而且"很少"它实际上会再次停止工作几次。给设备一个硬重置似乎也解决了这个问题。网络连接通过本地局域网。与服务器的连接稳定。我在visual studio中的本地计算机上运行API的副本,请求成功运行。
我试图回归到cordova 5.1.1和cordova-plugin-file-transfer 1.3.0和1.2.0以查看它是否与我使用的版本有关。
我可能已经削减了自己试图为Windows Phone 8.1进行流血的尝试
var uploader = new Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.BackgroundUploader();
uploader.createUploadAsync(uri, transferParts).then(function(result) {
var uploadOperation = upload.startAsync();
fileTransferOps[uploadId].promise = uploadOperation;
uploadOperation.then(successFunc, errorFunc);
}, errorCallBack);
编辑: 我已经为此操作设置了超时,以便在25秒后中止,这样做。在所有其他(iOS / Android 4.2 / 5.x)设备上,这是即时的。由于某些原因,Windows Phone的速度并不慢,因为请求的时间超过60分钟。也许BackgroundUploader()默默地失败......将会研究这个。
Edit2:在此处提交了错误报告:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-10254 我试图帮助解决这个问题的其他方法是禁用时间和日期的同步,重新启动设备,它就像一个魅力......一会儿。进一步调试表明我的所有请求都已取消或待处理。
$scope.album = {
uploadPhotos: function (photos) {
var promises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < photos.length; i++) {
// Windows phone doesn't work so we have to add a dirty workaround, as usual.
if (ionic.Platform.isWindowsPhone()) {
photos[i] = "cdvfile://localhost/persistent/" + decodeURIComponent(photos[i].split("/").pop());
var scannInvoice = parseToBool($localstorage.get("remindInvoiceScan")) ? 1 : 0;
promises.push($cordovaFileTransfer.upload("***HTTP Development/HTTPS Production***", photos[i], {
fileKey: "file",
fileName: photos[i].split("/").pop(),
httpMethod: "POST",
timeout: 25000,
chunkedMode: false,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
// mimeType: "image/png",
params: { 'scannInvoice': scannInvoice },
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Token ' + $settings.accesstoken }
}).then(function (result) {
}, function (err) {
$logService.handleException("PhotoCtrl", "Afbeelding is niet geupload", "Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden.", err, true, false, true, true);
} // Some $q.all call comes here that handles everything.
FileTransfer.prototype.upload = function(filePath, server, successCallback, errorCallback, options, trustAllHosts) {
argscheck.checkArgs('ssFFO*', 'FileTransfer.upload', arguments);
// check for options
var fileKey = null;
var fileName = null;
var mimeType = null;
var params = null;
var chunkedMode = true;
var headers = null;
var httpMethod = null;
var basicAuthHeader = getBasicAuthHeader(server);
if (basicAuthHeader) {
server = server.replace(getUrlCredentials(server) + '@', '');
options = options || {};
options.headers = options.headers || {};
options.headers[basicAuthHeader.name] = basicAuthHeader.value;
if (options) {
fileKey = options.fileKey;
fileName = options.fileName;
mimeType = options.mimeType;
headers = options.headers;
httpMethod = options.httpMethod || "POST";
if (httpMethod.toUpperCase() == "PUT"){
httpMethod = "PUT";
} else {
httpMethod = "POST";
if (options.chunkedMode !== null || typeof options.chunkedMode != "undefined") {
chunkedMode = options.chunkedMode;
if (options.params) {
params = options.params;
else {
params = {};
if (cordova.platformId === "windowsphone") {
headers = headers && convertHeadersToArray(headers);
params = params && convertHeadersToArray(params);
var fail = errorCallback && function(e) {
var error = new FileTransferError(e.code, e.source, e.target, e.http_status, e.body, e.exception);
var self = this;
var win = function(result) {
if (typeof result.lengthComputable != "undefined") {
if (self.onprogress) {
} else {
successCallback && successCallback(result);
exec(win, fail, 'FileTransfer', 'upload', [filePath, server, fileKey, fileName, mimeType, params, trustAllHosts, chunkedMode, headers, this._id, httpMethod]);
中module.exports = {
exec(win, fail, 'FileTransfer', 'upload',
[filePath, server, fileKey, fileName, mimeType, params, trustAllHosts, chunkedMode, headers, this._id, httpMethod]);
upload:function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
var filePath = options[0];
var server = options[1];
var fileKey = options[2] || 'source';
var fileName = options[3];
var mimeType = options[4];
var params = options[5];
// var trustAllHosts = options[6]; // todo
// var chunkedMode = options[7]; // todo
var headers = options[8] || {};
var uploadId = options[9];
if (!filePath || (typeof filePath !== 'string')) {
errorCallback(new FTErr(FTErr.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR,null,server));
if (filePath.substr(0, 8) === "file:///") {
filePath = appData.localFolder.path + filePath.substr(8).split("/").join("\\");
} else if (filePath.indexOf('ms-appdata:///') === 0) {
// Handle 'ms-appdata' scheme
filePath = filePath.replace('ms-appdata:///local', appData.localFolder.path)
.replace('ms-appdata:///temp', appData.temporaryFolder.path);
// normalize path separators
filePath = cordovaPathToNative(filePath);
// Create internal download operation object
fileTransferOps[uploadId] = new FileTransferOperation(FileTransferOperation.PENDING, null);
.then(function (storageFile) {
if(!fileName) {
fileName = storageFile.name;
if(!mimeType) {
// use the actual content type of the file, probably this should be the default way.
// other platforms probably can't look this up.
mimeType = storageFile.contentType;
// check if download isn't already cancelled
var uploadOp = fileTransferOps[uploadId];
if (uploadOp && uploadOp.state === FileTransferOperation.CANCELLED) {
// Here we should call errorCB with ABORT_ERR error
errorCallback(new FTErr(FTErr.ABORT_ERR, nativePathToCordova(filePath), server));
// setting request headers for uploader
var uploader = new Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.BackgroundUploader();
for (var header in headers) {
if (headers.hasOwnProperty(header)) {
uploader.setRequestHeader(header, headers[header]);
// adding params supplied to request payload
var transferParts = [];
for (var key in params) {
if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var contentPart = new Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.BackgroundTransferContentPart();
contentPart.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "form-data; name=\"" + key + "\"");
// Adding file to upload to request payload
var fileToUploadPart = new Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.BackgroundTransferContentPart(fileKey, fileName);
// create download object. This will throw an exception if URL is malformed
var uri = new Windows.Foundation.Uri(server);
try {
uploader.createUploadAsync(uri, transferParts).then(
function (upload) {
// update internal TransferOperation object with newly created promise
var uploadOperation = upload.startAsync();
fileTransferOps[uploadId].promise = uploadOperation;
function (result) {
// Update TransferOperation object with new state, delete promise property
// since it is not actual anymore
var currentUploadOp = fileTransferOps[uploadId];
if (currentUploadOp) {
currentUploadOp.state = FileTransferOperation.DONE;
currentUploadOp.promise = null;
var response = result.getResponseInformation();
var ftResult = new FileUploadResult(result.progress.bytesSent, response.statusCode, '');
// if server's response doesn't contain any data, then resolve operation now
if (result.progress.bytesReceived === 0) {
// otherwise create a data reader, attached to response stream to get server's response
var reader = new Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader(result.getResultStreamAt(0));
reader.loadAsync(result.progress.bytesReceived).then(function (size) {
ftResult.response = reader.readString(size);
function (error) {
var source = nativePathToCordova(filePath);
// Handle download error here.
// Wrap this routines into promise due to some async methods
var getTransferError = new WinJS.Promise(function(resolve) {
if (error.message === 'Canceled') {
// If download was cancelled, message property will be specified
resolve(new FTErr(FTErr.ABORT_ERR, source, server, null, null, error));
} else {
// in the other way, try to get response property
var response = upload.getResponseInformation();
if (!response) {
resolve(new FTErr(FTErr.CONNECTION_ERR, source, server));
} else {
var reader = new Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader(upload.getResultStreamAt(0));
reader.loadAsync(upload.progress.bytesReceived).then(function (size) {
var responseText = reader.readString(size);
resolve(new FTErr(FTErr.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR, source, server, response.statusCode, responseText, error));
// Update TransferOperation object with new state, delete promise property
// since it is not actual anymore
var currentUploadOp = fileTransferOps[uploadId];
if (currentUploadOp) {
currentUploadOp.state = FileTransferOperation.CANCELLED;
currentUploadOp.promise = null;
// Cleanup, remove incompleted file
getTransferError.then(function(transferError) {
storageFile.deleteAsync().then(function() {
function (evt) {
var progressEvent = new ProgressEvent('progress', {
loaded: evt.progress.bytesSent,
total: evt.progress.totalBytesToSend,
target: evt.resultFile
progressEvent.lengthComputable = true;
successCallback(progressEvent, { keepCallback: true });
function (err) {
var errorObj = new FTErr(FTErr.INVALID_URL_ERR);
errorObj.exception = err;
} catch (e) {
errorCallback(new FTErr(FTErr.INVALID_URL_ERR));
}, function(err) {
errorCallback(new FTErr(FTErr.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR, server, server, null, null, err));
Windows Phone 8.1, Nokia Lumia 520
"cordova-cli": "5.4.1"
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