CucumberJS - 错误:在Timer.listOnTimeout(timers.js:92:15)5000毫秒后步进超时

时间:2015-12-22 06:27:56

标签: javascript timer cucumberjs

我是tigerjs的新手,只是尝试了第一次尝试运行功能。我已经构建了cucumber-js github page上的功能。尝试运行它时出现此错误:


Benjamins-MBP:功能Ben $ cucumber.js example.feature功能:   示例功能


作为cucumber.js的用户,我想要有黄瓜的文档   这样我就可以专注于构建出色的应用程序


场景:阅读文档#   example.feature:6       鉴于我在Cucumber.js GitHub存储库#StepDefinitions / myStepDefinition.js:4         错误:步骤在5000毫秒后超时             在Timer.listOnTimeout(timers.js:92:15)       当我转到README文件#StepDefinitions / myStepDefinition.js:15       然后我应该看到“Usage”作为页面标题#StepDefinitions / myStepDefinition.js:22





如果这是黄瓜-js github页面上的示例功能,那么尝试使这个功能通过会怎么做?所以可能不正确?


    // features/step_definitions/myStepDefinitions.js

module.exports = function () {
  this.Given(/^I am on the Cucumber.js GitHub repository$/, function (callback) {
    // Express the regexp above with the code you wish you had.
    // `this` is set to a World instance.
    // i.e. you may use this.browser to execute the step:

    this.visit('', callback);

    // The callback is passed to visit() so that when the job's finished, the next step can
    // be executed by Cucumber.

  this.When(/^I go to the README file$/, function (callback) {
    // Express the regexp above with the code you wish you had. Call callback() at the end
    // of the step, or callback.pending() if the step is not yet implemented:


  this.Then(/^I should see "(.*)" as the page title$/, function (title, callback) {
    // matching groups are passed as parameters to the step definition

    var pageTitle = this.browser.text('title');
    if (title === pageTitle) {
    } else {
      callback(new Error("Expected to be on page with title " + title));


Feature: Example feature
  As a user of cucumber.js
  I want to have documentation on cucumber
  So that I can concentrate on building awesome applications

  Scenario: Reading documentation
    Given I am on the Cucumber.js GitHub repository
    When I go to the README file
    Then I should see "Usage" as the page title


// features/support/world.js
var zombie = require('zombie');
function World() {
  this.browser = new zombie(); // this.browser will be available in step definitions

  this.visit = function (url, callback) {
    this.browser.visit(url, callback);

module.exports = function() {
  this.World = World;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)


<强> protractor.conf.js

cucumberOpts: {
    require: [
    format: 'pretty', // or summary
    keepAlive: false

<强> env.js

var configure = function () {
    this.setDefaultTimeout(60 * 1000);

module.exports = configure;


<强> test.feature

Feature: test
    I want test wait

    Scenario: Test call wait
        Given I wait "6" seconds

<强> main.step.js

module.exports = function () {
    this.World = require(__base +'tests/e2e/support/world.js').World;

    // I wait "{time}" seconds
    this.Given(/^I wait "?([^"]*)"? seconds$/, function (time) {
        return browser.sleep(time * 1000);


<强> world.js

var World, chai, chaiAsPromised;

chai             = require('chai');
chai_as_promised = require('chai-as-promised');

World = function World (callback) {

    this.expect = chai.expect;


module.exports.World = World;

答案 1 :(得分:4)


defineSupportCode(function({Given, When, Then, setDefaultTimeout}) {

    setDefaultTimeout(60 * 1000);

    Given('I am on the Cucumber.js GitHub repository', function() {

Refer to this part of the doc

答案 2 :(得分:3)



this.Given(/^I am on the Cucumber.js GitHub repository$/, function () {
  // Notice how `callback` is omitted from the parameters
  return this.visit('');

  // A promise, returned by zombie.js's `visit` method is returned to Cucumber.