我正在编写自动化脚本,因为我需要每天运行16个独立分组技能的报告,为期6个月。该脚本有效,但有一个问题。它将运行63次迭代(即在16 = 48 + 15 = 63时为3天)。在第15个循环(第63次整体迭代)之后,它会给出一个错误:“microsoft excel正在等待另一个应用程序完成一个OLE操作”在我看来,虽然我很容易出错,但我要么重载一个变量或者可能没有完全关闭CMS方面的东西。它是第63次迭代(64-1)的事实似乎非常可疑,但我不确定在变量发生时我可能会超载。我没有任何8位变量(除非我遗漏了一些东西)。此外,我应该指出,在运行宏之后,我无法在不重新启动的情况下手动重新登录CMS应用程序,所以我的预感是我没有完全关闭某些内容,并且可能对允许的实例数量有限制在CMS中。我包含了下面的脚本,除了出于安全原因删除了技能,服务器地址,用户名和密码的名称。任何帮助将不胜感激。
Public Sub Single_CMS_Report_Extract()
On Error Resume Next
' Add the files specified below to the References section:
' Tools -> References -> Browse to the CMS directory,
' e.g.: "C:\Program Files\Avaya\CMS Supervisor R14"
Dim cmsApplication As ACSUP.cvsApplication 'acsApp.exe
Dim cmsServer As ACSUPSRV.cvsServer 'acsSRV.exe
Dim cmsConnection As ACSCN.cvsConnection 'cvsconn.dll
Dim cmsCatalog As ACSCTLG.cvsCatalog 'cvsctlg.dll
Dim cmsReport As Object 'ACSREP.cvsReport 'acsRep.exe
Dim myLog As String, myPass As String, myServer As String
Dim reportPath As String, reportName As String, reportPrompt(1 To 2, 1 To 3) As String
Dim exportPath As String, exportName As String
Dim StartRunTime, EndRunTime As Date
Dim DayToRun, EndDate As Date
Dim Skill(1 To 16) As String
MsgBox ("Please ensure CMS open and logged in prior to continuing")
StartRunTime = Now
'Start Date
DayToRun = "12/16/2015"
'End Date
EndDate = "12/21/2015"
Skill(1) = "XXXXXXXX"
Skill(2) = "XXXXXXXX"
Skill(3) = "XXXXXXXX"
Skill(4) = "XXXXXXXX"
Skill(5) = "XXXXXXXX"
Skill(6) = "XXXXXXXX"
Skill(7) = "XXXXXXXX"
Skill(8) = "XXXXXXXX"
Skill(9) = "XXXXXXXX"
Skill(10) = "XXXXXXXX"
Skill(11) = "XXXXXXXX"
Skill(12) = "XXXXXXXX"
Skill(13) = "XXXXXXXX"
Skill(14) = "XXXXXXXX"
Skill(15) = "XXXXXXXX"
Skill(16) = "XXXXXXXX"
While DayToRun < (EndDate + 1)
For i = 1 To 16
' Assigns Variables
myLog = "myuser"
myPass = "mypass"
myServer = "xx.xx.xx.xx"
'reportPath is the tab and "Category" that the report is found in Avaya
reportPath = "Historical\Split/Skill\"
reportName = "Summary Interval"
'list of input names requested.....
reportPrompt(1, 1) = "Split/Skill"
reportPrompt(1, 2) = "Date"
reportPrompt(1, 3) = "Times"
'list of responses being used for input
reportPrompt(2, 1) = Skill(i)
reportPrompt(2, 2) = DayToRun
reportPrompt(2, 3) = "00:00-23:30"
'path and name of exported report file
exportPath = "H:\Avaya data\"
If i <> 5 Then
exportName = Month(DayToRun) & "-" & Day(DayToRun) & "-" & Skill(i) & ".csv"
exportName = Month(DayToRun) & "-" & Day(DayToRun) & "- DL-Toll Free" & ".csv"
End If
' Open the CMS Application, launches acsApp.exe
' If a CMS Supervisor console is already open,
' the existing acsApp.exe is used.
Set cmsApplication = CreateObject("ACSUP.cvsApplication")
Set cmsServer = CreateObject("ACSUPSRV.cvsServer")
Set cmsConnection = CreateObject("ACSCN.cvsConnection")
cmsConnection.bAutoRetry = True
' Connetsc to the server, launches acsSRV.exe & ACSTrans.exe (2x)
If cmsApplication.CreateServer(myLog, myPass, "", myServer, False, "ENU", cmsServer, cmsConnection) Then
If cmsConnection.login(myLog, myPass, myServer, "ENU", "", False) Then
End If
End If
' Gets collection of Reports available on cmsServer
Set cmsCatalog = cmsServer.Reports
If cmsServer.Connected = False Then cmsServer.Reports.ACD = 1
' Sets parameters for report, launches ACSRep.exe (2x)
cmsCatalog.CreateReport cmsCatalog.Reports.Item(reportPath & reportName), cmsReport
If cmsReport.SetProperty(reportPrompt(1, 1), reportPrompt(2, 1)) And cmsReport.SetProperty(reportPrompt(1, 2), reportPrompt(2, 2)) And cmsReport.SetProperty(reportPrompt(1, 3), reportPrompt(2, 3)) Then
End If
' Runs report and extracts results --- the 44 is the field delimiter
cmsReport.ExportData exportPath & exportName, 44, 0, False, False, True
' Kills active report & server
If Not cmsServer.Interactive Then
cmsServer.ActiveTasks.Remove cmsReport.TaskID
cmsApplication.Servers.Remove cmsServer.ServerKey
End If
' Logs out
cmsServer.Connected = False
' Releases objects
Set cmsReport = Nothing
Set cmsCatalog = Nothing
Set cmsConnection = Nothing
Set cmsServer = Nothing
Set cmsApplication = Nothing
i = Nothing
DayToRun = DateAdd("d", 1, DayToRun)
EndRunTime = Now
MsgBox ("Run-time = " & Minute(EndRunTime - StartRunTime) & ":" & Second(EndRunTime - StartRunTime))
End Sub