
时间:2015-12-22 14:56:28

标签: r regression lm


using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(path))
    while (reader.ReadToFollowing("trkpt")) // advance the reader to the next trkpt element
        List<double> coordinates = Coordinates(reader);
        double lat = coordinates[0];
        double lon = coordinates[1];
        reader.ReadToFollowing("ele"); // reader.Read() might work here, depending on what state Coordinates left the reader in
        double ele = GetEle(reader);
        DateTime date = GetDate(reader);
        reader.ReadToFollowing("extensions"); // note: it's not clear what GetSpeed and GetAzimuth need - do they expect the reader to be on the extensions element or the gte:gps element?
        float speed = GetSpeed(reader);
        float azimuth = GetAzimuth(reader);
        GPXDataObject gpxDataObject = new GPXDataObject(lat, lon, ele, date, speed, azimuth);

(列 x y + - y )。


2000  0.2084272   0.002067834
2500  0.207078125 0.001037248
3000  0.2054202   0.001959138
3500  0.203488075 0.000328942
4000  0.2013152   0.000646088
4500  0.198933825 0.001375657
5000  0.196375    0.000908696
5500  0.193668575 0.00014721
6000  0.1908432   0.000526976
6500  0.187926325 0.001217318
7000  0.1849442   0.000556495
7500  0.181921875 0.000401883
8000  0.1788832   0.001446992
8500  0.175850825 0.001235017
9000  0.1728462   0.001676249
9500  0.169889575 0.001011735
10000 0.167       0.000326678


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

由于因变量中的测量误差与自变量不相关,估计的系数是无偏的,但标准误差太小。这是我使用的参考(第1页和第2页): http://people.stfx.ca/tleo/econ370term2lec4.pdf



# initialize dataset
df <- data.frame(
        x = c(2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,4500,5000,5500,6000,6500,7000,7500,8000,8500,9000,9500,10000),
        y = c(0.2084272,0.207078125,0.2054202,0.203488075,0.2013152,0.198933825, 0.196375,0.193668575, 0.1908432, 0.187926325,   0.1849442,   0.181921875, 0.1788832, 0.175850825, 0.1728462,0.169889575,  0.167),
        y.err = c(0.002067834, 0.001037248,  0.001959138, 0.000328942, 0.000646088, 0.001375657, 0.000908696, 0.00014721, 0.000526976, 0.001217318, 0.000556495, 0.000401883, 0.001446992, 0.001235017, 0.001676249, 0.001011735, 0.000326678)


#  model regression
model <- lm(y~x, data = df)

#  get the variance of the measurement error
#  thanks to: http://schools-wikipedia.org/wp/v/Variance.htm
#  law of total variance
pooled.var.y.err <- mean((df$y.err)^2) + var((df$y.err)^2)

# get variance of beta from model
#   thanks to: http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/44838/how-are-the-standard-errors-of-coefficients-calculated-in-a-regression
X <- cbind(1, df$x)
#     (if you add more variables to the model you need to modify the following line)
var.betaHat <- anova(model)[[3]][2] * solve(t(X) %*% X) 

# add betaHat variance to measurement error variance
var.betaHat.adj <- var.betaHat + pooled.var.y.err

# calculate adjusted standard errors 

# compare to un-adjusted standard errors