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<h1 class="ccTitle">CURRENCY CONVERSIONS</h1>
<h2 class="comp-form">Header2</h2>
<img src="http:/photo.png" alt="Logo" class="expimg">
<div class="country-select">Select Bank Country:</div>
<select name="slist1" class="dropbox1" onchange="SList.getSelect('slist2', this.value);">
<option>- - -</option>
<option value="United_States">United States</option>
<option value="Italy">Italy</option>
<option value="Greece">Greece</option>
<span id="slist2" class="dropbox2"></span>
<div id="test" style="display:none;" class="body-content">
<form id='curForm'>
<table id='reqTbl'>
<th class='tableheader' align='center' colspan=3>Prerequisites</th>
Has the partner already been placed on stop sell?
<label for="Yes"><input type="radio" name='Stop Sell' value="Yes" id='ssYes' onmouseover="tooltip.show('The supplier must be placed on Stop Sell prior to the request being submitted/processed.', 200);" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();">Yes</label>
<label for="No"><input type="radio" name='Stop Sell' value="No" id='ssNo' onmouseover="tooltip.show('The supplier must be placed on Stop Sell prior to the request being submitted/processed.', 200);" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();">No</label>
Has the Market Manager given approval for this conversion?
<label for="Yes"><input type="radio" name='Market Manager Approval' value="Yes" id='mmApproved' onmouseover="tooltip.show('Approval from the Market Manager associated with the supplier is required before any requests can be submitted/processed.', 200);" onmouseout='tooltip.hide();'>Yes</label>
<label for="No"><input type="radio" name='Market Manager Approval' value="No" id='mmDenied' onmouseover="tooltip.show('Approval from the Market Manager associated with the supplier is required before any requests can be submitted/processed.', 200);" onmouseout='tooltip.hide();\'>No</label>
Market Manager that supplied approval
<input type="text" name="Market Manager Name" id='mmName' onmouseover="tooltip.show('Name of Market Manager who has approved the request',200);" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();" onfocus='this.value=fieldFocus(this);' onblur='this.value=asteriskize(this);'>
Effective Date of Currency Change
<input type="text" size="10" name="Effective Date of Currency Change" id="dateBox" onblur="this.value=asteriskize(this);" onmouseover="tooltip.show('Please click to select the date from which this change should be effective.', 200);" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();"
<table id="supplierTbl">
<th class='tableheader' align='center' colspan=3>Partner Info</th>
Vendor ID
<input type='text' name='AccountingVendorID' id='accountingVendorID' onfocus='this.value=fieldFocus(this);' onblur='this.value=asteriskize(this);' onmouseover="tooltip.show('Vendor ID of supplier.', 200);" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();" onkeypress="return valNum(event);">
<input type='text' name='SampleID1' id='SampeID2' onfocus='this.value=fieldFocus(this);' onblur='this.value=asteriskize(this);' onmouseover="tooltip.show('Also referred to as the EID.', 200);" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();" onkeypress="return valNum(event);">
Partner Name
<input type='text' name='Supplier Name' id='supplierName' onfocus='this.value=fieldFocus(this);' onblur='this.value=asteriskize(this);' onmouseover="tooltip.show('Name of the supplier.', 200);" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();">
<input type='text' name='City Name' id='cityName' onfocus='this.value=fieldFocus(this);' onblur='this.value=asteriskize(this);' onmouseover="tooltip.show('City in which the supplier is located.', 200);" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();">
<table id='currencyTbl'>
<th class='tableheader' align='center' colspan=3>Currency</th>
Current Currency:
<input type="text" name="Current PeopleSoft Currency" id='currentCurr' onmouseover="tooltip.show('Current Currency',200);" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();" onfocus='this.value=fieldFocus(this);' onblur='this.value=asteriskize(this);'>
Desired Currency:
<select name='Desired Currency' id='desiredCurr' onmouseover="tooltip.show('New Currency', 200);" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();">
<th class='tableheader' id='commentsheader'>Comments</th>
<td style='height:308px;width:500px;'>
<textarea id='commentBox'></textarea>
<table id="MPIFid">
<div id="scontent" class="body-content"></div>
<td width='920px'>
<button type='button' id='submitButtonid' class='submitbutton' onclick='sendItOff();'>Submit</button>
<button type='button' id='cancelButtonid' class='cancelbutton' onclick='confirmCancel();'>Cancel</button>
<script language='javascript'>
var SList = new Object(); // JS object declaration that stores data for options
var txtsl2 = 'Select Payment Method (If EFT, select MPIF Country/Language combination): ';
Information that populates in dropbox 2 from the dropbox 1.
Could be potential spot for Basecamp function call once created.
SList.slist2 = {
"United_States": ['Card', 'EFT - US/English'],
"Italy": ['Card', 'EFT - IT/English','EFT - IT/Italian'],
"Greece": ['Card', 'EFT - GR/English', 'EFT - GR/Greek']
Object that stores content after 2nd dropbox selection.
SList.scontent = {
"EFT - US/English": '**Please have the partner submit a form through the following link**: LINK',
"EFT - IT/Italian": '**Please have the partner submit an MPIF form through the following link**: LINK',
"EFT - IT/English": '**Please have the partner submit an MPIF form through the following link**: LINK',
"EFT - GR/English": '**Please have the partner submit an MPIF form through the following link**: LINK',
"EFT - GR/Greek": '**Please have the partner submit an MPIF form through the following link**: LINK',
// function to get the dropdown list, or content
SList.getSelect = function(slist, option) {
document.getElementById('scontent').innerHTML = ''; // empty option-content
if (SList[slist][option]) {
// if option from the last Select, add text-content, else, set dropdown list
if (slist === 'scontent') document.getElementById('scontent').innerHTML = SList[slist][option];
else if (slist === 'slist2') {
var addata = '<option>- - -</option>';
for (var i = 0; i < SList[slist][option].length; i++) {
addata += '<option value="' + SList[slist][option][i] + '">' + SList[slist][option][i] + '</option>';
document.getElementById('slist2').innerHTML = txtsl2 + '<select name="slist2" onchange="SList.getSelect(\'scontent\', this.value); check_dd();">' + addata + '></select>';
} else if (slist === 'slist2') {
// empty the tag for 2n
document.getElementById('slist2').innerHTML = '';
// drops the form data down after 2nd selection
function check_dd() {
if(document.getElementById('slist2').value === "- - -") {
document.getElementById('test').style.display = 'none';
} else {
document.getElementById('test').style.display = 'block';
1)现在的页面将完美运行。 2)页面会有一些CSS问题,但javascript仍然有效。 3)页面根本不起作用。
当页面根本无法运行时,Chrome中的控制台会显示错误Error: Uncaught ReferenceError: SList is not definedListPicker._handleMouseUp @ about:blank:510
请帮忙!! :)
答案 0 :(得分:0)