
时间:2015-12-23 01:56:53

标签: gradle

有一个很大的多项目源代码树。我需要将gradle插件定义为此源代码树的一部分,并在struct CodeBook{ string Residue; vector<string> CodeWords; }; int r = 0, d = 2; string code; vector<CodeBook> CodeBooks(Weight(n+1, 4, d)); for (r = 0; r < Weight(n+1, 4, d); r++){ do{ getline(Input, code); if (code[0] == 'R') CodeBooks[r].Residue = code; else if (isdigit(code[0]))CodeBooks[r].CodeWords.push_back(code); } while (code != ""); //if the line is empty, end the loop and move to the next if (r%256==0) {fflush(stdout); cout << (r / Weight(n+1, 4, d)) << "\r";} //the problem } 之前使用它,而不需要gradle build。这样的事情有可能吗?


gradle install

和简单的<root> +- my_plugin/ | ... +- module1/ +- build.gradle # apply plugin: '<mypluginid>' 就足够了。

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