我正尝试使用一个简单的命令在我的Windows 7机器上运行Appium Serve:
D:\ Appium \ node.exe D:\ Appium \ node_modules \ appium \ bin \ Appium.js -g C:\ Users \ vdopia \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ applog_12232015_110310.txt --no-reset
在命令提示符下,它显示Appium已启动。当我浏览网址 Logs:
> info: --> GET / {}
> info: [debug] Responding to client that we did not find a valid resource
> info: <-- GET / 404 0.712 ms - 47
> info: <-- GET /favicon.ico 200 0.535 ms - 1150
I am pasting code here to start appium server, first I am writing command in a sh or bat file then executing the bat file.
public static boolean startAppiumServer()
//Kill any Existing Appium Before Starting new session
logger.info("Stopping any running instance of appium. ");
try{SDKCommonUtils.killAppiumServer();}catch(Exception e){}
boolean flag = false;
File logFile = null;
String commandFile = null;
//Getting temp dir
String tempDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir").toString();
logFile = new File(tempDir+"\\applog"+"_"+MobileTestClass_Methods.DateTimeStamp()+".txt");
commandFile = System.getenv("AUTOMATION_HOME").concat("\\tpt\\appium_commands.bat");
String appiumCmdLocation_Windows = MobileTestClass_Methods.propertyConfigFile.getProperty("appiumCmdLocationForWindows").toString();
String nodeExe = appiumCmdLocation_Windows.concat("\\node.exe");
String appiumJs = appiumCmdLocation_Windows.concat("\\node_modules\\appium\\bin\\Appium.js");
String strText = "start /B " + nodeExe + " " + appiumJs + " -g " + logFile.toString() + " --full-reset --command-timeout 60 ";
FileLib.WriteTextInFile(commandFile, strText);
logFile = new File("/tmp/applog"+"_"+MobileTestClass_Methods.DateTimeStamp()+".txt");
commandFile = System.getenv("AUTOMATION_HOME").concat("/tpt/appium_commands.sh");
String strText = "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin; /usr/local/bin/appium -g " + logFile.toString() + " --full-reset --command-timeout 60 " ;
FileLib.WriteTextInFile(commandFile, strText);
logger.info("Executing Command File: "+ commandFile +" to start appium service. ");
/** wait until appium server is started */
flag = waitForAppiumServer();
catch(Exception e)
flag = false;
logger.error("There were some issues while executing command to launch appium service. ",e);
return flag;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
info: Appium REST http interface listener started on
请在命令行中提供--address --port 4723