
printf("e -> %d\n",e);
word2 = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char)*(e-b));
memcpy(word2, posb, sizeof(word2));
printf("%s:%i:%i:%i\n",word2, b, e, e-b);
free (word2);


pose=strchr(mystring+b+1,' ');
pose=strchr(&mystring[b+1],' ');

变量be应包含mystring中空格字符的位置。 word2最终应包含quick 另一个解决方案是使用循环“遍历”字符串,但这会欺骗strchr函数。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


char mystring[] = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
char word1[] = "The";
char * posb, pose;
char * word2;
int b, e, n;

n = memcmp(mystring, word1, sizeof(word1)-1);
if (n == 0) printf("the first word is found!\n");
posb = strchr(mystring, ' ');   // posb will be a pointer to the first character

b = posb - mystring + 1;

printf("posb -> %d\n", posb);
printf("b -> %d\n", b);
posb = strchr(posb + 1, ' ');   // pose will be a pointer to the second character
printf("calc e\n");

e = posb - mystring + 1;
printf("e -> %d\n", e);

word2 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(e - b));
memcpy(word2, mystring + b, e - b);
word2[e-b-1] = '\0';
printf("%s:%i:%i:%i\n", word2, b, e, e - b);

答案 1 :(得分:0)

当在一行中搜索单词的出现时,你需要一个指针来指向行中的每个字符,一个搜索词,当前字符与 first <的比较/ em> 搜索字词中的字符,如果匹配则进一步比较,然后根据需要限制比较的一组分隔符,例如,如果搜索'the'仅匹配'the'而不是'they''them''then''there'等......




#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main (int argc, char **argv)
    char line[] = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
    char *p = line;
    char *sterm = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "the";
    char *delim = " \t\n\'\".";
    size_t llen = strlen (line);
    size_t count = 0, slen = strlen (sterm);

    printf ("\n searching line for '%s'\n\n", sterm);

    for (;p < (line + llen - slen + 1); p++) {

        if (*p != *sterm)
            continue;   /* char != first char in sterm  */
        if (p > line && !strchr (delim, *(p - 1)))
            continue;   /* prior char is not a delim    */
        if (!strchr (delim, *(p + slen)))
            continue;   /* next char is not a delim     */
        if (strncmp (p, sterm, slen))
            continue;   /* chars don't match sterm      */

        printf ("   match %2zu. '%s' at location %zu\n",
                ++count, sterm, p - line);

    printf ("\n total occurrences of '%s' in line : %zu\n\n",
            sterm, count);

    return 0;

请注意$ ./bin/searchline searching line for 'the' match 1. 'the' at location 0 match 2. 'the' at location 31 total occurrences of 'the' in line : 2 $ ./bin/searchline fox searching line for 'fox' match 1. 'fox' at location 16 total occurrences of 'fox' in line : 1 使用分隔符字符串strchr,使用当前字符作为delim。查看示例,如果您有任何疑问,请告诉我。你的确切目标有点不清楚,所以如果我错过了你的意图,请告诉我。


