我需要检查单元格中的一些小的拼写更改。 如何比较两个单元格值并获得几乎相等的值。 说如果只有一个字符缺失,如“jordan120”和“jordn120”。 如何使用宏获取这些值? 我有两种情况完全匹配并几乎匹配。
Sub Changes()
Dim chang, currentdest, presource As Worksheet
Dim precount, currentcount, prelstrow, currentlstrow, rowno, rownow, rownow1 As Integer
Dim somstrng, somstrng1, predept, currentdept, pregrade, currentgrade, convertion As String
Dim table5, cellfound As Range
Set chang = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Change")
Set presource = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Previous")
Set currentdest = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Current")
precds = presource.Range("A" & precount).Value
rownow = .Columns("A:A").Find(What:=precds, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=True, SearchFormat:=True).Row
Set table5 = currentdest.Range("A:C")
With chang
falsval = Application.VLookup(precds, table5, 1, True)
End With